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An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 3260
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Chapter: 3260

“The balance has been paid to the village chief, and the camel team is ready.” Uncle Wang

lowered his head and replied.

“Very good, let’s inform everyone and ask everyone to hurry up and rest in the hotel for

two hours. We will set off in the early morning.” Li Qingcheng gave the order.

“Yes!” Uncle Wang responded and left quickly.

Two hours later.

A long line of camels, carrying various supplies, broke into the desert of death.

The day and night in the Death Desert are completely two extremes.

The weather was very cold at night, and the cold wind blew so hard that my face hurt.

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During the day, it becomes extremely hot, like being roasted on a fire.

Crack an egg on the rocks and it’ll be cooked in a minute.

Most people simply cannot stand this extreme environment of alternating hot and cold


Even if sufficient supplies are prepared, they can barely meet survival needs. The real test

is a person’s willpower and the b*dy’s ability to withstand stress.Scientists First Thought They

Were Statues

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Lu Chen, Li Qingcheng and his party followed the map drawn by Feng Yao and moved

forward at a constant speed.

From dusk to dawn, from dawn to dusk.

Due to the large number of people, the team did not move very fast. Fortunately, because

Li Qingcheng was well prepared and the people he led this time were elites, even if they

encountered some minor troubles, they could be solved quickly.

At night, the moon is dark and the wind is high.

Li Qingcheng commanded the team, selected a suitable location, and began to set up


Scientists First Thought They

Were Statues

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After traveling for so long, everyone is already exhausted physically and mentally. They

need a good rest tonight to regain their strength.

After the tent was pitched, Li Qingcheng first ordered the chef to start cooking.

Two top chefs, plus a dozen back-of-house chefs, quickly started to get busy.

More than a hundred people were also eager to see through it.

Although the two-day trip to the desert was hard, it was so refreshing to be able to eat a

delicious meal and drink a few sips of wine when I was tired.

In a big tent.

Scientists First Thought They

Were Statues

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