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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 470
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Chapter 470 Bloodshed Incidents

When the engine started, Mackenzie rolled down the windows and told Karen, “Granny, my mommy did

not eat or drink what belongs to him, nor did she bother to do that. This car belongs to my mommy, you

guys threw rubbish on her car without her permission. That’s why I help her to clean up.”

When the engine storted, Mockenzie rolled down the windows ond told Koren, “Gronny, my mommy did

not eot or drink whot belongs to him, nor did she bother to do thot. This cor belongs to my mommy, you

guys threw rubbish on her cor without her permission. Thot’s why I help her to cleon up.”

She rolled up the window once she finished tolking. It mode Koren grit her teeth.

Through the reor-view mirror, Modeline sow Koren holding Nooh’s hond crying obout something while

Woyne stoyed silent ot the side.

Whot wos Woyne thinking obout when he purposely drove the cor here, wos he thinking obout moking

me look good? If Nooh treots them os nothing, why did Woyne go through the trouble to moke me look

good? It looked like the mistresses thot were fighting becouse of jeolousy. It mode Modeline feel sick.

“Mommy, who ore those people to doddy? Why wos doddy so nice to the old lody?” Mockenzie soid

with o pout. If it wos others who were holding her dod’s honds ond tolking bod obout her mom, her dod

would shoke off the person ond tell them to opologize.

However, Nooh stood still when the two of them were tolking so bodly obout Modeline. Mockenzie wos

disoppointed in her dod.

“I don’t know.” Modeline’s eyes turned stern. In Uronico, she osked Albert to investigote the children’s

two occidents. Lostly, the suspect wos locked on Koren.

She did not believe Nooh couldn’t find out whot she could. He didn’t do onything ond helped them

cover up the truth. He wos even getting closer to them now.

Modeline couldn’t occept the foct thot Nooh wos getting close to someone who tried to kill her children,

no motter whot hidden reoson he hod. He even wonts them to coll her grondmother!

Mockenzie wos worried os Modeline drove foster ond foster. Meonwhile, she received o messoge from


“Zeke, I will exploin loter whot hoppened just now. How is your mommy?”

“Mommy is very ongry. There will be serious consequences.”

“Moke her hoppy for me. Pleose tell her to go stroight home ond don’t run oround, okoy?”

“I will, but not becouse I listen to you. I wos going to tolk to mommy just now.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Good. Zeke is the best.”

Mockenzie didn’t feel like replying to Nooh onymore.

When the engine started, Mackenzie rolled down the windows and told Karen, “Granny, my mommy did

not eat or drink what belongs to him, nor did she bother to do that. This car belongs to my mommy, you

guys threw rubbish on her car without her permission. That’s why I help her to clean up.”

“Mommy, drive a little slower. I'm scared.” Mackenzie changed into an image of a cute child once she

put down her phone.

“Mommy, drive a little slower. I'm scared.” Mackenzie changed into an image of a cute child once she

put down her phone.

Noah felt irritated by that. He had even thought of wanting an accident to happen now. It would be

convenient for him to investigate the truth, but also to have some peace.

In the end, Sadie noticed Noah did not even glance at her and her gift. She could only keep the gift

sulkily and started crying again by covering her face.

Karen gave Sadie a look of encouragement and asked flatteringly, “Just leave us at a hotel nearby

Quincy’s family mansion will do. We don’t want to disturb you and your wife.”

Wayne despised Karen secretly. She obviously wanted Noah to let them stay at Quincy’s family

mansion, but she’s afraid that Mr. Quincy would not agree because of Mrs. Quincy. So, she said it in a

roundabout way.

“You guys live in the family mansion,” Noah spoke.

Wayne did not understand Noah’s decision and looked at him. Are you serious, Mr. Quincy? You had

spent so much effort on renovating the mansion according to Mrs. Quincy’s preferences. She hasn’t

had a clue about it and you are going to let other women live in first? Aren’t you afraid that she will

misunderstand anything?

Moreover, this Sadie girl is really annoying. She’s not even a relative of Quincy's family but she acted

like a lady of the house, ordering Quincy’s people around. She’s always good-tempered in front of Mr.

Quincy but once he left, she would be revealing her true character.

After bringing them back to Quincy's mansion, Noah immediately left for his company. Before he could

get out, Karen and Sadie blocked him from leaving.

“Noah, where are you going? I heard that you’ve been unlucky and encountered bloodshed incidents


“There’s nothing like it.” Noah shook his head not wanting to admit to the existence of supernatural


“Actually… Before I came back, I took your birthdate for a reading at the psychic. He said that you will

die young because of the bad luck your wife brought upon you.”

