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An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1062
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Chapter 1062

“The Warrior Goddess Hongying has arrived!”

As the clear, feminine voice echoed, a hush fell over the entire scene.

Every eye turned towards the gate, fixated.

Soon, bathed in the spotlight, a woman in a crimson gown strolled in, a verdant-edged longsword in


With her short silver hair and features that could grace a coin, her beauty was nothing short of


Her every movement exuded a sense of heroism, a regal and commanding presence.

And those eyes, distant and composed, bore a hint of haughtiness.

Like a deity gazing down upon mortal souls.

The one who had arrived was the preeminent female Warrior Goddess in the Dragon Kingdom—



After a brief pause, the entire place erupted.

“Scarlet, the Warrior Goddess! It truly is her!”

“Goodness! Who would have thought that even the renowned Scarlet, the Warrior Goddess, would

grace us with her presence? Today is a day to remember!”

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“It’s said that the Crimson Tassel, the Warrior Goddess, is an otherworldly beauty, a peerless

enchantress. Witnessing her now, she lives up to the legend!”

“She’s so resplendent! So imperious! Truly befitting the mightiest female Warrior Goddess in our

Dragon Kingdom!”


Seeing Scarlet draw near, everyone was awestruck and electrified.

Never in their wildest dreams did they imagine they would encounter the famed Scarlet, the Warrior

Goddess, here.

This was a heavyweight who stood atop the Dragon Kingdom!

The goddess enshrined in millions of hearts!

A being who could truly hold the heavens in her palm!

She was the idol and source of pride for nearly every woman! Before, glimpses of the Warrior Goddess

Scarlet were confined to TV screens.

But now, to behold her in person was a tremendous honour!

In this moment, no one dared to put a foot wrong; they all stood in place, reverent.

Amidst their awe and trepidation, there was also bewilderment.

After all, a figure of Scarlet’s stature seldom made public appearances, preferring to reside at the


So, why had she suddenly appeared here?

Who commanded enough influence to invite the Warrior Goddess Scarlet?

“Fantastic! Even the Warrior Goddess is here! Now, my lad is truly saved!”

Following the astonishment, Jacob was oddly elated, as though he’d glimpsed his saviour.

“I never imagined that Dustin held such sway that even the Warrior Goddess Scarlet would attend. We,

the Kate family, are truly blessed!”

“Dustin is indeed the pride of our clan. Even the Warrior Goddess Scarlet esteems him highly. He will

undoubtedly ascend to the pinnacle!”

“Our Kate family has birthed a dragon!”

Every member of the Kate family, led by Trent, erupted in cheers and jubilation.

It was akin to laying eyes on a ladder to the heavens. Ascend it, and you’d reach the sky directly!

“Boy! The Warrior Goddess Scarlet has graced us; your fate is sealed!”

Trent fixed his gaze on Dustin, sneering repeatedly, as if at a condemned man.

“Hmph! Before the Warrior Goddess Scarlet, even a martial arts savant can but await his demise!”

Kate crossed her arms, projecting an air of aloofness and pride.

“The one called Dustin! I extended an olive branch, but you proved ungrateful. Regret now, and it is too


Jacob’s spirits soared, his countenance radiant.

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“A mountain towering over mountains. This lad is finally cornered!”

Dylan let out a long breath, his heart unusually serene.

“Hmph! Let’s see how you fare in PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds!”

Ye Lei’s lips curled, a hint of adding insult to injury in her demeanor.

“Hahaha… Dustin, Dustin, what does it avail you to lead the Qilin Gang? To be a martial arts virtuoso?

In the presence of the Warrior Goddess of War, even if you scaled the heavens, death would still claim

you! Aspire to my demise? Seek the next life!” Cao Yiming laughed maniacally, exuding a newfound

confidence and glory.

Moments ago, he’d been resigned to despair, but Scarlet’s arrival rekindled his hope and restored his


Dustin, admittedly formidable, and his reputation as a young master were certainly not inconsequential.

But they paled in comparison to Scarlet.

As the Dragon Kingdom’s foremost female war deity, her talents extended beyond merely leading

troops into battle. Her personal prowess was nothing short of formidable.

Across the Dragon Kingdom, among her contemporaries, she was peerless.

Legend had it that at the tender age of eighteen, Scarlet attained mastery in martial arts.

After countless years on the battlefield, she’d been tested, claiming the lives of no fewer than five

masterful adversaries. Her might exceeded all expectation!

Such a singular presence— who could oppose her?