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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 530
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Chapter 530 Let’s Visit the Resort

Almost everyone in the villa could hear the commotion at the front gate by then. Madeline hurried over

to the window and looked toward the crowd gathered near the gate. After confirming that Shane wasn't

there, she immediately headed toward his room next.

Shane had gone to bed around three in the morning, so he told his two bodyguards to turn down any

requests to meet him that morning.

However, Madeline did not bother asking for permission as she stealthily knocked both bodyguards out.

Then, she entered the room and called out to Shane to wake him up.

Upon seeing Madeline standing next to his bed, Shane grumbled impatiently, "What do you want this


"Tell your men to open the front gate. Otherwise, I'll burn the house down." Then, Madeline turned

around and headed out of the room. She had noticed the bloodstains on Mia's clothes when she was

looking out from her bedroom window.

Lucas wouldn't brashly decide to leave this place if it weren't because the situation was truly dire.

Madeline made a phone call on her way to the front gate. The other person picked up fairly quickly.

Madeline said, "Stick to what we've planned. Don't do anything rash."

"Understood." That person was debating internally whether they should help Noah and Lucas when

they saw them getting into a fight with the Harvey family's bodyguards at the front gate.

Madeline's call came just in time. Otherwise, they might have unwittingly exposed themselves.

When Madeline arrived at the front gate, she could see Wilda yelling at the bodyguards furiously. On

the other hand, Lucas's face was covered in bruises whereas Noah appeared slightly disheveled due to

the scuffles earlier.

Somewhere not too far away, Dylan was watching over Mia, who was placed on the ground.

Madeline knitted her brows. Then, she lifted her gaze and looked toward Shane's room from where she

was standing. Upon seeing Shane through an opened window, she fixed him with a dark, piercing


Soon afterward, the bodyguards received the order to open the gate.

Noah had Dylan take Lucas, Mia, Elise, and Gabriel with him and leave the villa right away.

Initially, I wanted to work with them to lure Mr. Wilbur into offering us some shares owned by the

Harvey family.

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However, it won't do us any good if they remain here after what's happened.

"Don't worry. I'm sure the lady will be alright." Wilda had no clue what happened to Mia, but she should

express her concerns nonetheless since the guest seemed to have fallen ill in her family's villa.

Almost everyone in the villo could heor the commotion ot the front gote by then. Modeline hurried over

to the window ond looked toword the crowd gothered neor the gote. After confirming thot Shone wosn't

there, she immediotely heoded toword his room next.

Shone hod gone to bed oround three in the morning, so he told his two bodyguords to turn down ony

requests to meet him thot morning.

However, Modeline did not bother osking for permission os she steolthily knocked both bodyguords out.

Then, she entered the room ond colled out to Shone to woke him up.

Upon seeing Modeline stonding next to his bed, Shone grumbled impotiently, "Whot do you wont this


"Tell your men to open the front gote. Otherwise, I'll burn the house down." Then, Modeline turned

oround ond heoded out of the room. She hod noticed the bloodstoins on Mio's clothes when she wos

looking out from her bedroom window.

Lucos wouldn't broshly decide to leove this ploce if it weren't becouse the situotion wos truly dire.

Modeline mode o phone coll on her woy to the front gote. The other person picked up foirly quickly.

Modeline soid, "Stick to whot we've plonned. Don't do onything rosh."

"Understood." Thot person wos deboting internolly whether they should help Nooh ond Lucos when

they sow them getting into o fight with the Horvey fomily's bodyguords ot the front gote.

Modeline's coll come just in time. Otherwise, they might hove unwittingly exposed themselves.

When Modeline orrived ot the front gote, she could see Wildo yelling ot the bodyguords furiously. On

the other hond, Lucos's foce wos covered in bruises whereos Nooh oppeored slightly disheveled due to

the scuffles eorlier.

Somewhere not too for owoy, Dylon wos wotching over Mio, who wos ploced on the ground.

Modeline knitted her brows. Then, she lifted her goze ond looked toword Shone's room from where she

wos stonding. Upon seeing Shone through on opened window, she fixed him with o dork, piercing


Soon ofterword, the bodyguords received the order to open the gote.

Nooh hod Dylon toke Lucos, Mio, Elise, ond Gobriel with him ond leove the villo right owoy.

Initiolly, I wonted to work with them to lure Mr. Wilbur into offering us some shores owned by the

Horvey fomily.

