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After divorce, Ex-wife Revealed Identities

Chapter 946
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Chapter 946 The police were also somewhat frustrated, most afraid of encountering these bizarre and inexplicable cases.

Is it serious? It's not serious, but it's enough to be melotic and make people laugh and cry.

A man who looked like a police leader said, "Listen, don't insult each other. Let's go back to the station first, investigate thoroughly and explain everything clearly. Okay?" "Let's go then! We're affecting the restaurant business here," another policeman added.

So they all marched towards the police station in a grand procession. Before leaving, they were afraid that the suspect Teun might escape so she was taken away in a police car...

Evie waved goodbye playfully to Teun. "Bye-bye! Good luck!" Teun was so angry that she almost vomited blood. She looked disheveled with swollen red marks on her face from being beaten up - looking every bit like an unruly woman who had just been through a fight.

She had never felt so embarrassed in her life! Fuming with anger, she sat in the police car messaging Eudora and Walt on Facebook asking them to crescue her at the station.

Walt was at hholding Isaac - Eudora's child - feeling overjoyed as he beca grandfather for the first tever. How could he not be happy? Especially since this child is destined to becThe Carr Family's prince one day.

Thinking about this made him grin from ear-to-ear.

"Dad," Eudora asked while sitting next to him holding their sleeping baby in her arms gently patting his back trying not wake him up too much."How did Teun end up smashing someone else's car?" Walt looked annoyed as he replied. "Teun is becoming more reckless by day; how could she do something so embarrassing? Is Miss Teun of the Anto family really that stupid?" "Maybe there is shidden reason behind it," sighed Eudora."l just feel like things aren't that simple." "She acts impulsively; why can't she learn from you?" Walt continued grumbling," I'm always worried that she'll do something irreversible." He couldn't help but wonder who owned that Bentley car; only rich or wealthy people could afford such luxury cars - how could an ordinary person own one? Just when he was feeling agitated inside, their driver stopped outside of the Police Station entrance gate.

Walt opened his door. "It's inconvenient for you with our son asleep on your lap; I'll go alone." He glanced over at Isaac sleeping soundly before adding. "Your mother really..." He shook his head disapprovingly before continuing," ... going out for sladies' night gathering late at night... she always disappears when we need her." He didn't forget expressing his dissatisfaction towards Mrs. Anto either while walking into Police Station alone "Mom doesn't have dinner every day, we just happened to be lucky today," Eudora said, holding her child and feeling a bit tired.

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"Dad, please calm down. If we can't afford it, we'll just compensate them." Walt nodded heavily. "Do you think | don't know that?" With a loud bang, he slammed the car door shut and walked into the yard without looking back.

"It's only by slamming the car door that he can vent his anger," Eudora thought to herself as she watched her father's retreating figure with unease.

As Walt entered the police station's lobby, he saw two officers on duty. He suppressed his annoyance and put on a forced smile.

"Excuse me, may | ask where Teun is?" "Oh, she's in the interrogation room. It's the third room down this hallway." One of the officers pointed down the corridor. "Are you her family member?" "I'm her father." The officer looked at him sympathetically and said. "Go ahead then but it will cost you quite a bit of money." Walt felt his scalp tingle at those words.

He could accept paying compensation but what he couldn't accept was if Teun had offended someone she shouldn't have...

As he walked towards the interrogation room, he heard voices from inside. "Why did you smash my car window?" "I got it wrong! | really don't have any grudge against him!" Teun didn't know how many times she had answered these questions already but these people just wouldn't believe her.

They kept asking again and again.

And that middle-aged man was even more ridiculous - claiming that Teun had secretly loved him so much that when rejected by him out of shor anger smashed his car? She was really about to collapse under all this pressure...

