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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 491
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Chapter 491 Mr. Quincy Got Some Problem

Madeline, who was far away in the town, struck up a conversation with the handsome guy who cooked

well that Thomas had just mentioned, "Are you a tour guide?"

The handsome guy was tall, strong, and sturdy. His skin was slightly tanned. At first glance, he

appeared to be a tough and intimidating man, but when he spoke and smiled, he revealed a silly and

innocent charm with two dimples.

His name was Gabriel Parker, and he was Mia's cousin. He took care of Mia's grandparents while Mia

provided financial support.

"Yes, I take tourists into the mountains when they come from out of town," he replied.

"There's a mountain nearby called Onosor Mountain, which has great scenery. There's also a famous

temple there with a large lotus pond, which is perfect for summer outings." he said.

"Then we'll ask you to take us up the mountain tomorrow." Elise had just helped Gabriel, who had been

downstairs for a while. Now she had become familiar with him so that she could speak more freely.

"No problem." Gabriel was a simple and honest man. He believed that since they were Mia's friends,

then they were also the guests. When they visit, the host should take good care of them.

In addition to Onosor Mountain, he mentioned several other tourist spots, from the county to the urban

area. He had also arranged a five-day trip.

Moved by his enthusiasm, Madeline said embarrassedly, "Let's go to Onosor Mountain tomorrow. We

may not be able to go out and play later, as my daughter has to go to the city for filming."

"I thought she looked familiar just now. She's that Netherwood superstar, right? It's amazing that I

actually see her in person." Gabriel had been staring at Mackenzie in the kitchen earlier. Mia touched

his arm to remind him that the bodyguard was watching him. He quickly looked away to avoid being

mistaken for a creepy uncle by the bodyguard, who might have beaten him up.

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Mackenzie proudly raised her chin and said, "I'm Mackenzie, do you want my sign?"

"Yes, yes, can you sign on my clothes?" Gabriel squatted in front of Mackenzie, and Mia handed a pen

to Mackenzie.

Mackenzie then signed her name on his back and wrote a message of good wishes.

"Oh, right, photo! Can we take a picture together?" Gabriel asked embarrassedly, scratching his head.

Mackenzie nodded without hesitation. She stood beside Gabriel to take a photo. Then Gabriel

suggested taking a picture with him, Mia, and their grandparents. Mackenzie agreed and even pulled

Madeline by his side.

"Grandpa, she's a superstar, a superstar on TV!" Gabriel explained to the confused older adult while

taking a selfie.

After taking the photo, Gabriel looked at it excitedly for a while. Suddenly, he asked as if he

remembered something, "Um, can I post this online?"

Mackenzie glanced at Madeline, and she smiled and said, "You can post the photo, but not the


"Of course, of course. Can I print it out and make it into a billboard after you leave?" Gabriel said, but

Mia immediately pulled him. He blushed and quickly waved his hand to explain, "I was just kidding, just


"You can do it. After all, the talent agency that Zeke signed with is ours. No violation of contract is

involved." said Madeline. She appreciated Gabriel's simplicity and kindness and noticed that his living

conditions were not particularly good, probably because he was not as good at talking as other tour

guides. Therefore, she was willing to help him out.

"That's great! I met a Netherwood superstar!" Gabriel excitedly posted on Facebook. The post included

the photo he took with Mackenzie and the dinner they had tonight.

Soon, the post went viral online.

Along with this post, Noah's Facebook blog also became popular. He posted a picture of the night view,

the same one he showed to Madeline earlier, with the caption, "The stars are not so bright as they were

last night, for whom do the wind and dew stand in the middle of the night."

Noah's Facebook username is the same as Colton's, which was their real name. Therefore, many

netizens initially thought that it was a fake account.

So someone asked, "Is this Mr. Quincy, the CEO of the Quinton Corporation?" But there was no


Then someone asked, "Is this Mr. Quincy? Is it Mr. Quincy who is powerful and influential in the Imperia

that I know?" But there was still no response.

Then someone asked, "Is this Mackenzie's daddy? The current husband of the Chairman of the Charity


Noah personally replied to this comment, "Yes." He then rewarded the commenter with 100,000 dollars.

This reward immediately caused a sensation among netizens.

"My goodness, it is indeed Mr. Quincy, one word is worth 100,000."

"Mr. Quincy, look at me. I'm a fan of you and Madeline. I've been liking you guys since your first live


Coupling fans said it to please Noah to get the 100,000 dollars reward.

"Mr. Quincy, can you come to watch my live streaming? I can bless you two with a long and happy

marriage for an hour without repeating."

Everyone thought this person was daydreaming, but the words "Noah has entered the live broadcast

room" soon silenced them.

After that, Noah was flatteringly treated by the host, sending many gifts to the host in the live broadcast


Wayne was reading the documents and thought his boss was also working hard and exhausted. But

when he turned around, he saw that his boss was watching a live broadcast.

He was working diligently for the company, but his boss was watching a live broadcast held by a male

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host, and he was giving money to the host.

Sir, what's wrong with you? Please don't scare me!

Wayne anxiously called Madeline and said, "Mrs. Quincy, something's wrong with sir. I'm not sure if

he's possessed by a ghost or gone crazy."

Madeline had just finished dinner and walked with her children while telling them ghost stories. When

her phone rang, the three children were scared and ran back. Thomas took away everything, including

the only flashlight, leaving her alone on the gloomy path and feeling lost in the wind.

And Wayne told her that Noah was possessed by a ghost, which made her shiver all over.

Madeline asked Wayne as she walked back, "What happened to him?"

"Sir is watching a man's live broadcast and giving him gifts. He has at least spent several hundred

thousand dollars on gifts." Wayne covered his phone's receiver and whispered.

Madeline frowned. It was indeed quite abnormal behavior.

"Has he been under a lot of stress lately?"

"Mr. Lucas is not here, so Mr. Quincy has to deal with all the company's affairs. He's too busy. There

are also many things out there waiting for him to do. He is overwhelmed and unable to manage

everything alone. No wonder he's getting sick!" Wayne was horrified by this thought and even

considered calling the mental hospital.

"Don't worry, he's probably not really going crazy. It's just that he's under a lot of pressure and needs to

find a way to release it." Madeline said, trying to calm Wayne down. Madeline also realized that Noah

was under a lot of pressure from work. She should stay at Imperia to handle things before coming over


Wayne wanted to talk to Madeline about the seriousness of the situation, but his phone was taken

away. Noah looked down at him with a cold gaze. He shrunk his neck and returned to work.

"I'll give you a contact. You can find a psychologist for him." Madeline suggested it sincerely.

"I'm not sick. I don't need it." Noah's deep, cold voice came over the phone.

Madeline chuckled awkwardly and silently criticized Wayne, "Why don't you come over here and relax?

The scenery is beautiful here, and you can take a break from work."