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After divorce, Ex-wife Revealed Identities

Chapter 872
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Chapter 872 Queena lifted her head and looked at the woman, blood flowing continuously from her forehead. She seemed to feel no pain, but the air was filled with a faint smell of blood.

"Lucille." Lucille shook her head, looking somewhat regretful at the beaten and bloody members of the Hipps family. "Why bother? Do you really think such extreme methods can absolve you of guilt? That's too naive!" "My son did not commit any crime, and neither did my Hipps family!" Queena remained proud despite being covered in blood.

Though she wasn't as tall as Lucille, she stood straight with a strong backbone.

She raised her chin slightly, even though she was disheveled and battered. The Countess’ aura was still fully displayed by Queena.

Like a winter plum standing proudly in the cold winter month - unshaken by wind or ice.

Lucille despised this detestable arrogance that ran through all members of Hipps family; whether it be Madeleine back then or Clare now - they all had an inexplicable sense of pride and duty that came with their status as nobles.

The more arrogant they were, the more glorious they felt; which only made Lucille want to destroy them even more! Destroy everything they held dear! There seemed to be a wild beast roaring inside Lucille's heart constantly urging her on. Destroy everything! Madeleine - Hipps family's genius - didn't she fall? Didn't she disappear? And never come back again? Ha ha ha...

The Hipps family is just like Madeleine back then; once glorious but now gone forever! Never coming back again! Lucille chuckled softly; Her beautiful face looked so gentle yet so charmingly wicked at the same time. Looking at these miserable members of Hipps family gave her indescribable pleasure deep down inside.

Queena's pale lips trembled slightly as she stared intently at Lucille for what seemed like an eternity before feeling a chill run down her spine from behind.

"Secretary Lucille,” said Queena firmly while standing outside the gates of the presidential house with unwavering determination written across every inch on her face.

"Just because we are currently defeated doesn't mean we will always be defeated. Others may think that our family has been nailed to shame pole but let me tell everyone here today - NO! NO! My family is innocent!" She glanced at Lucille and walked towards the tall and elegant woman. "When | was on the battlefield, the Secretary of State wasn't even born yet!" Lucille narrowed her eyes. "What do you want?" This old lady was spouting nonsense, even though it was already too late for the Hipps family to make a comeback.

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How dare she be so arrogant! Queena sneered and pulled out a dagger from somewhere. "I know that the Secretary of State is busy with official duties, so you don't have time to stop me, an old lady." The dagger glinted coldly as it pressed against Queena's neck.

"So if you continue to obstruct me, I'll die in front of you immediately.” Lucille's face instantly turned dark. Her beautiful face under the sunlight had a hazy glow with a layer of cold light surrounding it.

If this old lady died in front of her, her image as a national goddess...

Her lips were red like fire as she spoke softly. "Please show some restraint, Queena." Did Queena really think that Lucille would be scared by her suicide threat? Queena looked at Lucille blocking her way and made up her mind. She raised the dagger high and prepared to stab herself in the neck.

Just then - bang! A stone hit Queena's hand holding onto the dagger hard enough that it fell onto ground with a loud clatter before rolling several times before coming to rest on its side.

Everyone was shocked and couldn't believe what they saw.

Lucille suddenly looked up with an icy glare in her eyes. "Who? Who dares play tricks here?" "| save whoever | want to save; is there something wrong with that?" A clear voice came from behind a dark corner on one side.

Everyone saw a tall woman slowly walking out into view where sunlight shone upon them revealing their pretty face.

After seeing clearly who she was looking at Sylvia's appearance caused Lucille's pupils shrink into needle-like points.

Sylvia! What was she doing here? Sylvia wore all black clothing which showed off slender white neck skin; black clothes contrasted sharply against fair skin making everything look very eye-catching.

A tall man stepped out slowly behind Sylvia; he wore all-black suit which showed off his extraordinary handsomeness.

Franklin! The man stood with one hand in his pocket, his gaze sweeping over Lucille. His eyes were icy cold as he slowly withdrew a token from his pocket and raised it up. "Can we go in now?" he asked.

Lucille suppressed her surprise and smiled faintly, a hint of contempt barely perceptible in her expression. "I never expected to see that token in Mr. Maskelyne's possession,” she said. "It seems | am not doing my job as Secretary of State very well." The handsome man's lips curved into a slight smile. "There are many things the Secretary of State doesn't know about," he said.

