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After divorce, Ex-wife Revealed Identities

Chapter 871
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Chapter 871 The morning sun was bright and brilliant at the Hipps manor. The butler had gone out early to buy breakfast from a nearby community. Queena had just picked up her fork when she turned to Old Mr. Hipps sitting across from her and said, "I wonder how our son is doing in prison. Is he suffering?" Old Mr. Hipps took a bite of his dumpling before sighing heavily, "Who knows." As he spoke, he grabbed the remote control and turned on the TV. The morning news was broadcasting live with a sweet female anchor's voice saying, "Just last night, His Excellency the President issued a new order to execute death row inmate Clare at noon today. It is reported that since the occurrence of the tragic incident involving the Hipps family until now, evidence has been conclusive that Clare committed crimes deserving of punishment." With a loud clatter, Queena dropped her fork as tears welled up in her eyes and trembled on her lips. As she spoke through sobs that threatened to choke her voice out completely she said,"How could this be? How could it happen so quickly? He's going to be executed at noon today? No!" She cried out in despair as she staggered towards the door.

Old Mr. Hipps and their butler quickly got up to stop her, "Ma'am, what are you trying to do?" Queena's face was full of tears while pain filled every inch of it, "I'm going to find the President! | have to save my son!" Old Mr. Hipps looked at her with sadness etched deeply into his face, "What can you do if you go there? We don't have any evidence proving our son's innocence." "Are you asking me just watch my son die without doing anything about it? | can't do that! My son is innocent!" Queena cried while holding onto Old Mr. Hipps tightly.

The butler wiped away his tears helplessly.

Red-eyed with emotion, Old Mr. Hipps said firmly, "We're all going together right now." After speaking these words, he suddenly let go of Queena, then walked toward one guest room where an ancestral tablet belonging to their family was kept inside. With his left hand holding one tablet, and right hand holding another, the butler followed suit by carrying two tablets himself... Queena understood everything immediately after following them inside. She too carried two tablets along with them.

After what happened within their family, many relatives went separate ways from them.

However, when three elderly people opened apartment door, they were stunned by what they saw outside - many former servants who worked for their family stood there along with several distant relatives who came back after hearing about recent events...

Looking sad, Old Mr. Hipps gazed upon them ,"It seems like all of you know already..." Upon seeing the plaques held in their hands, everyone was shocked. "What are you guys doing...?" "No matter what, | have to save Clare," Queena's eyes were red and moist. "My son has never done anything to harm anyone." "We're going too," said the other members of the Hipps family as they rushed into the room. When they came out, almost every one of them had a plaque in their hands.

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Old Mr. Hipps and Queena were shaken by these actions from the Hipps family members. They never expected that they would be willing to help.

Their hearts were trembling! Queena raised her chin slightly, "My family's honor has lasted for a hundred years with generations of loyalty and devotion. How could we possibly do such a thing? My son Clare has made tremendous contributions for our country and empire during his service period - he received three third-class honors and one second-class honor. | must save him!" After Queena finished speaking, she took shaky steps towards the elevator.

The others followed behind her with a rustling sound.

Nearly thirty people from all levels of the Hipps family marched towards the front gate of the presidential palace.

Alongside them on their journey, many people whispered among themselves. "Young Master Ye was sentenced to death!" "It's so tragic! The Hipps family is responsible for managing our air force department; we've developed so well over these past few years thanks to their outstanding contributions in aviation.” "That's right! The three pilots from Hipps family who died while testing Union No. 3 performance are martyrs whose bodies fell into deep sea waters without any remains left behind.” "Indeed! There are more than just those three martyrs within this family; Miss Hipps who saved the President when she was young but went missing thirty years ago... the one found last year turned out to be an imposter." "Shouldn't President reconsider?" Guided by Old Mr. Hipps and Queena, all members of Hipps family arrived at Presidential Palace's entrance gate with strict security guards standing guard outside it.

Seeing this group consisting old men, women and children holding plaques in hand scared those security guards stiffened up for quite some time before regaining consciousness again. "Old Mr. And Mrs. Hipps, what brings you here?" Old Mr. Hipps scanned them expressionlessly, his voice carrying the weight of someone who had been in power for a long time.

