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After divorce, Ex-wife Revealed Identities

Chapter 875
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Chapter 875 Niamh's face turned pale. "Uncle..." This man was humiliating her! "If you're calling him uncle, shouldn't you call me auntie?" Sylvia elegantly walked over and linked arms with Franklin.

The handsome couple standing intimately together deeply stimulated Niamh's eyes.

Why did such a handsome man have to be with this woman? She must be clinging onto him and not letting go.

"Mr. Maskelyne, what happened?" Clare walked over with a glass of wine in hand.

"Uncle..." Niamh's voice sounded aggrieved as she pouted her lips and looked at Clare pitifully. When she was younger, Clare had always doted on her. He would definitely support her now.

Clare didn't notice Niamh's thoughts as his attention was focused on Franklin and Sylvia. "Mr. Maskelyne, this is my niece Niamh. If she has disturbed you in any way, | will take her away immediately.” Take her away...

Niamh was shocked by Clare's words.

She had come specifically to meet this incredibly handsome man but now her uncle wanted to take her away? Was he kidding? "No, she seems interesting." Sylvia smiled mischievously making herself even more charming. "She just said that she wants to call Franklin uncle.” "I'm friends with Mr. Hipps so it's alright for her to call me uncle." Franklin saw the cunning glint in Sylvia's eyes and quickly agreed with what she said.

The two of them exchanged words leaving Clare stunned speechless from their conversation.

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He frowned at Niamh,"It has been so long since we've seen each other yet you still don't understand manners? How could you act so impolitely in front of Mr. Maskelyne?" Tears welled up in Niamh's eyes as she felt wronged, "That wasn't my intention... Uncle..." She wanted to explain but then heard Clare speak seriously, "Mr. Maskelyne is my friend; from now on when you see him, you must respectfully address him as ‘uncle’. Seeing him should be like seeing me; do you understand?" Niamh thought that her uncle would support her but instead...

Clare solemnly requested that she address Franklin as 'uncle'? Was he kidding? "Uncle, he's so young. How can | call him uncle? I'll just call him Mr. Maskelyne." Niamh tried to argue. She didn't want to call Franklin uncle. This man was excellent, and judging by Clare's attitude towards him, he must be either rich or noble, and exceptionally handsome - a real catch.

No matter what, she had to hold on tight to this man and make herself the apple of his eye.

Even though she would be living in the Hipps Manor from now on, she wasn't part of the Hipps family's direct lineage.

If she didn't seize such a high-quality man like this one tightly, then that would be foolishness.

"Aren't you disrespecting me? Are you trying to make me lower my status as an uncle?" Clare looked at Niamh with annoyance.

He thought she was cute when she was younger but now wondered why she wasn't more sensible.

Sylvia chuckled at this scene; Niamh wore her heart on her sleeve entirely.

Clare couldn't even see through it yet! The straight-laced Uncle Clare had a serious expression on his face as he spoke with an educational tone. "Niamh, you grew up around your parents all your life and not around your granduncle and grandaunt in the estate. It seems that your parents’ thinking has heavily influenced you. In the future, I will tell your granduncle and grandaunt so they can teach you well and prevent any missteps." Niamh. ".." Was Clare discriminating against her? Discriminating against her for not growing up in an estate? She almost spat out blood from anger.

"And also your sister Chaya; who knows what kind of person she has become now." Clare remained serious because of his experience working in the Air Force Department and being imprisoned - it made him appear less gentle than before.

He exuded a terrifying aura that frightened people profoundly.

Niamh couldn't help but take a step back. "Uncle..." She looked at Clare with pale skin while biting down hard on her lower lip - was this still the same Uncle who used to love her so much? Why did Uncle become so scary? Clare emitted an intimidating presence that made people shudder; he coldly stared at Niamh. "Don't let me see any more improper behavior from you again or else don't blame me for using family law." If all relatives lived inside the Hipps Manor, then family law is essential.

Management also needs to keep up. These relatives are all different, and if anyone causes trouble, it will bring disaster to the Hipps family.

Niamh was so angry that she trembled all over. Her fingers clenched into fists, her nails digging into her palms almost to the point of drawing blood.

