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Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna

Chapter 77
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Chapter 77
Bella paced around her study, her frustration palpable in every step. The heated exchange with the person on the other end of
the line reverberated through the room.
‘No, no, no! I already sent you money just last week. I won’t be sending any more!” Bella barked into the phone, her voice
echoing with a mix of anger and exasperation. The weight. of financial strain and emotional exhaustion marked her words.
“Listen, you drunk,” she seethed,
For weeks, Gabriel had been a persistent drain on Bella’s resources. His unwanted visit to her office weeks ago had marked the
beginning of a troubling pattern, a cycle of incessant demands that grated on Bella’s nerves.
Bella, who reluctantly agreed, had been providing him with a fixed sum to maintain his silence, but the situation was escalating.
His demands grew more incessant.
It wasn’t that Bella lacked the means to accommodate his requests, but Gabriel’s incessant requests were beginning to wear on
her patience. Each demand seemed to exceed the last, be would call her randomly demanding money before the agreed time.
“Money he would waste on booze and drugs,” Bella mused. bitterly.
That evening, Bella had returned home earlier hoping to unwind and relax. Having just finished a shower, Bella, still drying her
hair, retreated to her study as the notifications from him flashed on her phone screen. She hesitated, contemplating whether to
respond or ignore, the decision hanging in the air like a weighty dilemma. As the phone buzzed persistently, she felt the tension
rise, the impending call from Gabriel serving as a sign of a turbulent storm she would rather avoid
“Bella Wild,” the man at the other end slurred mockingly. He had placed an emphasis on the surname ‘Wild‘
An annoyed sigh escaped Bella’s l*ps; his persistent antics were testing the limits of her patience. The unmistakable sound of
heavy breathing reached her ears, he was definitely drunk. This wasn’t the first time he would call her in that manner..

Took you long enough to pick my calls,” he stated between hiccups, the audacity of his words adding another layer of irritation.
“Seems like you took your time.”
Bella resisted the urge to retort immediately, a deliberate pause that masked the simmering frustration within her.
“What do you want?!” She hissed, her patience waning thin.
“That’s no way to talk to your benefactor,” he chuckled, his annoying laughter grating on her nerves. The room seemed to
constrict around her as she struggled to maintain composure. You can keep your facade as Mrs. Wild, thanks to me. You should
be a little more polite speaking to me, don’t you think?” he slurred, each word exacerbating her irritation. What is it?” She asked,
calmer this time, a veneer of restraint masking the seething frustration beneath.
“Well, I need money,” he stated, his demands echoing through the phone.
I sent you hundreds of thousands just last week she hissed, keeping her tone checked, mindful of the need for discretion.
“You did?” he asked, feigning surprise
To cover the financial transactions from prying eyes, Bella orchestrated a sophisticated concealment strategy. Multiple accounts
served as discreet conduits, creating a convoluted trail that defied easy detection. In a bold move, she even enrolled his name as
an artist in her exhibition – a clever masquerade designed to divert attention from the covert exchange
of funds.
“Of course, I sent you money,” she almost yelled again.
“You did, didn’t you? Yes, you did,” he chuckled, his mocking amusement grating on her

The money’s gone,” he stated, his voice turning hard and cold.
money, you know?”
“I have to stay hidden, right? No one should see me. That costs a lot of money. he asked, attempting to justify the rapid depletion
of funds.
“A hundred and eighty thousand blown off in a week?!” she thundered, the revelation igniting a spark of anger.

“What exactly do you do with so much money? she almost yelled, frustration evident in her voice.
“Hey!” The man suddenly yelled from the other end.
“Who do you think you are? Don’t sound so haughty: you’re a nob*dy like me. You need me to keep my mouth shut, right? What I
do with the money sent is none of your business.” he
stated angrily.
“I’m doing you a favor here. Giving you a chance to protect yourself. Word is, a whole lot of women would pay a pretty penny to
have you kicked out and become Mrs. Wild, you know. Plus, you’ve got so many enemies, itching to tear you apart. Think of
what would happen if I sold this information to... Miss Johnson, for instance?” he insinuated, his voice carrying a veiled threat
that hung heavy in the air.
“Miss Johnson!‘ Bella seethed, the mere mention of the woman sending a shiver down her spine. The two were entangled in a
web of longstanding animosity, and Miss Johnson had proven to be a persistent thorn in Bella’s flesh.

“Or Maverick or Mrs. Crawford?” he chuckled, his tone suggesting a malevolent delight in stirring the pot.
“Have you been keeping tabs on me?” she thundered, a surge of anger coursing through her. How did he know so much about
her business, about her enemies and competitors?
“it’s your fault for having so many enemies, anyway,” he sighed. “guess it isn’t your fault; it comes with having so much money,”
he stated callously, his laughter echoing through the
“shut up!” she yelled, a sharp retort that sliced through his wild laughter, momentarily reclaiming control over the escalating
“What? You’re the one who wanted to keep me shut with money when all I wanted was to rip Ethan to pieces. You offered me
money instead, he stated seriously resentment lingering in his voice.
Listen, send fifty thousand right now,” he instructed coldly with deadly seriousness. The amusement in his voice now completely
already sent the money. It isn’t even the end of the month yet!” she stated angrily, her frustration mounting, the fatigue of dealing
with his relentless demands evident in her
“Listen...” he was about to continue when Ethan suddenly slammed the door open, taking Bella by surprise. The sudden
intrusion left Bella startled and almost exposed.