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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 158
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Chapter 158

“Sure thing, I’ll go right away!” Andy responded. Before he left the room, he quickly grabbed hold of the

‘patient’ who had been lying on the bed pretending to be a severely injured Madeline. “Cooper, c’mon,

let’s go! You’re taking this role a little too seriously. The show’s over, buddy!”

Cooper got up in a daze, still wrapped up in gauze and bandages like a mummy and walked out of the

room together with Andy. “Andy, you didn’t see how crazy that woman was! She just pulled the tubes

out of a severely injured patient with zero hesitation! I’m pretty sure I’m traumatized for life now,”

Cooper recalled his encounter with a certain Suzette Grant.

Andy and Cooper’s conversation faded into the background as they walked away from Madeline.

However, truth be told, she was still a mixed bag of emotions. The person she had known as her

mother for years hated her so much that she attempted to kill her. At least we’re not biologically related,

Madeline consoled herself.

Bruno was so excited about the livestream event that he could barely sleep at night. He got up as soon

as daylight broke, waiting impatiently for evening to roll around when the livestream would take place.

Orange Entertainment had already transferred $150,000 to his bank account and signed the contract

with him. As long as the livestream went on successfully tonight, he would be entitled to the remaining

payment and the deposit for the next livestream.

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Bruno sat on the sofa, sipping a cup of tea as he mentally calculated how much he was going to earn

tonight. It was at least $450,000, which was more lucrative than any direct selling business. He could

not wait to return to the lifestyle of the rich and famous! Having woken up so early in the morning, he

found himself feeling a little hungry and wondering where his wife was. It was then when he finally

recalled that Suzette had gone to check on Madeline last night, but never returned.

“Where did the old hag go now? Did she forget how to come home?” Bruno had always let Suzette do

whatever she wanted, but things were about to change now that he was going to be a famous

livestream host! How could she leave her husband starving at home?! Bruno grumbled as he picked up

his phone to give his wife a call, but the call went straight to voicemail. He was about to give her

another call when Kingsley called.

“Sir, there’s been a lead on the disturbance last night. A surveillance camera at one of the nearby

shops caught the image of the perpetrator,” Kingsley informed.

“Oh? Which twat was it that caused all this trouble?” Bruno demanded to know. He almost passed out

after hearing about the damage from last night.

“It was James,” Kingsley replied.

“James? The previous CFO? Why did he do that? Do we owe him any money?” Bruno thought the

name sounded familiar. As the CFO of their company, he was at least partially at fault when the

company lost tens of billions of dollars. If it was not for Suzette who pleaded on his behalf, he would not

have merely fired him.

“Sir, as far as I know, we do not owe him any money. It was a dismissal, but we paid his salary in full

before he left,” Kingsley reasoned.

“Then what’s going on?! I can’t even sleep in peace at night knowing that there are people like him out

there for my blood!” Bruno yelled. He was exasperated with the rising cases of sabotage and extortion

lately. However, James Lowe was a mere ex-CFO of his company. What grudge could he possibly

have against him, and how dare he do something like that?! Bruno’s belly filled with raging hot anger

the more he thought about it.

“Umm…” Kingsley hesitated.

“Spit it out, Kingsley! I have no time for your stammering!” Bruno scolded his butler.

“I’ve been investigating this Bruno person since last night. I found out that he has an… unusual

relationship with Mrs. Grant…” Kingsley picked his words carefully.

“Unusual relationship? What does that mean? Is he a relative of Suzette’s?” Suzette had always

planted her own relatives in the company, so this was unsurprising to Bruno. The spectacular failure of

their company was probably in part due to the incompetence of these useless freeloading relatives of

hers. “I won’t go easy on him even if he’s one of Suzette’s relatives! If he shows up again, report him to

the police immediately!” Bruno barked.

“Sir…” Kingsley cleared his throat audibly. “James was most likely having an affair with Mrs. Grant. The

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two of them have known each other for years now, and Mrs. Grant manages most of his assets for him.

James Lowe also runs an underground illegal video business that brings in at least hundreds of

thousands each month…” Kingsley informed his boss hesitantly. He had told him most of the truth,

except the part where most of the videos distributed involved Suzette. All these years, he felt that

Bruno still cared for his wife, so he did not want to tarnish her image completely in his eyes. He

resolved to tell Bruno the truth slowly over time, having been a loyal worker for the family for years.

“What?!” Bruno screamed over the phone incredulously. “You’re saying that bitch cheated on me?!”

Bruno was in disbelief, losing faith in humanity by the second. That unrepentant woman was already a

senior citizen, and she was still going around seducing men! Was she not satisfied with being Mrs.

Grant? Did she disappear to look for her lover? As these thoughts consumed him, he kicked the coffee

table in a fit of rage but lost his own balance. He slipped and fell, hitting his head on the edge of the

coffee table. Blood gushed freely from a fresh wound on his forehead and his previous arm wound had

opened up again, coating his bandages with blood.

“Sir, are you okay? Sir?” Kingsley asked worriedly through the phone, but Bruno could not even bring

himself up as he laid among scattered shards of glass from the broken teapot.

An hour later, an ambulance arrived to ferry Bruno to the hospital, thanks to Kingsley who had called

for help as he sensed something amiss. Bruno was entirely conscious throughout, his eyes filled with

panic and rage, but he could not move his body. Kingsley was anxiously waiting by his side, but Bruno

did not respond to him no matter how many times he called out to him, up until the moment before he

was wheeled into the surgical theater. Grabbing hold of Kingsley’s hand, he looked him in the eye and

said, “Kingsley, I’ll never forgive the bitch…. Never…”