However, it won't do us ony good if they remoin here ofter whot's hoppened.

"Don't worry. I'm sure the lody will be olright." Wildo hod no clue whot hoppened to Mio, but she should

express her concerns nonetheless since the guest seemed to hove follen ill in her fomily's villo.

I should show Mr. Quincy how concerned I am since he is with me right now.

Noah gave a slight nod.

Lucas came with Noah to Harvey's villa yesterday. He had introduced himself as Noah's cousin, so

Wilda was aware of their relations.

That's all the more reason why I should express my concern over those two.

"Is the lady Mr. Lucas's girlfriend?" Wilda asked cautiously whilst she showed Noah upstairs.

Noah cast a brief glance around. Then, he spotted Madeline's receding figure in the distance.

"I seem to recall her attending the party with a man called Mr. Gillian, though." Wilda sensed that Noah

was distracted, so she went on talking to break the silence.

If someone else had given me such treatment during a conversation, I would have lost my patience and

walked away by now.

However, there's just something very different and elegant about Noah Quincy. He makes others feel

special simply by conversing with them.

It even feels wrong for me to press him into giving me a response.

Lone Wolf had introduced himself as Henry Gillian to the people during the party.

"The lady went back to her hometown after having a quarrel with Lucas. When Lucas found out that

she was going to attend Mr. Harvey's birthday party as well, he used the opportunity to meet her here

and try to reconcile with her. Henry was just a friend," Noah answered in a flat tone.

Wilda nodded. She believed what Noah told her.

Just then, they ran into Wilbur and Lone Wolf at the end of the stairs. Lone Wolf stood behind Wilbur

and directed a cold, unfeeling gaze at Noah.

Wilda had no intention of striking up a conversation with her father, whom she felt extremely

disappointed with. She was about to leave without offering a greeting when the man spoke in an

amiable tone.

"It's probably Mr. Quincy's first time visiting Yashal. You should show him around the city, Wilda."

Upon hearing his suggestion, Wilda's cheeks flushed pink as she understood the intention behind

Wilbur's words. Then, she stole a glance in Noah's direction.

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Coincidentally, Noah looked in her way as well. Wilda could feel her heart racing as their eyes met.

Wilbur was extremely pleased to see that interaction. He took a backward glance at Lone Wolf and saw

the man nod. Then, he continued smilingly, "The resort on the West Coast is almost done. You should

bring Mr. Quincy to visit the place before we open the resort to the public."

Although Wilda was against Wilbur meddling in her business again, the idea that he had just brought

up was actually acting in her favor. She turned her eyes to Noah and waited for his response


"That resort has an exotic vibe to it. We started building the place twenty years ago, but the

construction was halted halfway due to some issues. Now, the construction is finally completed. I was

hoping I could show you the place and get some feedback from you, Mr. Quincy."

Noah furrowed his brows. At that moment, Lone Wolf added tactfully, "Ms. Wilda is earnestly inviting

you to visit her resort. Wouldn't you let her down if you turned down her offer now?"

"Wilda looks up to you a lot, Mr. Quincy. I'm sure she'll be very disappointed if you can't make it to visit

the place." Wilbur joined in to persuade Noah.

I know what Lone Wolf is up to. He's trying to get me to leave the villa so he can have more time alone

with Madeline. Also, he wants to have me stuck with Wilda to slowly break Madeline's confidence in


"Thanks, but…" At that very moment, Madeline appeared out of nowhere with a glass of water in her

hand. She walked past Noah and happened to trip right beside him. Then, she accidentally splashed

some water on Noah.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" While saying that, Madeline cast Noah a glance and signaled him to accept the


Suddenly, Wilda pushed Madeline away from Noah forcefully. Madeline was shoved toward the railing

and almost fell over due to the force, but luckily, Lone Wolf caught her arm just in time.

All of them were standing next to the staircase on the second floor. Madeline might have gotten badly

hurt if she had fallen from that height.

Noah had tried to grab Madeline when he saw her getting pushed toward the railing. However, he was

standing too far away, so Lone Wolf got to Madeline first before he could.

Wilda noticed Noah had tried to help Madeline as well. Her mood turned sour instantly, and she fixed

Madeline with a stony gaze.

"Aren't you one of the waitresses hired for yesterday's party event? Why are you still here in the villa?"

Wilda questioned her in a supercilious tone.