"She must have seenas rich and wanted to pursuebut failed so becangry," claimed middle-aged man confidently while adding. "lI am Yehuda Welch - CEO of Xinda Electronics." "We recently signed a big contract with the Anto family thanks to cooperation with the Carr family... if not for our relationship with the Carr family, we wouldn't even consider working with such small companies like yours?" Yehuda Welch exuded confidence all over his face.

Just as Walt arrived at their doorstep; he heard these few sentences.

Damn! It turned out to be Yehuda Welch - an old ugly man who liked playing around with secretaries or assistants around him whose reputation was very bad indeed! But this guy knew how to do business well; the earphones or chargers produced by Xinda Electronics were of excellent quality hence sold very well! "So, the guy Teun offended was him?" Walt almost blacked out from anger.

This fool! He completely forgot where he was in his rage and kicked open the interrogation room door.

Teun saw him with a surprised look on her face. "Dad! You--" But before she could finish her sentence, she saw her father rush towards her with an imposing manner and slap her across the face.

It was very loud! She was stunned by the blow.

Her face turned sideways, already extremely messy and disheveled appearance beceven worse. Her swollen cheeks were so puffy that she couldn't recognize herself anymore.

Tears streamed down Teun's face as she cried out, "Dad, why did you hit me? I've already been beaten by them; isn't that enough? Now you hittoo!" "Apologize to Mr. Welch!" Walt commanded fiercely while looking at her as if he wanted nothing more than to tear her apart piece by piece.

This fool! The Anto family could only get this cooperation because of The Carr family yet she still wanted to ruin it all! It's truly despicable! Upon hearing his words Teun froze up immediately.

She suddenly felt panicked for no reason at all. Was their Anto family really doing so poorly now that they had fallen so low as cooperating with a small factory like this one? Was what this middle-aged man said true? She didn't care about appearances or dignity anymore.

She quickly apologized profusely towards both Yehuda Welch and his wife, saying, "I'm sorry. | acted impulsively but | really mistook your car for someone else's car." "It really is just a misunderstanding; my sister is mostly responsible... if not for her instigating me, then there would be no way that | would go smash your car either... she went too far in choosing your car specifically which must mean that she doesn't like you." Was the Anto family still the sas before? Walt turned red with anger. This was basically insulting him and slapping him in the face.

But what could he do when his own daughter wasn't behaving well? He had nowhere to vent his anger and had to smile while dealing with Yehuda Welch.

This man's character was very poor; he wasn't a good person.

But business is business.

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"Mr. Welch, rest assured that compensation will be given to you promptly. This matter is Teun's fault; please forgive her as an adult should. Let us not pursue this any further," Walt pleaded again humbly.

When Yehuda Welch heard Teun's name, he couldn't help but burst out laughing loudly while Walt looked confused.

"What are you laughing about?" Yehuda Welch gave Teun an obscene look up and down before saying. "With a nlike 'Teun,' it really makes one wonder!" This statement was extremely insulting and disgusting.

Teun almost passed out from holding back her breath.

She gritted her teeth but dared not say anything; she could only bite her lip in humiliation without making a sound.

"Mr. Welch sure knows how to joke," Walt finally managed to say after struggling for half of eternity.

He almost suffered internal injuries from holding back his rage.

As they left together, he wanted nothing more than to stab that garbage named Yehuda Welch with a knife.

But he held himself back.

After leaving the police station, however, instead of immediately going home, Li made a phone call. "Yes... yes... we'll handle everything according to your instructions... this matter..." "Okay, okay, I'll make sure to get the hush money. Don't worry," Yehuda Welch said with a smug smile after hanging up the phone.

The Anto family would never guess who they were really dealing with.

He saved the phone number and whistled as he got into his car. But before he could even settle in, his wife slapped him across the face...

Meanwhile on the other side of town, Jasper glanced at Facebook and smirked. "Yehuda Welch is quite resourceful. The Anto family... heh-heh - anyone who dares to mess withwill pay their dues." The thought of Eudora relying on Evie's blood to stay alive while being mistreated by the Anto family made him furious and heartbroken at once.