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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 498
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Chapter 498 Still Going up the Mountain?

Along the way, Lone Wolf suddenly started acting crazy around Mia. He handed her water and carried

her bag, repeatedly calling, "Ms. Mia, Ms. Mia..."

Mia was getting annoyed, and her expression had started to change, but Madeline had to take care of

three children, Gabriel was walking with Elise, and the four bodyguards were trailing behind them. Mia

did not want to bother anyone, so she could only keep her head down and move forward without a


"Watch your step!" Lone Wolf suddenly yelled as Mia stepped on a cobblestone, causing her to stumble

and fall to the side, only to be caught in his arms.

"Ms. Mia has a slim waist," Lone Wolf raised an eyebrow as he looked at Mia in his arms. Up close,

she was quite pretty. No wonder she had charmed Lucas, and he left the company to come to this

remote place.

Feeling harassed, Mia stood straight and angrily stomped on Lone Wolf's foot. "Stay away from me!"

"It's not my fault you fell into my arms. Don't blame me." Lone Wolf shrugged innocently.

"If you didn't scare me, would I have fallen?"

"I was just reminding you that there was moss underfoot. Why can't you appreciate a good person?"

Unable to argue with Lone Wolf's twisted logic, Mia quickened her pace and continued walking.

But Lone Wolf would not leave her alone, always finding an opportunity to approach and scare her. He

would catch her and take advantage of her when she was about to fall.

After three or four times, Mia was furious. Once, she pretended to fall and kicked Lone Wolf in the

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crotch when he approached her.

Lone Wolf immediately clutched his groin, shouted that she had disabled him, and demanded that she

take responsibility. He even insisted on holding her hand and touching her.

Mia was so embarrassed that her face turned red, but she could not break free and was almost in


At this point, a black shadow flashed by and tackled Lone Wolf, engaging him in a fight. But Lone Wolf

was a professional killer, and even though Lucas was no slouch, he was no match for Lone Wolf.

So Lucas was quickly pushed into the pool by Lone Wolf, with his head repeatedly submerged in the

stream. Who knows how much water he drank?

"What are you doing? Let him go!" Mia ran forward to pull Lone Wolf away but was pushed down.

Lucas was furious and picked up a nearby rock to hit Lone Wolf on the head. Lone Wolf dodged it and

whispered in Lucas's ear, "I'll do you a favor for Mr. Quincy's sake. Don't mention it."

After finishing his sentence, Lone Wolf released Lucas and leapt a few steps to approach Madeline,

shamelessly entangling her. He helped Lucas not only because of Noah but also because he was

afraid that Lucas and Mia would mess up their things.

After getting along with Madeline and the others for a few days, he sensed many human emotions. He

thought of it as doing charity and decided to matchmake the two awkward people.

At first, Lucas was a little stunned. When Mia actively asked him how he was, he came to his senses

and held his ankle in pain, saying, "I twisted my foot."

Mia had been in a bad mood before, but after being stirred up by Lone Wolf and scolding him several

times, the pent-up frustration seemed to have been released. She did not feel so awkward around

Lucas anymore.

Anyway, she did not want to be with him, so she treated him as a friend like Madeline.

"They have all gone far away," Lucas said softly, looking at Mia. "Only you can help me up the

mountain now. "

But Mia would say, "Since you have twisted your foot, let's go down the mountain. We can't catch up

with them anyway."

"I want to go up," Lucas said in a low voice.

Mia bit her lip in distress, and when she saw Lucas staring at her expectantly, she panicked and

changed the subject, "Mr. Lucas, I told you very clearly before."

Before that incident happened, Mia had already rejected Lucas once. Although she loved money, she

never thought about joining a wealthy family.

In her opinion, only the money she earned was indeed hers. The things others gave her could be taken

back whenever they wanted, and she had no sense of security.

"I told you very clearly before too," Lucas looked at her firmly. Seeing that she was about to retort, he

quickly said, "Noah and Madeline have gone through so much together, and they can be together

again. Why can't we? Although the Grant family has already gone bankrupt and there is such a

spendthrift father as Bruno, Madeline does not feel underestimated."

"I'm not as outstanding as Ms. Madeline..."

"Five years ago, Madeline was just like you, or even worse than you, but she had the courage to marry

Mr. Quincy." Lucas looked at Mia with blazing eyes.

Mia avoided his gaze, and her head hung lower and lower. "But now Ms. Madeline is not with Mr.

Quincy either, so this kind of mismatched marriage is destined to have a bad ending."

"Do you dare to bet with me? If they are together within a month, you try to be with me. If they are not

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together, I promise not to pester you anymore."

Mia did not know what their relationship had reached. Since returning from Imperia, she had not looked

at her phone or watched TV, so she did not know about Noah's online confession to Madeline.

In her mind, Madeline still complained about Noah, and Noah was still chasing after his wife.

When Lucas saw her wavering expression, he added more to the bet. "It's hard to tell if they are

together, so I bet with you whether they will share a bed within a month."

"How do you know about this?" Mia felt that he was setting a trap for her.

"Don't worry. I will definitely make you convinced when the time comes." Lucas had already thought of

dozens or hundreds of ways to bring Noah and Madeline together when he said this. "Then before that,

can you guarantee that you won't harass me?" Mia looked at him incredulously.

Lucas shrugged and smiled, "When did I harass you? In the morning, I just wanted to help you pour a

glass of water when I saw you were too spicy."

"But you drank from my water glass!" Mia glared at him.

"You said you didn't want to drink the water I poured, and I'm a thrifty person who doesn't like to waste,

so I took a sip of water from your glass."

Before, Mia felt sorry for his silent presence behind her and a bit guilty when she drove him away. She

thought she was a nasty woman.

But now, seeing him suddenly become like Lone Wolf, deliberately provoking her, she did not feel sorry

for him. Climb the mountain with your lame leg. It will hurt you to death!

Watching Mia was angry as she walked up the mountain, Lucas breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the

sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief.

He did not know if this move from Lone Wolf would work for fear that Mia would be stimulated into

doing something terrible. Fortunately, nothing happened.

As Lucas walked, he told Noah, "When are you coming to Yashal?"