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Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna

Chapter 64
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Chapter 64
“That doesn’t explain the eye bags,” Ethan remarked, his curiosity unabated. Axel had provided an explanation for the cuts and
scratches, but the reason for Axel’s apparent sleeplessness remained a mystery.
“It’s a husky,” Axel replied, his tone carrying a hint of irritation as if the dog itself was a
source of vexation.
“Huh?” Ethan queried, still grappling with the pieces of the puzzle.
“The breed is known for its very expressive nature,” Axel explained, though Ethan’s puzzled expression persisted.
Ethan, with minimal knowledge about dogs, remained lost in the conversation. Axel decided to elaborate further, attempting to
provide context to the challenge he faced. “The dog basically talks. Loud wailing and howling and whimpering, like it’s trying to
communicate, Axel clarified, the frustration evident in his voice.
“Okay Ethan said, nodding as he tried to comprehend the situation.
“When I’m trying to sleep.” Axel finished throwing a glare at Ethan.
Axel’s glare intensified, sensing Ethan’s amusement at the predicament. A snicker escaped Ethan, transforming quickly into a
cough when he realized Axel’s disapproval.
“So, you got a new puppy this weekend. That’s nice,” Ethan remarked, trying to steer the conversation away from the dog
“A temporal PUPPY Axel corrected again, his frustration with the canine companion evident. There is no way I’m keeping it, he
asserted firmly, emphasizing his lack of intention to turn dog owner.
“And from your obvious joy, I imagine you met with Hazel’s twins, Axel said, taking a seat and inviting Ethan to share more about
his seemingly delightful encounter..

Ethan sighed, his demeanor shifting to seriousness.
“I know what you’re going to say, Axel, that I should probably stop, but I can’t,” Ethan stated with a sense of determination.
“I looked into it, they’re not yours. I told you that, right?” Axel asked, seeking clarification. “I know,” Ethan interrupted,
acknowledging Axel’s previous disclosure and stand on the
“I guess you can’t just help doing certain things. You see something’s out of place and you can’t just help but want to reach out,
even if you can turn a blind eye to it. You just can’t help but feel this sense of helplessness and need to do something. Axel said

with a sigh, his words carrying the weight of personal reflection.
As he spoke, Axel vividly recalled the helpless feeling of having to go back to help the woman at the exhibition and picking up the
puppy he found outside, even though he didn’t particularly like dogs. In those moments, he began to understand Ethan’s actions
a little better, recognizing the intricate interplay of compassion and helplessness that often accompanied certain situations.
Human emotions and feelings were complicated and uncontrollable.
Jahan scrminized Axel, concem etched across his face as he took in the visible changes in This usually composed Assistant and
Alphas Regret Pregnant Rejected Luma.
“What happened to you?” Ethan inquired, his tone reflecting genuine worry. Axel responded with a nonchalant shrug. “Been
asking myself the same thing.” Observing Axel’s altered appearance, Ethan couldn’t help but remark, “You come back from a
weekend looking completely different. You’ve changed somehow. You’re not as prim and proper and cutthroat–looking as you
used to be mean, you’ve got a bandage on your nose and chin. You’ve got bags around your eyes. You look terrible.

Pausing for a moment, Ethan continued, “For the first time since I’ve known you in years, you look human and not robotic as you
used to be. The subtle shift in Axel’s demeanor hadn’t escaped Ethan’s keen observation.
“Hell, you even adopted a dog. Ethan exclaimed, still in shock.
“Rescued. It’s temporary until they find it a home,” Axel corrected with a touch of weariness. Ethan shrugged dismissively, “Same
As Axel found himself entangled in the complexities of emotions and the newfound responsibility of caring for a dog, Ethan
couldn’t help but notice the subtle transformation. Axel, who had always been reserved and seemingly devoid of sentiments and
emotions was now navigating the terrain of compassion and empathy.
“Let’s just leave it be,” Axel suggested wearily, the weight of his recent experiences evident in his tired tone. The surge of his
emotions had left him drained, and Axel sought respite in the silence that followed.
Ethan’s gaze bore into Axel with a profound understanding. It seemed like more changes were on the horizon for Axel, and the
decision to move out of the pack estate appeared to / be the start of this evolution.
It seemed moving out of the pack estate was a good thing. Ethan mused. Besides, Axel had never really fit into pack life. Also,
with not having a wolf...
“From the call last night, I assume you’ve devised a plan for the twins?” Axel inquired, his curiosity piqued. Ethan affirmed his
suspicion with a nod and then proceeded to elaborate on his strategies, articulating a sense of purpose in his words.
“And what about the JT project?” Axel asked.

“Hazel will be returning to work soon. There’s not much we can do at the moment. Daisy has to remain at the hospital for a few
more months,” Ethan revealed, a tinge of melancholy woven into his words.
“We located Dr. Gomez, but it still didn’t eliminate the risks, you know,
“Sorry, man,” Axel responded with a shared sense of understanding, a subtle shift from the stoic professionalism of his previous
In times past. Axel would have maintained a rigid expression, faithfully executing Ethan’s orders to the latter on a stoic note and
with precision.
But now, this Assistant was becoming more than a detached figure.
Since she’ll be there for a while, she’s sad she doesn’t get to go to school. Ethan explained. Hence the school idea, Axel
remarked, aligning his understanding with Ethan’s vision. Exactly Ethan affirmed.
Most hospitals have schools–basic classes like Kindergarten and first grade. But Cleveland doesn’t There are a lot of kids there
too, Ethan stated further.
The realization spurred his desire to create a space where Daisy and other children could
access education. Make friends with one another and alleviating the dullness and boredom of their hospital stays
“So you want to supervise the project yourself?” Axel inquired, seeking clarity on Ethan’s
“Yes,” Ethan replied definitively.
“I took the initiative and contacted the hospital director when you didn’t answer my call during your neighbor–dog predicament.”
Ethan explained, prompting an audible groan from Axel
“The director is on board with the idea. It seems they’ve been contemplating a similar initiative. Now, it’s our turn to join forces
and assist in bringing their plans to fruition,” Ethan concluded, his tone carrying a mix of satisfaction and anticipation.
“So what’s the plan now?” Axel asked seeking clarification. “Where would this project take place? What part of the hospital would
be most suitable?” he inquired.

Ethan provided a concise plan. The ninth floor of the hospital. While we could construct a separate building on the hospital
grounds, that would be a lengthier process. The ninth floor was previously dedicated to administration, but most of the rooms are
currently filled with files and documents. We can have those relocated to create space for the school.
Axel nodded in understanding, acknowledging that Ethan had meticulously thought through the details. It became evident that
Ethan had been consumed by the idea the previous night, his eagerness was palpable.
Axel, seemingly satisfied with the proposed plan, expressed. “Seems you’ve got everything figured out. He made a move to
leave, intending to attend to some tasks before their visit to the hospital.
However, Ethan called out to him just as he was about to depart. “Axel,” he said, “It was nice. Just sitting and talking like old
A faint smile graced Axel’s face as he responded. “I guess.”