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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 26
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Chapter 26

Madeline Grant was in a daze. Did her son really just gift her a helicopter? She had to

admit it was a rather sweet gesture on his part, but she could not help but wonder where

he got the money from.

She thanked the pilot before returning to her room and contacting her son.

“You little punk, where did you get the money to buy a helicopter?!” she scolded Thomas

through the phone.

“I see you’ve received your present, Mommy. What do you think? Are you impressed with

your son yet?” Thomas said cheekily on the other line.

“I’ll decide whether or not I’m impressed once you tell me where the money came from,”

Madeline said sternly.

“Oh, it was a gift from my dear Auntie Angie,” Thomas chuckled.

“Well, your dear Auntie Angie is about to realize that she’s been fooled very soon. You’d

better watch out,” she warned her son whilst rubbing her temple. How was her young son

such a genius conman?

“Well, Mommy, are you impressed now?”

Thomas asked once again.

“Yes, yes. Very impressed…,” Madeline trailed off as her cellphone indicated an incoming

phone call from Albert. She wished her son a quick goodbye before she picking up Albert’s


“Ms. Grant, it’s almost time to head to the charity dinner. Your gown is ready and placed

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just outside your room,” Albert notified her, ever so professionally.

“Alright,” Madeline said in response.


Angie Grant had arrived at the VIP lounge of the Imperial Hotel together with her mother,

Suzanne. She was ahead of schedule, well excited for the charity dinner happening that

night. After all, she was the philanthropic darling of Imperia. She would not let the citizens

of Imperia down, knowing they were eagerly waiting for her appearance tonight.

After receiving the Global Ambassador of Philanthropy award tonight, she was also going

to announce the news of her engagement to Noah Quincy. The mere thought of it made

her giddy with excitement.

“Mother, what do you think of my dress? Is it a little too plain?” Angie was posing in front

of Suzanne, doing a little twirl to show off her dress.

She chose a pearl white ball gown adorned with beautiful pink pearls. It was elegant yet

sexy at the same time.

Suzanne was seated on the sofa, seemingly distracted as she sipped a cup of tea. She

snapped back to reality as she saw her daughter approaching. “Darling, you’d look

beautiful even if you were dressed in rags,” she assured her daughter.

“Oh, Mother, stop with the empty flattery! There’s only half an hour until the dinner, I

must be ready!” Angie was beginning to feel slightly anxious.

“You look fine just the way you are. Come here and sit down with me,” Suzanne persuaded

her daughter.

“No, I can’t sit down. The dress will be crumpled!” Angie replied.

“Alright then, you can continue standing. I have something to ask you,” Suzanne told her

daughter while simultaneously signaling for the assistants and make-up artists to leave

the room.

They hastily packed up and left, leaving Suzanne and Angie alone in the room.

“But Mother, my hair’s not done yet! Why did you ask them to leave?” Angie asked with a

hint of impatience in her voice as she turned around to call the hairstylist back in.

Suzanne grabbed her daughter by the arm before she could leave. “Angie, didn’t we agree

on using only 400 million dollars? James told me yesterday you took 600 million dollars.

What are you doing with all that money? That was meant be the start-up capital for

Shallow Bay. You must return it immediately before your father finds out!” Suzanne was

clearly panicked.

James was the company’s Chief Financial Officer. If he was asking around, it could very

well mean there was a cash flow problem. Grant Corporation spent too much effort on this

project for it to fail now because of a cash flow issue. A disaster of that magnitude would

shake Grant Corporation to its core. There was too much on the line for Suzanne.

“Oh, don’t worry about it, Mother. I took the money for the wedding! I’m going to become

Mrs. Quincy very soon, and what’s a mere 6 million dollars to the Quincies?” Angie

brushed the matter off.

Angie was determined to be an engaged woman by the end of tonight. Once the news got

out, she would be married to Noah Quincy in no time.

“Fine, but you must act quick. If your father finds out about the money, you and I both will

be in trouble. Angie, I’m counting on you,” Suzanne urged her daughter. The one thing she

had faith in was her daughter’s ability to charm a man. Everything will be right again once

Angie becomes a Quincy.

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Guests started filling the hotel ballroom as the charity night began. Angie was still affected

by the Facebook incident, but she reminded herself that she was still an influential

character within the philanthropic circle of Imperia. As she waltzed into the ballroom,

Angie was relieved to catch plenty of heads turning and looks of admiration thrown her

way. It was like a dream come true.

She felt a huge sense of self-importance as she signed the event registry with a black

fountain pen. Her signature commanded honor and respect from everyone present here

today. On the red carpet, she was directed by the ushers to the very front row for the VIPs.

As she found her name plate indicating her seat, she was especially pleased to find Noah’s

next to hers. Everyone in Imperia would know the man belonged to her!

She took a seat, as elegant as ever. She had practiced her soft smile and angles prior to

tonight, so the cameras were having a field day capturing her beautiful features. She was

slightly worried as Noah had yet to show up although the dinner was about to begin. She

should be used to it by now, but she could not help feeling disappointed at times like this.

“Mr. Quincy!”

“Mr. Quincy is here!”

“Oh, look, it’s Mr. Quincy! Still as handsome as I remembered!”

There was a flurry of activity at the entrance of the ballroom. Piecing together the

commotion and the excited whispers all around her, Angie knew Noah Quincy had arrived.

She stood up excitedly, eager to get to his side so the crowd could see what a good-

looking couple they made.

As she turned around, she caught sight of the most eye-catching gentleman in the entire

ballroom. He looked tall and regal in his fitted tuxedo, commanding everyone’s attention.

As she stepped forward to get closer to Noah, Angie suddenly noticed a woman by his
