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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 161
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Chapter 161

As soon as the livestream broadcast began, netizens began to call Madeline out using names such as

‘Ungrateful Madeline’, even before Bruno had a chance to say anything. Viewership had reached an

all-time high. Bruno was extremely pleased as he watched the viewer counter increase by the second.

He immersed himself fully in the role, getting Kingsley to act as his caretaker who supported as he got

out of the hospital bed and limped to a nearby chair and made sure it was captured on camera.

The broadcast vividly painted the narrative of a father who was abandoned by his own daughter ever

since she married into a wealthy family. However sad the father was, he insisted on making a living on

his own. As expected, these netizens fell for Bruno’s story and there was a tremendous outpour of love

and support for him from netizens all over Imperia. Behind the scenes, he had already arranged for the

livestream team to display a range of products on the viewer’s screen as they watched the livestream.

The interviewer would initially start off with a friendly introduction, before diving into the hot questions

that was on everyone’s mind. In Bruno’s case, Shawn eventually broached the ‘abandoned father’

topic. As Bruno shared his distressing experience live, netizens grew more and more invested in his

story, their eyes glued to their screens. At this moment, Bruno would introduce their first product of the

day, a late-night eye cream retailing for only $19.90.

As Bruno introduced the eye cream, he even told a little story about how he had handpicked and tested

the product himself before he introduced it to the market. He hoped his daughter was watching the

livestream and would purchase one for herself as well. The netizens ate all of this up hungrily,

enraptured by the story of a father’s unconditional love for his daughter and angered by said daughter’s


Touched by Bruno’s story, many netizens decided to lend their support to him monetarily by purchasing

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one of these eye creams. Many of them had decided to buy the cream when they heard that Bruno had

picked this out for his daughter, figuring that a product used by someone like Madeline Grant must be

of premium quality. At such an affordable price point, it was like doing some charitable work!

Within ten minutes, five thousand units of eye cream had been snapped up and sold out. Bruno could

barely contain his excitement as he watched the sales numbers jump in front of his eyes. This was his

chance of redeeming himself after so long!

“Everyone, I thank you for all your support, but please think before you purchase to avoid any

unnecessary wastage and overspending,” he advised his viewers, going for a friendly, fatherly vibe

before promoting the second product in line. He knew how primitive and irrational herd mentality was;

the more he asked them not to buy something, the more they would fight for it.

As soon as he spoke, several netizens spoke up in support of him again. “We’re here to lend you our

full support today, Mr. Grant! Being a father isn’t easy, so we’ll buy anything you sell!” one comment

wrote. Livestream traffic gradually began to pick up once more. Bruno was on the verge of tears. How

had he not known that these keyboard warriors sitting at home were so willing to give him their hard-

earned money, even when they struggled to make ends meet?! He laughed to himself internally as he

thought about how silly these commoners were, but he made sure to put on a good show for everyone

regardless. Here comes the second product of the day…

Bruno Grant’s livestream quickly became a trending topic on all of Imperia’s major social media

platforms. The hashtag #MadelineIngrate became the top hashtag in less than an hour since the

livestream began.

Madeline and Dr. Dylan Felch were catching up on the drama in the comfort of Madeline’s living room.

“Madeline, aren’t you the least bit angry getting cursed and scolded by online strangers?” Dylan asked

her curiously, eyeing her for any signs of upset or distress. Dylan had actually dropped by the villa early

in the morning to give Madeline a tracker that would monitor her heart rate, blood pressure and other

vitals on the go. Dylan would be able to track these vitals through his phone at any time too. Truthfully,

he was still worried for Madeline since he had yet to identify the drug coursing through her bloodstream

at present. Even when he went back to his lab at Golden Dome, he was still losing sleep over it, so he

decided to do what he could for now. Unfortunately, Noah was not around as he had to rush to the

office early this morning.

“Of course I’m angry! So angry!” Madeline replied in the most relaxed manner, double tapping her

phone screen to give an online troll’s comment a like. She even spammed a flurry of smiley emojis on

the livestream. One by one, netizens began to notice her online username, @MadelineGrant.

“You know I can track your heart rate through this tracker, right? Don’t lie to me, Madeline. Your heart

rate barely even spiked…” Dylan muttered.

Madeline chuckled lightheartedly. Before she could reply to Dylan, her phone buzzed vigorously,

indicating a flood of incoming notifications. It seemed like the netizens were having a field day today!

Each and every single notification that came through was a rude comment that scolded or cursed at

her. Madeline, however, was completely unaffected by the mean comments. Instead, she opened up

her chat with Albert and began typing.

“You may begin,” she texted Albert.

“Duly noted, Ms. Grant,” Albert responded promptly.

As soon as she gave the orders, Madeline wanted to rejoin the livestream, but was interrupted by a

message from her son, Thomas.

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“Mommy, when will I receive the little sister that I ordered?” Thomas texted.

“Ask your Daddy,” Madeline replied.

“Daddy asked me to ask you,” Thomas said.

“Mommy, are you there?” He sent another message five seconds later.

“Honey, I know you’re missing Zeke of late. Why don’t I let her know?” Madeline sent an unspoken


“Your darling son has left the conversation, roger,” Thomas ended the conversation promptly.

Feeling pleased with her parenting skills, Madeline happily closed her chat with Thomas. However, she

should have known better. Peace was a rare commodity these days. Barely three seconds later,

Dylan’s voice filled her ear.

“Madeline, who’s Zeke?” Dylan asked all of a sudden, frightening Madeline in the process.

“Dylan!! Do you know eavesdropping is frowned upon?” she admonished.

“I wasn’t intending to eavesdrop, Madeline, but I couldn't help but notice your heart rate spiking when

you mentioned ‘Zeke”. As your doctor, it’s only right that I understand the root cause of the spike in

your heart rate. So tell me, who is Zeke?” Dylan’s logic was sound.

“I thought you called yourself a scientist…” Madeline protested.

“Madeline, you’re an intellectual yourself. You should know that doctors and scientists are two non-

conflicting occupations. So, who is Zeke?” Dylan pressed once again.

“If I tell you, can you promise not to tell Noah?” Madeline sighed. She knew she had no way out of this,

so she tried another method.

“Of course, of course!” Dylan’s eyes lit up with excitement.