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After divorce, Ex-wife Revealed Identities

Chapter 870
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Chapter 870 Online public opinion has become strange. Many netizens have started to denounce obsessive fans. Instead, fewer people are paying attention to scandals like fights.

Ashlyn stood at the back of the crowd wearing a mask, trying to minimize her presence by shrinking into a corner. She was the first person to incite those fans, but after those girls went crazy, she immediately hid in the crowd. Seeing that things didn't develop in the direction she wanted them to go, she felt resentful.

Why could Sylvia avoid danger again without even showing up? After Abdullah was fired from his job and Kinley lost her marriage directly through divorce with him.

Sylvia's "The Beggarly Girl Is A Noble Lady" was immediately approved for release. It was lightning fast! The Ritter family were all going crazy about it, especially Mrs. Ritter and Ashlyn.

Why did they lose so much while Sylvia succeeded smoothly? While everyone was interviewing Simeon and Eden on stage during their dance performance at the event, Ashlyn quietly slipped away outside.

After leaving the press conference venue, she took an elevator directly down to the underground garage and drove away while talking on the phone with Mrs. Ritter. "This is terrible! They gave this movie free publicity again.” Mrs. Ritter couldn't help but scold her. "You're really something else! Why did you act alone without consulting me? Originally there wasn't much buzz around their scheduled press conference; trending topics were ranked at rock bottom. You went over there and stirred up trouble; your operation skills are amazing - you pushed them straight up to trending topic number one - all of trending topics are about this movie now! You're driving me insane!" Wasn't this intentionally advertising Sylvia's movie? Not only that but also helping Eden and Poppy solidify their image as a couple...

"Ashlyn, you've lost big time with this move." "Mom..." Ashlyn felt even more upset after being analyzed by Mrs. Ritter like that.

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She talked on phone while driving until suddenly out of distraction she saw a motorized tricycle rushing out from an intersection.

"Ahh!" She screamed as she slammed on brakes hard then turned sharply but only heard a loud bang as her car crashed heavily into a flower bed by roadside! The old man on the motorized tricycle was also startled. He saw the car rush past and violently collide with the flower bed on the side of the road, shattering all of its cement.

If it had hit his tricycle...

Would he have been killed instantly? Mrs. Ritter heard a scream and her heart tightened in an instant. "Ashlyn? Ashlyn? What's wrong? What happened?" She rushed out in panic, "Driver, driver! Go fast!" At this moment, Ashlyn did not hit the motorized tricycle but collided with the flower bed instead. The front of her car was deformed and emitting thick smoke.

Her forehead slammed into the windshield heavily and at that instant, her airbag deployed.

Blood flowed down her forehead onto the steering wheel as intense pain made it feel like every organ in her body was about to burst.

She frowned as everything around her became blurry. She tried to open the car door but couldn't muster any strength.

Many passersby and vehicles stopped to watch due to this accident while some called for an ambulance or police respectively.

After more than ten minutes had passed, both police officers and paramedics arrived at different times while that old man cooperated by giving a statement before being released once they confirmed he wasn't involved in any wrongdoing.

When Mrs. Ritter arrived at hospital half an hour later, she anxiously waited in a white corridor while police officers conducted investigations including reviewing Ashlyn's driving recorder data which ultimately revealed she caused this traffic accident by talking on phone while driving thus taking full responsibility for it herself.

"Fortunately no one got hurt but if that old man had been hit then he would be critically injured now," said one serious-looking officer to Mrs. Ritter who felt angry hearing such words because she worried about Ashlyn's condition so much. "How can you say that? My daughter is lying inside emergency room right now! If anything happens to her, | won't let go of that old man!" "He was just walking normally across street when your daughter ran over there herself hitting flower beds," replied another officer annoyed by Mrs. Ritter's unreasonable behavior.

Mrs. Ritter was about to burst out laughing, "There was no traffic light at that intersection, so my daughter didn't run a red light! If he hadn't rushed out, would my daughter have had an accident?" "It's all his fault. He shouldn't have appeared on that road! He shouldn't have crossed the street suddenly!" The police officer was so angry that his liver hurt. "You're being unreasonable.” "Forget it, let's go back first." Another police officer pulled his arm and couldn't reason with this woman.

