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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 514
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Chapter 514 Extra Spice

After the kids left the room, Colton took out a transparent fishing line. He tied one end to the door

handle, and hid the other end in the corner. As anticipated, Wilbur and his relatives arrived soon. He

then performed a soliloquy.

"Noah hasn't come down for a while. I wonder if anything happened to him or Wilda."

"That's right." Wilda's aunt chimed in. "I'm sure I saw blood on Wilda's shirt just now."

Although Shane was still the patriarch of the Harvey family, Wilbur was the de facto decision-maker for

all properties under Harvey’s name. Besides, Wilda had inherited the assets of her aunt, Eliza. And she

did a great job managing them. So whether it was genuine or not, the rest of the Harvey family had to

care about Wilda.

Wilbur was very pleased with everyone's eagerness. He nodded and brought everyone to the room.

"Ah! You two are..." Wilda's aunt screamed when she saw clothes scattered on the floor. But then there

was no one on the bed.

Wilbur, thinking that his plan had worked perfectly, came and asked earnestly, "What happened?"

"Wilda isn't here..." Wilda's aunt smiled meekly.

"Noah was carrying Wilda back to her room. Where could they be if not here?" Wilbur looked at the

surroundings. His eyes darted past the rose bouquet.

"Perhaps Noah got the wrong room instead?" Wilda's aunt probed sheepishly.

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Wilbur's expression turned sullen. The servants led Noah here. He couldn't have gone to the wrong

room. It was more likely that Noah escaped because he noticed something was afoot. In that case,

where was Wilda then? Alternatively, maybe Noah was aware that he was drugged by an aphrodisiac.

He didn't want anyone to find out so he took Wilda away. Maybe they were doing it in one of the


That gave Wilbur hope. "I'll have the security guards look around. Noah is one of the esteemed guests

so I'll make sure he is all right."

In a confused state, the rest of the group followed Wilbur to exit the room. But then, a strong current

blew by and shut the door. Someone by the door tried to open it, to no avail.

"What is going on?" Wilbur had a premonition. He kicked the door out of frustration until his toes hurt.

But it wouldn't budge.

Wilda's aunt pulled Wilbur's sleeves and signaled to the rose bouquet. It wouldn't be a pretty sight

when everyone was stuck in a room with an aphrodisiac-laced rose bouquet. Wilbur reassured her with

his eyes. The drug would only take effect after some time. By then, they should have been out of this

room. That said, what Wilbur failed to account for was that Thomas had spiked the water in the vase.

And the pill he used was much more potent than Wilbur's. Just one sniff and it would drive you into a

frenzy. And around the same time, the group realized that they had no signal in this room. They

couldn't call anyone.

Wilbur began to panic. He was fooled by the one he tried to fool.

"Is it just me or is it getting warm here?" protested someone. The drug was affecting everyone now.

Wilbur couldn't care less about others now. His urges were telling him to pin Wilda's aunt to the bed.

Nevertheless, he hung onto his last thread of rationality and tried to open the window. To his dismay,

the window was welded shut, and it was soundproof too. No one could hear them now.

Outside, Thomas's call with Jacob ended. He then looked at Colton. "Will 10 minutes of signal blockage

be enough?"

"Sounds about right." Colton nodded.

For years, Colton had seen how Angie went out of her way to get Noah to sleep with her. He had

learned a thing or two. So when Colton picked up the familiar scent in the room just now, he knew right

away what Wilbur had planned. He then decided to give them a taste of their own medicine, not

knowing that Thomas also added something to the vase.

"I don't get what you're trying to achieve here." Mackenzie frowned.

Colton thought it wasn't appropriate to tell a girl all that. So he lowered his head and gave no response.

Thomas, on the other hand, was so glad that he finally had a chance to outsmart his sister. So he

answered smugly,

"My theory is that the rose bouquet was laced with poison. They wanted to use it to knock Daddy out

cold. Just look at that woman just now. She fainted there. Daddy found out and escaped. Colt then

traps them in there to avenge Daddy."

Mackenzie then looked at Colton for affirmation. "That’s the gist of it." He nodded.

"I also added something. I wonder what it does." Thomas covered his mouth and gave a mischievous


Colton had a bad feeling. Thomas had indeed been bragging that he had a secret weapon lately.

Gingerly, Colton asked, "What did you add?"

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"Oh, this one here. I had two pills but I only used one." Thomas showed Colton the leftover pill.

Both Colton and Mackenzie were left speechless. Those people inside must be writhing in sweet agony


This was beyond what Colton had initially planned. Ruining Shane's birthday party was not his intention

at all. He quickly scooted over to unlock the door and told Thomas to ask Jacob to deactivate the signal


"Why aren't they coming out?" Thomas shuddered. In his mind, he thought a group of zombies would

storm out.

"Ask the rest of their family to come here," suggested Mackenzie.

And so, the three kids decided to go downstairs. They opted against taking the elevator because of

their guilty conscience. On the staircase, they ran into a suspicious man.

"What are you doing here?" Mackenzie said calmly.

The man gulped. Before he could come up with an excuse, Thomas interrupted him, "Are you a doctor

here to treat Ms. Harvey?"

The man nodded enthusiastically.

"Third room on the right." Thomas gave the man direction like the good kid he was.

"Thank you." The man ran with his tail between his legs. In fact, he was a paparazzi. He had long

heard how exciting and telea-esque the drama inside the Harvey family could be. If he got

something spicy here, he could then blackmail the Harvey family with it, or sell it to other press. Either

way, he would be making a fortune.