With that, he strode forward towards Queena, assuring her that the Hipps family had been wronged and she needed not to worry.

Glancing at his watch - it was half past eleven - he declared confidently that they still had time before noon to make their move on the Presidential House.

Sylvia watched him walk away for several moments before turning back to Lucille.

She couldn't believe that this man possessed the token representing the President's trusted person; she had always assumed they were completely open with each other and held no secrets between them.

But clearly there was more going on than she realized. Anyone holding such a token could come and go from the Presidential House at will.

After hearing news of Clare's impending execution earlier today, Sylvia had rushed over to Hipps manor with him only to find it empty; naturally, she knew then that they must have headed straight for the Presidential palace instead.

Now Franklin was inside while Lucille surveyed all those gathered outside including members of Hipps family before finally locking eyes with Sylvia herself.

"Miss Andrews," Lucille began coolly after scanning everyone present once more, "you are quite an interesting person indeed! No matter what is happening or whether you're involved or not... you always seem eager to stick your nose where it doesn't belong! Don't you ever fear walking alone at night? What if you run into ghosts?" Sylvia arched an eyebrow slightly as she listened but couldn't help smiling inwardly at how ridiculous this sounded coming from someone like Lucille who seemed fearless herself despite any potential danger lurking around every corner.

"If even Lucille isn't afraid," Sylvia replied calmly after some thoughtfulness passed across her face briefly but disappeared just as quickly again behind her beautiful features; "then why should | be?" Lucille ran her fingers through her hair lightly while taking a deep breath inward, trying hard not let this girl get under skin too much anymore than necessary given recent events which made everything feel so much worse than usual somehow...

Sylvia really knew how to push people's buttons! Who did this little tramp think she was anyway? Just some lowlife piece of trash who didn't deserve anything good in life! How dare someone like her compare themselves against someone like Lucille? She shouldn't have given Sylvia a chance to live back then... That's why this little bitch is so arrogant and brazen now...

I'm too soft-hearted...

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There are no benefits to being compassionate towards her.

She thought to herself, her eyes gleaming with a cold light. But Sylvia seemed oblivious to it all as she calmly glanced at Lucille before turning her attention to Queena's injuries.

Sylvia didn't quite understand why this woman was looking at her with such an odd and inexplicable gaze. After all, this was the first time they had met and there was no animosity between them.

Lowering her head, she took the medicine box from Jasper's hand and pulled out some alcohol. "The wound isn't deep, but don't do anything foolish like this again in the future. There's always a solution to everything." Queena hadn't expected Franklin and Sylvia to show up.

As she regained her composure, she grabbed Sylvia's hand in hers. "He said he has a way to save Clare... is that true?" Sylvia nodded firmly. "He isn't lying, neither am 1." Queena's eyes lit up with hope as she looked at Sylvia. "Really?" "Really," replied Sylvia.

Queena closed her eyes as tears streamed down her face once more. "My Hipps family only has Clare left... if he dies too, then how can | face my ancestors? My daughter Madeleine has been missing for so many years now; we don't even know if it's alive or dead..." Her head began spinning but Queena gritted her teeth determinedly; there was one thing that remained constant in her heart - she would wait for news of Clare no matter what happened.

Old Mr. Hipps fell onto the ground while sweat soaked his body through-and-through; blood stained his face and clothes leaving him without any of his former countenance or dignity befitting an earl.

But he paid no heed as he stumbled over towards Queena before embracing tightly into his arms."Honey," he said, "we must wait for our son... Hipps family cannot perish!" Many members of Hipps family couldn't help but start sobbing quietly upon hearing these words spoken by their patriarchs’ lips which were usually so firm yet gentle.

Aloud rumble echoed through the sky followed by raindrops falling heavily on them like buckets being emptied out from above.

The previously sunny day had turned into one filled with dark clouds looming overhead threateningly while lightning flashed across its surface every few seconds.

Meanwhile inside the President's office building atmosphere remained tense stifling almost suffocating everyone present within its walls making breathing a difficult task.

The middle-aged man lifted his head and looked at the young man standing in front of him. He was tall and handsome, with narrow eyes that showed no emotion as he gazed at him.

Outside the window, the rain fell heavily, tapping against the glass and leaving a winding mist on its surface.

"It's been so many years, and this is the first time you've come to see me voluntarily," said the President wearily. "I never thought that when you finally did come to see me, it would be about Hipps family." He clasped his hands together on top of the table as if holding back a great emotional upheaval.