"We brought the ancestors of the Hipps family to meet with the President. My son is innocent. The Hipps family has always served our country and people, both a hundred years ago and a hundred years from now. We would never do anything that harms our nation or its people.” He may be old now, but that doesn't mean he can let his son be wrongly accused and killed.

Even if he had ten or eight sons, he wouldn't let anyone kill any one of them.

"This..." The two guards looked at each other before one whispered, "I'l go notify him. You stay here." With that said, he rushed into the Presidential Palace.

Inside the palace at this moment, the President was sitting in his office holding a string of red coral beads in his hand. Due to its age and prolonged preservation over time, it had lost some of its vibrant color and was no longer as bright as it used to be.

When Lucille walked in and saw how distracted the President was looking at her with disgust flashing through her eyes for just an instant before quickly being replaced by coquettishness as she spoke sweetly. "What's wrong? Are you missing Madeleine again?" The President sighed deeply then sat up straight putting away his beads while speaking softly. "Madeleine is younger than me by several years but she's always acted like an older sister since we were young." "If it wasn't for her stabbing that crazy little horse's leg with a knife back then I'm afraid | would have died under its hooves already." "But now | have to execute her own brother, the only bloodline left from Hipps family." As he spoke, he lifted his head to look at Lucille who wore light-colored suits today which showed off her slender figure perfectly especially since it featured V-necklines revealing hints of cleavage between them.

He couldn't help but feel a stir in his throat while darkening eyes betrayed hidden desires within him yet forcefully suppressed down inside himself once more.

Lucille was beautiful; there was no denying that fact; however dangerous beauty could only lead one astray once they made mistakes- mistakes they could not afford another chance on making again...

Lucille smiled charmingly; she really did look stunning when she smiled- even more so than usual due to how delicate yet striking all features on her face appeared together...

"You can also choose to spare Clare, but... it might be hard to explain to the public. It's easy to spare a life, but it's difficult to maintain one's reputation and honor. If Madeleine were still alive and her brother made a mistake, she wouldn't tolerate it either.

Who knows, she might even be the first one to put righteousness before family!" Upon hearing that the Hipps family elders had brought their people to the presidential palace, Lucille rushed over immediately in order to see the president beforehand.

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She knew that this man would definitely remember that despicable woman Madeleine. A despicable woman who had been on his mind for so many years.

Her gaze inadvertently drifted towards the door when suddenly there was a knock.

The president looked up and said "Come in." Five minutes later, security guards came running up looking apologetic as they told Queena and Old Mr. Hipps "The president is very busy right now and doesn't have time for you. You should leave." Queena turned pale as her body swayed unsteadily; she couldn't believe what she was hearing as she stared at the deep courtyard. "My Hipps family has done both good deeds and suffered hardships; why are they treating us like this?" "I don't care! Since my son is going to die anyway, then step over my corpse!" Queena said fiercely as she charged towards the gate.

She had made up her mind; using all of her strength until there was nothing left.

Tears streamed down her cheeks falling into mid-air.

Two security guards were startled by this sudden action rushing forward, trying their best to stop Queena from advancing any further while other members of the Hipps family dropped their memorial tablets onto ground, saying, "If the President want to kill Clare, then just kill us all!" Each person wore an expression of determination ready for death. "I didn't die on battlefield only just outside the President Palace! | refuse! But for the Hipps family | have no regrets!" "I'm a pilot - Mr. Hipps has always been my role model leading us through perfect battle plans! Without him there would be no Air Force Department!” "I'l smash myself against these doors here - too bad | haven't finished my experiment yet! | didn't want die inside laboratory but here instead - how unfair!" One by one they charged towards gate again and again while waves upon waves of security guards poured out from inside courtyard trying everything possible stop them.

"Quickly go report back President!" "The situation was out of control. "Hurry!" the captain of the security team shouted. "Quickly!" They were almost at their breaking point.

The Hipps family members were acting like they had gone crazy, including Old Mr. Hipps, who kept banging his head against the door.

One by one, they banged their heads until blood flowed down their faces. "I'll die here today! We only ask that the President show us mercy!" "My family and | have always been loyal to Hipps family, but we don't deserve this fate! We won't stand for it!" "Mr. Hipps is innocent; he's been framed! We beg the President to investigate!" "We've been wronged; we haven't committed any crimes!" Just then, a woman in a professional suit stepped out into the yard wearing high heels and smiled faintly at the chaotic scene before her. "People just get confused when they get old."