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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 124
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Chapter 124

There was a long paragraph of text in the document sent by Wayne, and the last page

showed a picture of an award ceremony at a competition.

Standing right in the center was the smug brat, and the boy named Thomas right beside

the brat shared a spitting image.

So, this must be Colt.

Apparently, Thomas was also his son.

Did Madeline give him two sons?

Where was Colt right now?

Thomas talked about a younger brother this morning. Was he talking about Colt?

Noah stared at the report on his phone as his hands quivered in shock.

While things were more complicated than he imagined, this was welcomed news.

If the kids looked alike, it could only mean that Madeline did not marry another man.

Madeline really played him like a fiddle.

Noah smirked in anger.

Ha! It had been years since he last saw her. It appeared his docile wife had become a

rather sly fox.


Madeline put the pedal to the metal and arrived at Creek Montessori School in record time.

Her timely arrival happened to coincide with the end of school hours. To avoid the crowd,

Madeline had no choice but to park her vehicle further away. She traveled to the school

gates on foot.

She wanted to enter the school grounds to search for her babies, but the security guard

stopped her.

“I’m sorry. Only registered parents of students here are allowed in.”

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Out of alternatives, Madeline had to give Noah a call.

Alas, no one answered on the other end of the line. Madeline also could not get through to

him on WhatsApp either.

Anxious, Madeline logged onto the tracking app on her phone to locate Thomas’ phone.

To her surprise, she could not get a signal.

Noah must have kidnapped her son!

That was Madeline’s first thought.

Madeline went into panic mode the moment the thought jumped into her head.

She had a feeling that Noah must have found out who Thomas was and taken him away

on purpose.

The nerve of the pr*ck!

It was getting to Madeine that she could not track her son. Standing in front of the

kindergarten, she watched as parents collected their children one by one.

She was thrown into a fluster.

No matter the cost, she must bring Thomas back!

Madeline raced back to the car and started the engine. Her grip on the steering wheel was

wobbly, to say the least.

She raised Thomas all on her own, so it was hard for her to imagine life without Thomas.

With her heart jumping out of her chest, Madeline was overwhelmed with the feeling of

suffocation. She was about to lose control of herself.

Nevertheless, her mind was set on finding Thomas. Leaving all inhibitions at the door, she

made a U-turn and drove toward the Quincies’ residence.

At the same time, she gave Albert a call.

“Check whether Noah has plans to leave the country today. Thomas’ phone signal is

jammed. Find a way around it. I want to know his location.”

“What happened, Ms. Grant?”

“Noah must have found out who Thomas is because he took Thomas away!”

Madeline’s voice was shaking as the words left her lips.

“Ms. Grant, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Mr. Quincy is Thomas’ biological father no

matter what. He won’t do anything to Thomas even if he knows the truth.” Picking up on

Madeline’s negative emotions, Albert was quick to offer her comfort.

“He knew I carried his child five years ago, but it didn’t stop him from killing us. We only

survived because it was our time yet. Albert, I need to find Thomas as soon as possible.”

Noah probably would not do anything to a child-like Thomas.

However, what if Noah refused to let Madeline see Thomas again after all the lies that had

been going on?

It was frightening for Madeline to even think about it.

She went over the speed limit on the highway as her mind went on a downward spiral.

Fear had gotten the best of her.

Madeline was scared that Noah would take revenge by taking the child – the only light in

her life – away from her.

She was not just losing her mind but her emotions too. With feelings running high, her

vision started to get blurry.

No! She must not go unhinged at a time like this. Even at the cost of death, her priority

was to locate Thomas and bring him home!

Madeline tried to pull herself together, bolting her grip on the steering wheel as she

moved on ahead. Still, she was drowning in waves of emotions. Despite her efforts, she

could not steady her breathing.

She was gasping for air. Beads of sweat streamed down her forehead, and her delicate

complexion was drained of color.

Madeline gradually relinquished control over her body. Her car swerved across the

highway, nearly brushing against the bodies of other vehicles.

Seconds before the lack of oxygen took her, the phone in Madeline’s pocket rang.

Holding the steering wheel with one hand, Madeline shakily pulled out her phone with her

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free hand. It took a while before she was able to unlock and accept the call.

Due to her compromised vision, she was not able to get a good look at the person on the

other end of the line.

“Did you feel the heartache?” A husky voice came onto the phone. Grabbing the lifeline,

Madeline slammed the brakes and pulled up at the side of the road.

Clutching to the phone, Madeline struggled to open the door and fell onto the ground. The

sharp pain gradually brought her back to reality.

“Noah, where did you take Thomas?”

“I asked you. Did you feel the heartache when you couldn’t find Thomas?”

“Yes. I’m heartbroken, so can you give Thomas back to me? I lied to you. It has nothing to

do with the boy.”

“So you do feel the pain when your child is taken away. What makes you think that I

wouldn’t feel the same when you took the child away?”

“I…” Madeline was rendered speechless.

It dawned on her that this was Noah’s act of revenge.

He was taking it out on her for playing the disappearing act with the children. She

removed their presence from his world.

“They are my children too. Why did you think I would feel nothing when they were gone

from my life? Are you trying to keep this from me forever? Are you trying to make me

regret for life?”

He would probably be in the dark about having another son if Thomas did not give himself

away. Madeline could have taken the children far, far away.

On the other end, Madeline collapsed on the ground while listening to Noah’s accusations.

There was a growing pain in her chest.

It was like someone had stabbed her in the heart.

Madeline had never thought about what it would mean to Noah for losing a child. It was

likely that she believed Noah would not care. Well, he was not the least bit concerned

about their lives back then.

“I’m sorry, Noah. I made a mistake. Please have mercy…”

With her vision turning blurry, Madeline was losing consciousness. Her body went limp,

and she passed out before finishing her sentence.