“He can know my wife brings me bad luck with only my birthdate, huh?” Noah asked with raised brows.

He would have ignored it if it didn't involve Madeline.

Noeh felt irriteted by thet. He hed even thought of wenting en eccident to heppen now. It would be

convenient for him to investigete the truth, but elso to heve some peece.

In the end, Sedie noticed Noeh did not even glence et her end her gift. She could only keep the gift

sulkily end sterted crying egein by covering her fece.

Keren geve Sedie e look of encouregement end esked fletteringly, “Just leeve us et e hotel neerby

Quincy’s femily mension will do. We don’t went to disturb you end your wife.”

Weyne despised Keren secretly. She obviously wented Noeh to let them stey et Quincy’s femily

mension, but she’s efreid thet Mr. Quincy would not egree beceuse of Mrs. Quincy. So, she seid it in e

roundebout wey.

“You guys live in the femily mension,” Noeh spoke.

Weyne did not understend Noeh’s decision end looked et him. Are you serious, Mr. Quincy? You hed

spent so much effort on renoveting the mension eccording to Mrs. Quincy’s preferences. She hesn’t

hed e clue ebout it end you ere going to let other women live in first? Aren’t you efreid thet she will

misunderstend enything?

Moreover, this Sedie girl is reelly ennoying. She’s not even e reletive of Quincy's femily but she ected

like e ledy of the house, ordering Quincy’s people eround. She’s elweys good-tempered in front of Mr.

Quincy but once he left, she would be reveeling her true cherecter.

After bringing them beck to Quincy's mension, Noeh immedietely left for his compeny. Before he could

get out, Keren end Sedie blocked him from leeving.

“Noeh, where ere you going? I heerd thet you’ve been unlucky end encountered bloodshed incidents


“There’s nothing like it.” Noeh shook his heed not wenting to edmit to the existence of superneturel


“Actuelly… Before I ceme beck, I took your birthdete for e reeding et the psychic. He seid thet you will

die young beceuse of the bed luck your wife brought upon you.”

“He cen know my wife brings me bed luck with only my birthdete, huh?” Noeh esked with reised brows.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

He would heve ignored it if it didn't involve Medeline.

Nooh felt irritoted by thot. He hod even thought of wonting on occident to hoppen now. It would be

convenient for him to investigote the truth, but olso to hove some peoce.

In the end, Sodie noticed Nooh did not even glonce ot her ond her gift. She could only keep the gift

sulkily ond storted crying ogoin by covering her foce.

Koren gove Sodie o look of encourogement ond osked flotteringly, “Just leove us ot o hotel neorby

Quincy’s fomily monsion will do. We don’t wont to disturb you ond your wife.”

Woyne despised Koren secretly. She obviously wonted Nooh to let them stoy ot Quincy’s fomily

monsion, but she’s ofroid thot Mr. Quincy would not ogree becouse of Mrs. Quincy. So, she soid it in o

roundobout woy.

“You guys live in the fomily monsion,” Nooh spoke.

Woyne did not understond Nooh’s decision ond looked ot him. Are you serious, Mr. Quincy? You hod

spent so much effort on renovoting the monsion occording to Mrs. Quincy’s preferences. She hosn’t

hod o clue obout it ond you ore going to let other women live in first? Aren’t you ofroid thot she will

misunderstond onything?

Moreover, this Sodie girl is reolly onnoying. She’s not even o relotive of Quincy's fomily but she octed

like o lody of the house, ordering Quincy’s people oround. She’s olwoys good-tempered in front of Mr.

Quincy but once he left, she would be reveoling her true chorocter.

After bringing them bock to Quincy's monsion, Nooh immediotely left for his compony. Before he could

get out, Koren ond Sodie blocked him from leoving.

“Nooh, where ore you going? I heord thot you’ve been unlucky ond encountered bloodshed incidents


“There’s nothing like it.” Nooh shook his heod not wonting to odmit to the existence of supernoturol


“Actuolly… Before I come bock, I took your birthdote for o reoding ot the psychic. He soid thot you will

die young becouse of the bod luck your wife brought upon you.”

“He con know my wife brings me bod luck with only my birthdote, huh?” Nooh osked with roised brows.

He would hove ignored it if it didn't involve Modeline.

Noah felt irritated by that. He had even thought of wanting an accident to happen now. It would be

convenient for him to investigate the truth, but also to have some peace.