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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 455
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Chapter 455 Daddy, Stop Looking So Grumpy!

Noah Quincy walked away just like that, leaving Dennis on stage facing the guests and reporters.

Unlike Noah, Dennis was not born into a wealthy family and was not cut out of the same cloth as Noah

was. No matter how hard he tried, he would never be able to be as charismatic and suave as Noah due

to their different upbringing. Back then, Gordon Quincy took it upon himself to personally mentor and

teach him the ways of socializing with the upper echelons of society. However, Dennis had an inferiority

complex that only made him despise Old Mr. Quincy for embarrassing him in front of these rich people.

Old Mr. Quincy was not particularly impressed with Dennis’ personality and behavior, but his precious

daughter was madly infatuated with him and refused to marry anyone else, so he finally relented and

allowed Dennis to marry into the family. However, once Dennis’ ulterior motives were uncovered, Old

Mr. Quincy forbade him from being involved in the company’s affairs, which only served to fuel Dennis’

hatred for the old man.

Right now, Dennis stood on stage facing the crowd with looks of confusion, mockery or perhaps

contempt. It was as if he had traveled back in time to the days he spent with the Quincy family, where

everyone looked down on him and despised him. He narrowed his eyes at the crowd, wishing he could

pluck out their eyes so they could not stare at him so disdainfully. The reporters on scene panned their

cameras and video recorders toward him, immortalizing the rabid expression on his face.

Noah Quincy made his way to the hospital once he left the building. He was worried about leaving his

wife with the Solace siblings for too long.

“Daddy, we did what you said and stayed in the room together with Old Mr. Solace the entire day today.

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Can you really bring Mommy home?” Thomas asked Noah with a hint of skepticism in his voice. Noah

had brought the three children along with him.

“Of course!” A quizzical smile appeared on Noah’s face. “If you didn’t have to keep an eye on Old Mr.

Solace just now, the four of us would have been happily having lunch by now.”

“The old man was so sneaky! He told us he was going to the bathroom, but he tried to sneak off

somewhere else,” Thomas pouted, unhappy with himself for his blunder.

Noah pinched his cheeks lightly as he laughed. “Well, well. It would seem like you underestimated the

enemy, Thomas,” Noah teased his son.

Thomas seemed to be having an internal conflict with himself for a few seconds before he finally

lowered his head. “Fine, I trusted that old man too much,” he admitted. Old Mr. Solace had tricked them

into letting their guards down by being friendly and playful with them. When he went off to the

bathroom, no one had thought more of it.

“We’re all responsible for what happened. We’ll help you get Mommy back later,” Colton added. He

knew his father’s plans just from looking at his expression, something Thomas had not gotten the hang

of just yet.

Zeke was in a corner memorizing her lines from a script, completely uninterested in the boys’

conversation. Noah, who always had a soft spot for his daughter, pulled her in closer to him. “How long

is the shoot going to be?” he asked Zeke.

Zeke frowned. “It was supposed to take two months, but one of the actors had an emergency and now

the director can’t find a replacement for her. I have quite a few lines with her, and now I can’t shoot any

of my scenes!” she lamented.

“What kind of actor do you need? I could help you look for one,” Noah offered. It was not a difficult task

for him at all.

Zeke stopped him immediately. “I actually have someone in mind already,” she smiled cheekily. “I’ll let

you know once it’s confirmed.”

“Alright, just remember you can talk to me about anything, darling. I’ll help you out anytime,” Noah said

as he ruffled his daughter’s hair lovingly. Zeke nodded and went back to memorizing her lines.

By the time Noah and his children arrived at the hospital, it was way past lunchtime, and the children

were starving. Noah brought them to the hospital cafeteria for a simple meal and got some takeout for

Madeline as well.

“Daddy, are you not getting some food for Uncle Rowan and Uncle Oscar and Uncle Alex? They must

be hungry too,” Thomas said. Thomas had gotten close to Alexander Solace when they were in the

States and had grown to like him.

Noah did not seem too happy with his son’s suggestion. “I’m not a food delivery boy. I don’t get takeout

for just anyone.”

“But if you don’t get food for the uncles, Mommy won’t eat her food too,” Thomas reminded Noah. Noah

knew his son was right. Left with no choice, he asked the server to prepare three more portions of

takeout with an irritated expression that scared the server himself.

The server only felt better when Zeke smiled sweetly at him as he immediately recognized her. “I’m a

big fan of yours, Zeke! Can I get an autograph?” the server mustered up his courage to ask Zeke. Zeke

graciously signed on a serviette for him. Despite her young age, she had already been trained to

perfect her signature. “Can I get a photo with you too?” Zeke tried his luck again, avoiding eye contact

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with Noah.

“Of course!” Zeke beamed. The server happily approached her and was about to carry her in his arms

when Noah shot him a sharp warning look. “Daddy! Don’t scare my fans away!” Zeke chastised her


Noah’s expression softened. “Alright, alright. I’m sorry, darling.” Noah said, before volunteering to take

the photo for the both of them.

“Mr. Quincy, I saw Mrs. Quincy here not too long ago,” the server mentioned to Noah after the photo

was taken. Noah Quincy might seem a little cold and aloof, but he was nowhere near as cruel as the

media painted him out to be, so he decided to offer up information about Madeline’s whereabouts.

“Here? Who was she with?” Noah quirked an eyebrow. He did not need to ask to know that she was

with the Solace brothers. Their father was critically ill and they were still in the mood for a meal?


“She was with a young man. They went to the pharmacy just opposite. She didn’t look too well, so the

man escorted her over there,” the server elaborated. “They seemed like platonic friends though.

Nothing intimate about their behavior!” the server added on when he noticed Noah’s expression

darken. Noah immediately walked out of the cafeteria and stalked toward the pharmacy like he was out

for blood.

“Daddy! Stop looking so grumpy! How are you going to find Mommy like that?” Zeke said as she used

her little fingers to lift the corners of Noah’s lips into a forced smile.

“Hurry up! Let’s go and see Mommy!” Thomas hurried the group.

“I saw a wound on Mommy’s back when she was getting dressed this morning. Do you think her wound

might’ve split open?” Colton made an inference as they rushed into the hospital.

As they arrived at Old Mr. Solace’s hospital ward, Thomas found Madeline sitting on a chair, her face

as pale as a sheet. “Mommy!” he yelped as he jumped into her arms. “Are you alright?”