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An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1009
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Chapter 1009

The martial artists immediately changed direction and gathered once again at the battlefield.

“Could there still be a chance?”

Jan Crane, Alexander Cheng, and Jason Edwards exchanged glances and then turned back, leading

their respective forces in the same direction.

For a moment, the major forces and sects all returned.

However, when they arrived at the battlefield, they were astonished to find that Ronald Reeds and

Dustin were actually fighting each other.

The martial world’s leader was engaged in a fierce battle with the young martial master, and both sides

were fighting for their lives.

What was going on?

Weren’t they on the same side?

Why were they staking their lives against each other?

Everyone looked at each other in confusion.

“Help! Help!”

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At this moment, cries for help rang out in the distance.

Everyone turned their heads in the direction of the cries and saw Abigail desperately pleading for help

while holding her seriously injured father, Edmund Robinson. Tears were streaming down her face.

“Please, please save my dad! I’ll kowtow to all of you!”

Seeing that no one was responding, Abigail knelt down directly and began kowtowing frantically.

At this moment, Edmund Robinson’s face was pale, blood was flowing continuously from his abdomen,

and fresh blood was spurting from his mouth and nose. He looked as if he could die at any moment.

The martial artists watched coldly, showing no reaction.

Only Azalea attempted to help Edmund Robinson, trying to save his life, but her true energy was

limited, and she couldn’t do much.

“All members of the Martial Alliance, listen up!”

At this moment, Ronald Reeds’s majestic voice suddenly resounded through the sky, “Edmund

Robinson has been corrupted by evil spirit and has fallen into the demonic path. He must be killed for

the greater good! Whoever can slay the demon and eliminate the evil will be richly rewarded by me!”

This statement caused a commotion in the crowd.

“What? Edmund Robinson has fallen into the demonic path? Is it related to the poison gas from


“Leader Ronald has given the order, so it must be true. Those who fall into the demonic path must be

eliminated, or there will be endless trouble!”

“That’s right! Eliminating demons and upholding justice is the duty of us righteous martial artists!”

After a brief commotion, everyone drew their weapons and stared with eager anticipation.

They had an air of righteousness as if they were acting on behalf of heaven.

“Nonsense! Ronald Reeds is talking nonsense!”

Abigail protested vehemently, “It’s him! It’s him who attacked my father to steal the Sky Spirit Orb. He is

the real villain!”

“Insolence! You and your father are in cahoots and dare to slander our leader?!”

Ronald Reeds’s voice rang out again, “All martial artists, listen to my orders! Kill these demonic

evildoers! Whoever eliminates the demons will be rewarded with the knowledge of my lifelong martial

arts and will be appointed as an elder of the Martial Alliance!”

“Knowledge of lifelong martial arts?”

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“Appointed as an elder of the Martial Alliance?”

Hearing these words, everyone’s composure instantly disappeared.

Their breathing became rapid, and their eyes gleamed with greed.

Obtaining the teachings of the martial world’s leader was an incredible opportunity, more valuable than

any treasure!

And the position of an elder in the Martial Alliance was like reaching the sky in one step, with a

reputation that would shake the entire Balermo!

To them, regardless of right or wrong, killing Edmund Robinson and the others now seemed to be a

matter of life and death!

“Don’t believe him! He’s lying!”

“My dad hasn’t fallen into the demonic path! We are not demonic evildoers!”

Abigail was frantic, trying to explain herself.

“Kill! Kill them!”

“Slay the demons and uphold justice!”

The crowd’s eyes turned red, and they paid no attention to explanations, rushing forward one after


They were like hungry wolves seeing fresh flesh and blood, fierce and greedy.