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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 126
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Chapter 126

Madeline tried to keep her balance during the free fall.

The building was more than fifty meters in height as she estimated. The night wind

brushed against her face, impeding her from opening her eyes.

It was a good thing the weather was good today because she had great visibility of her


Madeline quickly observed the situation on the ground.

Spotting a great place to land, Madeline pressed the third button on her blouse.

The parachute sewn between the layers of her blouse was deployed.

It was a success!

Madeline finally felt relieved when the parachute came on.

Her clothes were specially altered. A parachute was folded and sewed to the back of her

blouse. Due to the lightweight fabric, the parachute was well hidden among the fabric.

Nevertheless, the thin parachute could not hold much capacity of weight and distance of


Fortunately, the height between the roof and visible ground level was not too bad.

Otherwise, Madeline could get hurt from the drop despite having a parachute.

Counting her lucky stars, Madeline tugged onto the rope of the parachute as she prepared

for landing.

Moments before her safe descent, an arrow struck the parachute, cutting a hole through

the fabric.

Hanging onto the parachute, Madeline immediately lost control.

With the parachute’s air resistance disrupted, gravity sucked Madeline to the ground.

“Ah!” She let out a shriek and crashed onto the ground along with the parachute.

Due to the high drop, Madeline lay on the ground, suspecting she might have broken her


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Before she could get up, a pair of black leather boots appeared before her eyes.

“I was so nice to you, and yet you tried to run. You’re not a good girl.”

The man said and carried Madeline over his shoulder. He stuffed her into a truck on the

side of the road.

It was the cold storage compartment.

Madeline got a ringing sound in her ear from the impact of landing. There was nothing she

could do as she was hurled into the cold storage.

“Well, let’s do things differently since you’re not playing nice. You have six hours to live

judging by the temperature of the storage. I’ll notify Mr. Quincy to rescue you here if he

hands over my brother, Lone Fox. What do you say?”

The man in black joked around with Madeline, but his eyes reflected a gruesome intent to


“Forget it. I’m no use as a threat to Noah.” Taking her time at sitting up, Madeline

dejectedly remarked.

“We’ll know when we do it. Aren’t you curious too? Will Noah yield for you? How far of a

distance will he go for you?”

Madeline was without a word.

She reached out and held herself by the arms.

The cold inside the storage gave her lucidity in mind.

Was she a weakness to Noah?

She was not at all curious. All she knew was that she would be dead in less than six hours

in the freezing storage because she was injured.

“So Lone Fox is your brother, huh? So, does that mean you’re Lone Wolf?” Madeline pulled

her collar to retain her body warmth. By then, the man standing at the door had changed

the topic.

“That took you some time, pretty lady. I thought you had it figured out a long time ago.”

While chatting with Madeline, Lone Wolf whipped out his phone and proceeded to shoot a

new video.

It occurred to him that the freezer compartment made a better backdrop. Madeline’s

pitiful look behind the camera could tug on any man's heartstrings.

The man thought with delight. He narcissistically believed he could not come up with a

more perfect script and background.

“I’m sorry. I thought Lone Wolf was a grizzled old man before I met you. Lone Wolf has

never shown his face in public before. I’m surprised that you turned out to be a child.”

Madeline observed the situation in the storage before fixating on Lone Wolf.

She was surrounded by ice. The only way out of the place was the door.

Alas, Lone Wolf was in the way. Besides, he was likely to shut the door and leave once he

was done shooting the video.

Her clock was ticking.

“Who are you calling a child?” Lone Wolf was not too happy to be labeled a child.

“I’m complimented on your young looks. What? Is that not good enough for you? Oh, Lone

Wolf. I know where your brother is. How about I break him out, and we go our separate

ways? How does that sound to you?”

Madeline sounded him out.

Lone Wolf did not seem to mind as he was focused on sorting out the video. He did not

even spare her a glance.

“Oh, were you going to say that my brother is locked up in Dylan Felch’s laboratory in

Golden Dome International District?”

“You know?” Madeline was surprised.

“I mentioned that I know everything that is to know in the world.” Lone Wolf was confident

in that fact.

While they were engaged in a conversation, Lone Wolf sent the newly-shot video to Noah.

“I simply want leverage against Noah. Here’s some advice. Stop the unnecessary struggle.

Otherwise, you’re going to end up hurt. I’ll feel bad.”

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Silence ensued.

Lone Wolf might be goofing off and a nutcase, but he was rather observant. Hearing this,

Madeline quietly curled her fingers away from her bracelet.

Her little stunt did not escape the eyes of one of the top ten killers in the world.

The door to the cold storage was slammed shut.

The temperature in the storage unit began to drop drastically.

The biting cold went straight to her bones. It did not take long for her hands to feel numb.

Noah brought Thomas along to speed off on the road.

By the time they arrived at the location where Madeline’s phone signal was last seen, all

that was left behind was her car.

Wayne was already scouring the nearby area with his men. With Noah arrived on the

scene, he went up to report the progress to him.

“Sir, we’ve looked all around, but we can’t track Ms. Grant down. I noticed a suspicious

figure when I looked into the surveillance tape.

Wayne paused the surveillance footage and magnified the image. It showed the side

profile of a man with a black cap.

He remembered this guy. Carrying orders to intervene, Wayne came face-to-face with the

man at the hairpin turn, but the man managed to escape unscathed.

Wayne had been tracking the person down ever since.

That was why Wayne screenshotted the image when he spotted the man in the

surveillance footage.

It was a shame that all Wayne found was a barely visible side profile in the ten-minute


Since the man shared a resemblance to the killer before, Wayne felt the need to report it

to Noah.

“The Hershey Hairpin killer?” Noah looked at the screenshot. His heart sank.

Did he abduct Madeline?