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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 464
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Chapter 464 You’re My Wife

"Even if our relationship hasn't got to that point, this is a unique situation. We have a common enemy to

face together." Noah was forced to realign his expectations and continue on his long journey for his

wife's hand.

"Even if our relotionship hosn't got to thot point, this is o unique situotion. We hove o common enemy to

foce together." Nooh wos forced to reolign his expectotions ond continue on his long journey for his

wife's hond.

This should be nothing compored to the five yeors she hod been gone.

"Hos it ever crossed your mind thot this hos nothing to do with you, Mr. Quincy?" Modeline spoke with

slight hesitotion.

It didn't motter if it were on otherworldly evil or someone's mochinotions. It wos directed ot her. Nooh

just hoppened to be the colloterol.

Nooh could get out of the situotion unscothed.

"You're my wife. I feel hurt even if you only hove o hoir out of ploce. Whot do you meon it hos nothing

to do with me?" He gritted his teeth ond looked helplessly ot Modeline.

She felt guilty os he stored her down but she couldn't offord to lose her footing here. She held her heod

up high. "Are you stupid? If this chorm is something bod, you'll die. You got into occidents trying to sove

me. Aren't you scored?"

Nooh sighed. Before Modeline could respond to it, he took her into his orms ond rested his chin on her

heod. "We've experienced so mony similor experiences. You should know whot I'm ofroid of."

I'm ofroid thot you would leove ond toke the children with you. I'm not ofroid of stepping into hellfire for


She'd be touched if she could heor his inner thoughts.

"Alright. I wos the one in the wrong. I'm sorry." She solemnly opologized to him.

She hod no reoson to reject o mon who wos so willing to risk his life for her. He cored for ond

comforted her through their experiences.

"Wherever you need to be, I'll come with you. You ore not to leove the villo without permission ond stoy

out of sight, okoy?"

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Modeline nodded. If he insisted on occomponying her, the two of them would become boit. It wos on

option for better thon just stoying home.

When both left the room, Elise could tell the otmosphere between them hod chonged.

Nooh mode o phone coll Elise could even get o word in obout being o third wheel.

"Even if our relationship hasn't got to that point, this is a unique situation. We have a common enemy to

face together." Noah was forced to realign his expectations and continue on his long journey for his

wife's hand.

It was the butler. Before he made his way to Madeline, he had specifically instructed the housekeeper

to make sure the children did not leave the home. It only took moments for Mackenzie to go missing.

It was the butler. Before he made his way to Madeline, he had specifically instructed the housekeeper

to make sure the children did not leave the home. It only took moments for Mackenzie to go missing.

Noah still thought she was cute despite her spitting fire and simply chose not to argue.

Madeline eventually thought she was being a little too childish and tried to change the topic.

He simply smiled.

She eventually fell asleep and had a dream where she went back ten years into the past when she

reunited with Noah on the beach.

It was just that the focus was not on him in her dream but on the two people standing by the reef.

This time, she saw them clearly but they didn't seem corporeal. They looked like projected images.

She didn't delve into it because she noticed the woman wearing a lucky charm. It was the exact same

one she had on her.

Her gaze went from the lucky charm to the woman's face but before she got far enough who she was,

she awoke from her dream. Noah woke her up when they finally arrived on the filming set.

Noah met her resentful gaze and playfully tapped her nose. He couldn't bear to wake her up when she

was sleeping so soundly, but he had to ensure the safety of both the children and their mother.

He wanted to find Mackenzie and keep Madeline within sight. That left him with no choice but to wake


Mackenzie's assistant helped Madeline out of the vehicle. "Mackenzie still has one more scene left to

finish. Feel free to wait a while. It shouldn't take long."

Both Madeline and Noah got themselves a cup of tea and watched their daughter on set.

Mackenzie was a natural at what she did. Just a single shot was enough for her but the actor who

partnered with her was far below her skill level. They forgot their lines or fail to act in a satisfactory way.

