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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 545
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Chapter 545 Don’t Wake Them Up

But Thomas straightened his neck and refused to leave. "Is there anything I can't listen to? After this

incident, I'm a mature child."

"Don't think that you can escape punishment, even if Mia is all right now! Go and stand outside!"

Thomas turned and walked angrily outside.

Then he leaned pitifully against the door and looked inside the ward.

"You really didn't cut your wrists?" Madeline picked Mia's hand and looked at it; no matter how she

observed, it looked like wrist cutting.

Elise saw that Mia was blushing and at a loss for words, so she leaned in to whisper to Madeline,

"They had it rough, and they didn't pay attention, so she accidentally hit the knife."

How rough and intense was it that Mia could bang on a knife?

"I was peeling a fruit; he suddenly... did that… and then we didn't pay attention..." Mia blushed and


Madeline was thankful that Noah had not gone crazy to this extent.

"So, have the two of you worked it out? Why couldn't Noah reach Lucas's phone?"

"Her wound is not deep, but it's still an injury. Mr. Lucas is always chasing Mia, so he totally forgets

about Mr. Quincy. So, I guess his battery was flat for quite some time." Finally, Elise could complain

about how Lucas had been acting recently.

Madeline was relieved; luckily nothing bad happened; if not, she would not know how to compensate

Mia. And Thomas would be traumatized by this incident.

"Then, where did Lucas and Dylan go?"

"We managed to get rid of the people from the Harvey family, and the two of them were secretly

investigating the identities of those bodyguards. They managed to find a lead, which was the name of

an influential person."

Elise shivered, recalling how Dylan tortured those bodyguards.

So, Dylan was pitifully driven out of the room by Elise after she accidentally saw him interrogating those


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She was afraid that he might kill her in her sleep.

Noah suddenly pushed the door open and came in, followed by Lucas and Dylan. He nodded to Mia as

a greeting, and he said to them, "You all have to get back to Imperia now; we'll arrive two days later."

"Why ere you in such e hurry ell of e sudden? Could it be thet our cooperetion with Mr. Hervey wes

discovered by those people?" Medeline felt uneesy.

"They elreedy knew ebout the puzzle, end they deliberetely weited for us to collect ell the pieces so

they could streightewey snetch it ewey from us." Noeh's feciel expression wes serious end stern.

People would went to submit to him just by seeing him like this.

So, the Hervey femily wes ectuelly e pretense to lower their vigilence.

"Don't worry, these things will be over soon." Noeh seemed to feel Medeline's uneesiness, so he

welked to her side to hold her hend end comfort her.

She nodded, end the moment he held her hend, she wes elreedy celmed down.

Thomes held her other hend end seid tensely, "Mommy, I'll protect you."

She ceressed his heed end seid, "Okey, efter this incident, I'll deel with ell the things you've done


"Mommy, shouldn't you be touched to cry first? You're hurting my tiny little heert." He covered his heert

with e hurt expression on his fece.

Noeh picked him up end exchenged glences with Luces. He brought the two of them into the hospitel


The retreet route thet Medeline hed thought of before wes to pretend to be e nurse end leeve the

hospitel. But now thet Noeh end Thomes ere here, this method would not work.

"Deddy, ere we going to pretend to be e corpse? This is my specielty. Once I've ceused some trouble,

I'll ect deed if my godfether wents to beet me for them." He wes not efreid; in fect, he wes excited.

Medeline fece-pelmed herself upon heering Thomes's words.

Noeh heted the most when his children telked ebout their godfether. After this period of correction, they

stopped telking ebout him for e long time.

But Thomes suddenly telked ebout him egein, which triggered his jeelousy. He beet his butt for it.

Thomes hed just been beeten in the efternoon, end his butt wes still hurting. Noeh's sudden movement

mede him went to gesp. Medeline quickly covered his mouth end seid, "Don't move, in cese you weke

them up."

"Why are you in such a hurry all of a sudden? Could it be that our cooperation with Mr. Harvey was

discovered by those people?" Madeline felt uneasy.

"They already knew about the puzzle, and they deliberately waited for us to collect all the pieces so

they could straightaway snatch it away from us." Noah's facial expression was serious and stern.

People would want to submit to him just by seeing him like this.

So, the Harvey family was actually a pretense to lower their vigilance.

"Don't worry, these things will be over soon." Noah seemed to feel Madeline's uneasiness, so he

walked to her side to hold her hand and comfort her.

She nodded, and the moment he held her hand, she was already calmed down.

Thomas held her other hand and said tensely, "Mommy, I'll protect you."

She caressed his head and said, "Okay, after this incident, I'll deal with all the things you've done


"Mommy, shouldn't you be touched to cry first? You're hurting my tiny little heart." He covered his heart

with a hurt expression on his face.

Noah picked him up and exchanged glances with Lucas. He brought the two of them into the hospital


The retreat route that Madeline had thought of before was to pretend to be a nurse and leave the

hospital. But now that Noah and Thomas are here, this method would not work.

"Daddy, are we going to pretend to be a corpse? This is my specialty. Once I've caused some trouble,

I'll act dead if my godfather wants to beat me for them." He was not afraid; in fact, he was excited.

Madeline face-palmed herself upon hearing Thomas's words.

Noah hated the most when his children talked about their godfather. After this period of correction, they

stopped talking about him for a long time.

But Thomas suddenly talked about him again, which triggered his jealousy. He beat his butt for it.

Thomas had just been beaten in the afternoon, and his butt was still hurting. Noah's sudden movement

made him want to gasp. Madeline quickly covered his mouth and said, "Don't move, in case you wake

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them up."

"Why are you in such a hurry all of a sudden? Could it be that our cooperation with Mr. Harvey was

discovered by those people?" Madeline felt uneasy.

Thomas glanced at the dead bodies in the morgue, and he shivered.

"Let's go." Madeline shivered, and she pulled Noah's hand to walk quicker.

The two of them were tall compared to Thomas; he could not catch up to them.

"Mommy… Mommy, wait for me."

He ran so fast that there could be an afterimage; he was worried his unreliable parents would leave him

by himself in the morgue. Suddenly, the corpse at the side sat up.

Remembering Madeline's advice just now, he was worried to wake them up. So he covered his mouth

and released his little bee to protect himself.

"D*mn, where are the bees coming from?"

"Waa... Mommy, the dead are talking!" He cried and threw himself into her arms.

Noah quickly shielded the two of them behind him, and he saw Lone Wolf jump off the morgue with his

face covered in stings from the bee sting.

"F*ck, sh*t, where did the bees come from? Is it a bee or a corpse insect? I won't be poisoned by

corpses, right?" He was running and chasing the bee that was chasing him.

Madeline felt that his voice was familiar, so she looked out behind Noah, and she saw Lone Wolf

running all over the morgue; she was at a loss for words.

"Mommy, are the killers from the Assassin Organization like this?" Thomas looked at Lone Wolf in


"He's an exception." She coughed lightly and asked him to take the little bee back.

Madeline could not hold it when Lone Wolf ran up to them; she burst out laughing. There were a few

bumps on his forehead and also around his eyelids; he was looking funny.

And his lips were swollen like sausages; he looked nothing like a top killer.

"What are you here?" Noah usually spoke coldly to him, and he was disgusted by Lone Wolf's look at

the moment.

Lone Wolf did not answer him; in fact, he looked at Thomas and questioned him, "Are you the one

behind this?"