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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 449
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Chapter 449 Naturally Beautiful

Since Annalise's engagement had been made public on Quinton Corporation's website, the three

Solace brothers suspected Noah of having an evil plan. They all knew how much Noah adored

Madeline and detested Annalise.

Furthermore, given Noah's accomplishments to date, it would be impossible for him to jeopardize his

marriage for profit.

When they learned of the news, they were vehemently opposed to the match, but Annalise, as if she

had been spellbound, was dead set on marrying Noah no matter what.

Steve had no choice but to agree to the marriage after she threw tantrums and threatened to kill herself

in front of him.

After all, he was the one who had made the engagement contract with Gordon in the first place, so he

saw nothing wrong with fulfilling it now that their children were grown. He just didn't like that Noah had

previously married and had three children.

However, Steve's previous reservations were likely dispelled after witnessing the engagement

ceremony today.

As long as Noah genuinely liked and valued Annalise, nothing else mattered to Steve.

The lavishness of the engagement party today was evidence that Annalise held a special place in

Noah's heart.

Annalise was truly delighted by the impressive scene, especially since, upon her arrival, the men's

attention had been drawn to her while the women either admired or envied her. She felt that this was

the kind of life she deserved, one in which she was surrounded by admirers in the same way that the

stars surrounded the moon.

"Congratulations, Ms. Solace. Like Romeo and Juliet, you and Mr. Quincy are a match made in

heaven." A wealthy woman approached Annalise and congratulated her.

"Thank you," Annalise said with a graceful nod.

As soon as one person began to congratulate Annalise, a flood of others followed suit. With various

compliments and flattery coming her way, she was overwhelmed with joy.

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"Ms. Solace is particularly lovely today. You have outshone all the other renowned ladies."

Although the words seemed complimentary to Annalise, they had earned her the scorn of several

young celebrities, who looked at her contemptuously and left without congratulating her.

However, Annalise was unaware of this, as she was still reveling in the joy of being sought after.

It wasn't that she hadn't been sought after by others before, but this time it felt different. Not only were

her admirers of higher status, but they had lavished her with compliments alongside Noah. How could

she not be giddy with joy?

"Ms. Solace, is that necklace you're wearing from Xenium's latest collection? I heard it's worth over fifty

million," asked a girl as she gazed enviously at Annalise's diamond necklace.

After those words were spoken, everyone's attention was immediately directed toward the jewelry

Annalise wore that day.

They all knew that her dress was a limited edition piece from a specific luxury brand with a price tag of

several million dollars.

The diamond necklace was even more dazzling, lending Annalise the appearance of a woman

bedecked with jewels.

In addition to the diamond necklace, Annalise wore other accessories such as earrings, bracelets, and

rings. Just by glancing at them, it was evident that they were exorbitantly expensive.

"These were all prepared by Mr. Quincy. It was his heartfelt gesture. I don't believe they can be

measured in terms of money," Annalise attempted to conceal the smugness on her face.

The others quickly agreed, echoing with a resounding yes.

After Annalise left, the group of prominent ladies looked at her with disdain as if she were a peacock

flaunting its feathers—proud, arrogant, and condescending. They then proceeded to mock and ridicule


"Despite being a Solace family member, she acted like a country bumpkin who had never left her

house. Was she so eager to show off all of her jewelry?"

"Don't you know? She was found by the Solace family after she had already grown up. Maybe she

used to be a country bumpkin before?"

"No wonder she didn't seem to have the makings of the Solace family's three young masters. What do

you think Mr. Quincy saw in her, and why did he throw her such a lavish engagement party?"

"You think this party is for her? Have you ever seen a more understated engagement party?"

Only when that was mentioned did everyone notice the oddity of today's engagement party. The bride-

to-be didn't make a grand entrance and wasn't accompanied by the future husband in loving affection.

Annalise had entered the venue just like any other regular guest.

This event was more of an introduction of Noah's children to society than an engagement party.

After all, Noah made sure to introduce his sons and daughter, who had just returned, while welcoming

and mingling with the guests. He spoke lovingly and affectionately about his children but never

mentioned Annalise.

All the distinguished ladies exchanged knowing looks and waited for Annalise to make a fool of herself.

All at once, everyone's attention was drawn to the entrance where a figure had appeared. Even the

affluent women who had expressed discontent about Annalise rose from their seats and turned to see

who it was.

Madeline, dressed in a light blue dress, appeared at the banquet hall's entrance at that moment. Her

pure and refined face resembled a fairy, and her graceful figure was dressed in a silky dress

embellished with faintly sparkling diamonds. People couldn't take their eyes off her. The onlookers were

so entranced that they even forgot to breathe, mesmerized by the swaying hem of her dress.

Everyone subconsciously compared her to Annalise, who had just made an appearance, and the

general consensus was that her beauty seemed to be the result of artificial enhancement. Despite this,

she still appeared beautiful, albeit somewhat lacking in refinement. In contrast, the other person's

beauty seemed completely natural and flawless, leaving no room for any imperfections.

In her anger, Annalise was so close to chewing through her lips as she saw Madeline steal the spotlight

from her. Thankfully, Liam had prepared a plan to counter Madeline's potential interference before

Annalise even arrived. The plan aimed to prevent Madeline from causing any trouble.

With a wink, she caught the attention of a wealthy woman who remarked in a peculiar tone, "Isn't that

Mr. Quincy's ex-wife? Is she here to demand alimony from him? It would be more dignified for you to

quietly ask Mr. Quincy for it."

She did this because she was afraid that no one would know she and Noah were divorced, so she

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purposefully hinted at it. She then deliberately painted her as someone who was insatiably avaricious

and enjoyed sponging off others.

There was gasping all around as Madeline smiled faintly.

Elise was furious at first, but when she saw this, she silently gave Madeline a thumbs up. Everything

you said or did would be right if you had good looks.

"During the Southburg flood relief effort, did the Lowe family donate only five hundred thousand

dollars? Meanwhile, the Charity Association contributed a staggering twenty million dollars," said

Madeline, raising her eyebrows. Her clear conscience allowed her to confidently display her


That person's face alternated between red and white. Their company was mocked by the online

community at the time for donating too little money. They had to contribute an additional two million

dollars to appease the public. With Madeline bringing up the topic again, everyone was naturally

amused by this comical situation.

"How does the Charity Association's donation have anything to do with you? Your expenses were

entirely covered by Mr. Quincy's money!" After being laughed at by everyone, that person's

embarrassment transformed into anger as she rebutted Madeline.

Madeline's smile broadened further as she said, "I've donated five million in my name. Would you like

me to show you the evidence? Noah is right here, but he won't say anything to me. How dare you

accuse me of living off him? If you continue to defame me in this manner, Ms. Lowe, I will take legal

action against you."

With a pale face, Daphne Lowe retreated. Since the donation incident, the company's stock had been

falling, and now it was in danger of going bankrupt. Her family would most likely disown her if she got

into another lawsuit.

"Is the dress you're wearing plagiarized? I recall that it was designed by the renowned international

designer Fleur. Fleur hasn't released a new clothing line in several years. Your dress appears to be a

replica of her design. The use of plagiarism is just as shameful as theft!"

Another of Annalise's minions jumped out to cause mayhem.

Madeline looked at her unhurriedly, and with just one look, she had made her lower her head
