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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 182
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Chapter 182

In front of the camera, Madeline lowered her head and sobbed. She looked pitiful.

Seeing that, netizens began to reprimand Bruno.

"What did you say? You want money from me? In your dreams!" Bruno's greatest fear was people

asking him for money. Madeline barged into his live broadcast. Not only that, she asked him for money.

He felt ridiculous.

“But you said to everyone that you miss me and want to acknowledge me back. So that’s not what you

meant?” Madeline’s face darkened.

Hearing that, Bruno was stunned. Suddenly, he felt uncomfortable.

"Don't look at me like that. We cut off our father-and-daughter relationship five years ago.”

Madeline came to ask Bruno for money. There must be financial problems with the Quincy family. What

was the use of Bruno acknowledging her back now?

“If that’s what you said. Don’t lie to the netizens again in the future!” Madeline said sternly. However,

she felt disappointed.

After saying that, Madeline turned around and left the studio without looking back.

Bruno could not help gritting his teeth.

Damn it. She ruins my broadcast!

Nonetheless, netizens watching the live broadcast were in an uproar. They were mad at what Bruno


“What a scumbag! He kidnapped his own grandson, took advantage of his own daughter and even

deceived the public with the products he sold.”

"Damn it! How dare he fool us like idiots!”

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“Let’s teach him a lesson!”

"I know where he is. He is living in the same city as us. Let's go to find the scumbag together!”

Seeing the comments from the angry netizens, Bruno was horrified.

"Why are you still standing there? End the broadcast quickly. Unplug the cable! Hurry!”

After leaving the studio, Madeline walked all the way to the roadside and got into her car.

She felt complicated.

He is my father, but why is he so meant to me?

Since Madeline was young, Bruno only had Angie in his eyes.

Madeline was always an outsider.

However, after what happened today, Madeline did not seem to bother now.

Sitting in the car, Madeline pondered. However, the phone in her pocket suddenly rang. She came back

to her senses right away.

The call was from Albert.

“Ms. Madeline, I found Angie.”

“Keep an eye on her. I’ll be right there.”

After hanging up the phone, Madeline started the car and drove all the way to the hospital located north

of Imperial.

Madeline was in a hurry. She drove in the fast lane. Luckily, it was not rush hour, and it only took her an

hour to get out of the city.

In the suburb, the number of cars on the road were less, and sometimes, there was not even a single

car in sight.

Madeline was pleased.

However, when she was only a few kilometers away from the hospital, a van suddenly stopped in front

of the crossroads and crashed into her car.

Both Madeline and the van were driving very fast. Madeline could not dodge away, and the van was hit.

It then slid all the way under the bridge not far away.

Madeline’s head hit the airbag. She felt dizzy. However, she was still conscious.

The car Madeline was driving was specially modified. Although it was hit, it was not severely damaged.

Madeline struggled to open the door. However, she felt a bit wobbly on her legs to get out.

Right then, the sound of liquid trickling made her horrified.

The oil tank of her car was leaking.

Madeline knew she had to run for her life.

She tried to push the door open with all her strength.

The moment the door was opened, she breathed a sigh of relief. She quickly unfastened the seat belt

and wanted to climb out.

However, her leg was stuck.

Madeline tried to pull her leg out but was in vain. Then she felt giddy again.


Suddenly, Madeline saw sparks outside her car. She panicked.

Am I going to die?

Madeline was in despair. Suddenly, a pair of branded leather shoes appeared in front of her eyes.

She raised her head subconsciously and saw a handsome face.


When Joseph was her senior, Madeline used to call him “Jo.”

"Maddie, how are you? Long time no see," said Joseph as he looked down at Maddie with a smile.

However, before Madeline could react, Joseph grabbed her shoulder and pulled her out of the car.

Madeline could not help but wobble. She still felt dizzy. Joseph had no choice but to hold her in his

arms and ran away.

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As soon as Joseph and Madeline were out of the car, the overturned car burst into flames, followed by

an explosion.

The overwhelming explosion caused Madeline to black out.

When she woke up again, she was in the hospital.

As soon as Madeline opened her eyes, she saw Joseph, sitting on the edge of her bed. He was

reading a magazine casually with golden-rimmed glasses.

Madeline was stunned. Immediately, she sat up.

“Don’t move. The doctor said you have a mild concussion. You need to rest more. You’re going to get

sick again if you don’t stay in your bed!” Joseph warned without taking his eyes off the magazine.

"Why did you save me?" Madeline looked at Joseph, feeling confused.

”I’m your senior. I should save you!”

“Really? But as far as I remember, you always take revenge.”

“Well, things changed. Although I was very angry with you for what you’ve done, I chose to forgive

you.” Joseph closed the magazine and put it aside. Then, he stood up and poured a glass of water for


Nonetheless, Madeline refused to take the glass and ignored him completely.

"Do you think I will believe you?" asked Madeline bluntly.

However, Joseph was not offended. He grabbed Madeline’s hands and stuffed the glass into her hand.

Madeline tried to pull her hands away but was in vain.

The glass was filled with hot water. Immediately, Madeline’s hands felt hot. She shook the glass off

subconsciously. The glass fell to the ground and broke into pieces.

Looking at the broken glass on the ground, Joseph's face darkened. However, he quickly forced a


"You will believe me… because I fall in love with you!"