Just then, the emergency room door opened and Ashlyn was pushed out.

"Ashlyn, Ashlyn, oh my God! Where is her hair? What did you do to her?" Mrs. Ritter rushed over and screamed in shock.

She couldn't believe what she saw in front of her - Ashlyn lying unconscious on the hospital bed with her beautiful hair shaved off haphazardly. Almost all of it had been shaved off except for a ring of hair around the bottom of her head. Mrs. Ritter was so angry she almost fainted.

Why did her daughter end up like this after just going out for a walk? How could Ashlyn face people in the future? The doctor glanced impatiently at Mrs. Ritter's shrewish face; they had been working tirelessly in the emergency room without any gratitude from her but complaints instead.

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"Mrs. Ritter," explained one nurse reasonably to Mrs. Ritter, "your daughter has suffered head injuries which require stitching up; we need to shave off some hair or else blood won't stop flowing causing more harm than good." After explaining everything, they continued pushing Ashlyn towards the ward.

"She is now out of danger but has some external injuries which are not serious; we need to observe for 12 hours and if she wakes up please call us immediately.” The doctor gave some instructions before leaving abruptly.

Mrs. Ritter sat down dazedly on a chair in the ward wondering how things turned out like this.

At Aettosa Presidential Palace, A beautiful woman led a group of cabinet members towards President's office wearing a fiery red suit paired with high heels making herself look stunning while exuding an aura powerful enough for others to admire.

"Secretary Lucille," said a middle-aged man nodding respectfully as he bowed slightly before addressing her, "We have solid evidence against the Hipps family yet the President still hasn't given orders.” "Clare deserves to be punished. As a count's son, he committed such a heinous act that is shocking," one man said with a cold face.

"Yes, we should immediately write to the President and have him order sanctions against the the Hipps family and execute Clare!" another man exclaimed angrily.

Among these people were members of other noble families, some of whom were enemies of the Hipps family, and others who simply disliked them. The Hipps family was well-known for their power and influence in controlling the Air Force Department, making many envious eyes turn towards them.

Previously, Clare had no ambition and only wanted to pursue music as an artist. They thought that the decline of the Hipps family was inevitable but they never expected that Clare would eventually choose to join the Air Force Department instead - rising through its ranks with remarkable achievements. This made people wary.

Lucille chuckled softly with fiery red lips while her charming big eyes exuded a hint of dominance mixed with seduction. She was already naturally beautiful but paired with this flaming red lipstick makeup; she looked like she was only in her thirties despite being over forty years old due to good maintenance.

"I will report this matter to the President; everyone please calm down for now." Lucille reassured them all before heading towards the President's office door where she stopped just outside it without moving further forward. A male assistant quickly stepped forward on her behalf knocking on it before hearing an invitation from inside. "Come in!" Lucille opened up wide doors revealing an extremely bright room where a middle-aged man sat behind his large desk looking up slowly at Lucille's pretty face which showed signs of fatigue as he rubbed his forehead tiredly asking. "You're here." "Mr. President! Are you having another headache again?" Lucille walked towards him, then circled around behind his desk where two slender fingers painted in red gently touched his temples massaging them lightly yet firmly, eliciting low heads from cabinet members present there too since they knew how close National Secretary Lucille was related to President himself.

After massaging him for some time, Lucille released her hands and asked softly, "Are you feeling better now?" The President let out a long sigh. "That's much better." He glanced at Lucille, his eyes weary. "You're here for the Hipps family, aren't you?" Lucille smiled coyly. "We'll follow your decision on everything. Clare committed a crime that cannot go unpunished.” Her words were vague and not very clear, but everyone knew what she meant.

The President sighed heavily again, looking suddenly much older than before. He handed a document to Lucille. "Pass this down." Lucille raised an eyebrow and picked up the document to read it. It only had a few large words. "Clare will be executed by firing squad tomorrow at noon!"