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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper

Chapter 34
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Chapter 34 King’s brother


Though it’d been a long time since I’d heard it, I recognized the voice almost immediately. I stiffened a

little at the sound and turned around to see the commotion. Moments later, in walked Kane Collins.

Asher’s elder stepbrother.

I’d only met Kane a handful of times when we were younger, Back then, he was playful, with an air

about him that made him easy to talk to and be around. But ever since my return to Merliscire Palace,

I’d heard se rvants and guards alike whisper about the Alpha King’s brother. It was said that he’d

become something of at womanizer, someone who cared more about his sexual desire more than his


I’d heard rumors of his conquests all throughout the palace and I couldn’t help but feel bad for his

victims. It was a shame that Kane was no longer the person he had been years ago, but then again,

none of us were. We’d all endured our own traumas and experiences that made us completely different

people, myself especially.

“Lord Kane-” the guard at the door tried to stop him, but it was no use.

Kane looked exactly as he had before. He was incredibly tall and lean, with a tanned complexion and

golden hair that glinted even in the dark chamber.. He was handsome, but his beauty was cold. His

eyes were a bright blue, but his furrowed brow took away from their loveliness.

“I wish to see my brother,” Kane demanded, and as he moved closer, I realized there was someone

behind him. I peeked around the Alpha King’s stepbrother, and when I caught sight of who had followed

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him into the chamber. I froze in place.

Another face I’d know anywhere, only this one less beautiful and more sullen. It belonged to Margaret

Collins. Asher’s wicked stepmother and the former Luna of the Crescent Pack.

Margaret had come from a commoner family and had been under the employment of Asher’s mother

up until her untimely death. Asher’s father, the former Alpha King, wasted no time and married

Margaret right away. Back then, rumors and gossip had spread all around Anemond that she had

seduced the Alpha King long before the Luna’s death.

Asher’s mother had been revered and loved by everyone, but this new woman… no one found her

trustworthy. But it didn’t matter. She became the new Luna of the Crescent Pack, and everyone who

despised her had to kneel at her feet.

At first, Margaret was cold but cordial. She treated everyone with an air of superiority, but she was

mostly agreeable. However, her true intentions were revealed with time. She made it her sole priority in

life to ruin things for Asher.

Margaret did everything she could to try to pull Asher from the line of succession. She tried to insert her

own son-Kane- as the next in line, but luckily, her efforts were in vain.

Not only did she hate Asher’s family, but she hated mine as well. In her eyes, the Felix family- known

for being the leader of the royal warriors- were always on the side of Asher Collins, which made us


To this day, I had a strong feeling that Margaret had been involved in the tragedy that ended my family.

All those years ago, Asher’s stepmother alone had the opportunity to delude the old Alpha King and

convince him of my father’s guilt. I’d always known that she was one of the ones responsible for his

downfall. Back. then, I’d tried to find evidence, but my efforts were never fruitful.

I hated Margaret Collins just as much, if not more, as Asher did. For a moment, I didn’t even realize I’d

been glaring at her until the older woman glared right back at me. Despite her wickedness and evil

demeanor, she was still just as beautiful as she’d been back then. Her chestnut brown hair fell in

perfect waves down past her shoulders, and her almond-shaped eyes, the same shade of blue as

Kane’s were perfectly shaded with makeup. Her full lips were pulled taught in a straight line as she

stared at me suspiciously.

I averted my eyes quickly. Margaret was dangerous, even more so than Adalyn. She was a

manipulative and power-hungry woman who would do anything to give

herself and her son an edge in this world. I couldn’t trust her even now.

“How is he?” Kane demanded when he reached Asher’s bedside, and before I

could stop him, he touched the Alpha King’s forehead. “He’s so warm. How long has

he been this feverish?”

‘He’s been this way for nearly an hour,” I answered him calmly. “For now, he’s stable, and I’m doing

everything in my power to bring his temperature down.”

“Oh,” Kane remarked simply, and he nodded his head. His dark eyebrows creased together further and

worry painted his expression. “He… he was bitten by a viper?”

I nodded. “Yes. Out in the gardens. It all happened so suddenly, but as I said, I’m doing all in my power

to treat his bite. I have a salve here made of herbs and

medicine that should do the trick.”

“Good,” Kane replied, and he continued to nod his head slowly. I was a little surprised by his reaction to

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this news. Back when I’d known him, I didn’t think he was particularly close to Asher. Even beyond not

sharing the same bloodline, the two had completely opposite personalities and demeanors.

Without another word, I continued to apply the salve to Asher’s wrist, and as the minutes passed by, I

realized Kane was studying me. I could sense his gaze immediately and heat rose to my cheeks.

“Have we met, healer?” he asked finally. “You look familiar.”

nearly jumped out of my skin in surprise.

“No, I don’t believe we’ve had the pleasure, my Lord,” I replied politely despite the rapidness of my

heartbeat. “My name is Ca ssandra Keller. I just arrived recently from the Wild Crawler Pack.”

“The Wild Crawlers?” Kane repeated back, and his frown deepened. “Hmm. I see. I don’t believe we’ve

had the pleasure. I just… I could have sworn I’d remember a face as lovely as yours.”

Part of me was panicked at Kane’s questions, but the other part knew that it could all be explained

away easily. The Alpha King’s stepbrother was a known womanizer. For all the rest of the palace knew,

I was just another on his list of attempted conquests.

“Oh please, Kane,” Adalyn spoke up for the first time, and she rolled her amber eyes in disdain. “That

line is old and tired.”

“Whatever,” he remarked, and then he chuckled.

I did my best to ignore them. I needed to focus on treating Asher. Once I was certain the herbs were all

in place, I dunked a clean rag into a bowl of cold water. After I wrung it out, I carefully applied it to

Asher’s forehead. Though he was unconscious still, he let out a soft sigh of contentment in his sleep.

As I finished administering his treatment, worry rose up from deep in my chest. I’d managed to push

aside Kane’s questions, but had my answers been enough?

Did the Alpha King’s stepbrother suspect me?