It hurts! It hurts! But she couldn't seem to feel it.

She was furious! It must be this woman, this beautiful woman who badmouthed her in front of Uncle and Mr. Maskelyne. A trashy slut! It's definitely this gossipmonger who used seduction tactics to make Uncle listen to her.

Uncle never used to be like this before.

Niamh felt extremely uncomfortable but dared not show it and turned around and walked away instead.

Clare's face darkened. "Stop!" Niamh stood humiliated in place and slowly turned around. "Uncle, is there anything else?" "You're leaving without saying goodbye? What happened to your manners?" Clare's cold gaze fell on Niamh; she wasn't a refined lady raised by the Hipps manor after all; she was just uncouth.

Niamh's face became even more unsightly, pale with humiliation as if Clare had dragged out both her inner self-respect and outer dignity for Sylvia and Franklin to see while humiliatingly berating them.

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Inwardly going mad with rage, Niamh thought about taking etiquette classes for debutantes one day so that Clare would have a newfound respect for her.

What were these socialites doing every day anyway? Aren't they discussing handbags, cosmetics or high-end fashion customization? She could do that too! One day soon enough - She wouldn't let Clare look down on me anymore - She would become a true socialite at the Hipps manor.

She forced herself through feelings of humiliation with a smile on her face. "Uncle, I'm leaving now; I'll go check where Chaya is." "And what about your Uncle and Aunt?" Clare pointed at Franklin and Sylvia again.

Niamh almost cried because of Clare's words.

Why did she have to call such a young man Uncle? But now that Clare was in charge of the Hipps family, she could not afford not listening? She opened his mouth but looking at Franklin's handsome face along with his noble demeanor made it hard for Niamh call him uncle Sylvia found it amusing but didn't say anything All of Niamh's thoughts were written on her face, except she hadn't told the whole world that she wanted to marry the best man with money, looks and power. It was a pity... Clare didn't know if she really couldn't see it or if she was pretending to be clueless.

Niamh was so angry that she almost exploded. She walked over to her sister Chaya in high heels. Chaya wore a very ladylike dress with lace edges, looking like a style from Ivana Trump's fashion craze more than ten years ago. If Sylvia wasn't living in modern times, she would have thought that this Chaya had traveled back in time... a loyal user of Ivana Trump! "What's wrong? Why do you look like that?" Chaya glanced at her and continued eating dessert. "This glutinous rice ice is pretty good, want to try some?" "Try what?!" Niamh growled angrily.

Chaya looked at her inexplicably and said, "Why are you going crazy on me? Did someone provoke you? If someone provoked you then go find someone else to vent your anger on! Why are you coming after me?" "If I could, | wouldn't be angry here!" The more Niamh thought about it the angrier she got."Uncle changes a lot; he doesn't spoil me anymore. It makes me so mad!" When Chaya heard it involved Clare, her interest piqued immediately. "What happened exactly? Tell me all about it." Niamh immediately told everything that had happened earlier while still feeling furious,"Can you believe how despicable this woman is?" "She's despicable alright! You should teach her a lesson!" With an evil smile, Chaya continued, "Get rid of her and let everyone talk behind her back! Let's see if she dares mess with us again later." "Do you have any ideas?" Suddenly interested, Niamh leaned closer towards Chaya's ear as excitement lit up both eyes.

After listening to Chaya's plan, Niamh widenedher eyes, "Will this work?! Are you crazy?! What if we get caught?" "What could go wrong? Whether it's Uncle Xiao or Mr. Maskelyne, they'll both despise her when the time comes. You just wait and watch the show," said Niamh as she pulled on Niamh's hand.

"Sis, think about how Uncle Xiao looked just now. He was clearly under her spell," added Niamh.

Niamh had been hesitant before, but after hearing her sister's words and thinking again of Sylvia's stunning appearance, she made up her mind. "Okay, I'll do it." "Great! We'll do it together and there won't be any mistakes," replied Niamh confidently.

A woman burning with hatred and anger to the point of losing control would not give up such a good opportunity.

Meanwhile, Sylvia was chatting with Queena who really liked her. Queena held onto Sylvia's hand while asking questions about herself and showing concern for her well-being.