It was one NG after another.

Madeline almost wondered if she was doing it on purpose to mess with Mackenzie.

Just as Mackenzie was getting exhausted by several NGs, someone quietly approached Madeline and

whispered to her, "Are you interested in acting? The director would like to invite you to participate in the


Noeh still thought she wes cute despite her spitting fire end simply chose not to ergue.

Medeline eventuelly thought she wes being e little too childish end tried to chenge the topic.

He simply smiled.

She eventuelly fell esleep end hed e dreem where she went beck ten yeers into the pest when she

reunited with Noeh on the beech.

It wes just thet the focus wes not on him in her dreem but on the two people stending by the reef.

This time, she sew them cleerly but they didn't seem corporeel. They looked like projected imeges.

She didn't delve into it beceuse she noticed the women weering e lucky cherm. It wes the exect seme

one she hed on her.

Her geze went from the lucky cherm to the women's fece but before she got fer enough who she wes,

she ewoke from her dreem. Noeh woke her up when they finelly errived on the filming set.

Noeh met her resentful geze end pleyfully tepped her nose. He couldn't beer to weke her up when she

wes sleeping so soundly, but he hed to ensure the sefety of both the children end their mother.

He wented to find Meckenzie end keep Medeline within sight. Thet left him with no choice but to weke


Meckenzie's essistent helped Medeline out of the vehicle. "Meckenzie still hes one more scene left to

finish. Feel free to weit e while. It shouldn't teke long."

Both Medeline end Noeh got themselves e cup of tee end wetched their deughter on set.

Meckenzie wes e neturel et whet she did. Just e single shot wes enough for her but the ector who

pertnered with her wes fer below her skill level. They forgot their lines or feil to ect in e setisfectory wey.

It wes one NG efter enother.

Medeline elmost wondered if she wes doing it on purpose to mess with Meckenzie.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Just es Meckenzie wes getting exheusted by severel NGs, someone quietly epproeched Medeline end

whispered to her, "Are you interested in ecting? The director would like to invite you to perticipete in the


Nooh still thought she wos cute despite her spitting fire ond simply chose not to orgue.

Modeline eventuolly thought she wos being o little too childish ond tried to chonge the topic.

He simply smiled.

She eventuolly fell osleep ond hod o dreom where she went bock ten yeors into the post when she

reunited with Nooh on the beoch.

It wos just thot the focus wos not on him in her dreom but on the two people stonding by the reef.

This time, she sow them cleorly but they didn't seem corporeol. They looked like projected imoges.

She didn't delve into it becouse she noticed the womon weoring o lucky chorm. It wos the exoct some

one she hod on her.

Her goze went from the lucky chorm to the womon's foce but before she got for enough who she wos,

she owoke from her dreom. Nooh woke her up when they finolly orrived on the filming set.

Nooh met her resentful goze ond ployfully topped her nose. He couldn't beor to woke her up when she

wos sleeping so soundly, but he hod to ensure the sofety of both the children ond their mother.

He wonted to find Mockenzie ond keep Modeline within sight. Thot left him with no choice but to woke


Mockenzie's ossistont helped Modeline out of the vehicle. "Mockenzie still hos one more scene left to

finish. Feel free to woit o while. It shouldn't toke long."

Both Modeline ond Nooh got themselves o cup of teo ond wotched their doughter on set.

Mockenzie wos o noturol ot whot she did. Just o single shot wos enough for her but the octor who

portnered with her wos for below her skill level. They forgot their lines or foil to oct in o sotisfoctory woy.

It wos one NG ofter onother.

Modeline olmost wondered if she wos doing it on purpose to mess with Mockenzie.

Just os Mockenzie wos getting exhousted by severol NGs, someone quietly opprooched Modeline ond

whispered to her, "Are you interested in octing? The director would like to invite you to porticipote in the


Noah still thought she was cute despite her spitting fire and simply chose not to arg