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After divorce, Ex-wife Revealed Identities

Chapter 856
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Chapter 856 The men in black dragged Abdullah all the way to the hotel entrance. He cried and shouted, "Kinley, my wife, look at me..." "Save me, my wife." "I will never associate with Kylah again!" He screamed like a pig being slaughtered, his voice loud and miserable.

Kinley just looked on coldly without any expression.

After a moment, her emotionless eyes fell on Kylah who had been scared out of her wits. She stood there with a pale face and a big belly.

But that bulging abdomen seemed to be mocking her - ridiculing her failed marriage, poor choice in men and the pain of not being able to conceive.

Kinley's heart grew colder and colder until it was frozen solid. She stood there like an unclothed clown under public scrutiny - laughed at by everyone around her.

Her lips trembled but she didn't say anything.

Her throat was dry and scratchy as if countless grains of sand were crushing it so she couldn't make any sound.

She was just a joke - all that talk about loving your wife or having marital bliss was fake.

Donovan glanced at Kylah then sneered coldly,"Take her to the hospital.” Kylah trembled with fear,"What are you going to do? You can't touch my child!" "Just an illegitimate child from some affair. What use is keeping it?" Donovan cruelly laughed, "You don't expect Abdullah to save you right? He can barely save himself." Abdullah's behavior had already infuriated Donovan beyond measure. How dare he bully his sister Kinley? Wasn't this slapping him in the face? Did he think the Ritter Family could be bullied so easily? Did he think their reputation could be trampled upon? "Get rid of it directly! What nonsense?" Mrs. Ritter had long lost patience; she stepped forward and kicked Kylah's stomach, causing her excruciating pain as she collapsed onto the ground.

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"Ahh!" She let out a piercing scream while clutching onto her stomach which hurt more than ever before."My baby... my baby..." It hurt so much that she almost convulsed; curled up on the ground in despair while extending one hand pitifully begging for help.

"My baby... my baby..." The entire hotel lobby echoed with her desperate screams, she had never felt so hopeless and helpless before. But in the face of power, none of her relatives dared to come over and help her. Even a few middle-aged women were throwing stones at her while she was down.

"Kylah, we warned you not to be a mistress, now look at what happened!" "This is the fate of being a mistress. You were never taught manners since childhood, that's why you ended up like this." "If you become someone's mistress, you have to be prepared for this kind of treatment from everyone." "Yes! Don't follow Kylah's example; it's too shameful and deserving!" Kylah felt cold-hearted as sweat dripped down from her forehead due to the pain in her stomach.

Mrs. Ritter was also startled by what had just happened; although she kicked Kylah with some force earlier on, it wasn't enough to cause such damage.

Seeing this scene unfold before them made Mrs. Ritter afraid that someone might end up dead if they didn't act quickly enough.

She ordered the men in black suits around them. "Quickly send her to the hospital!" The men immediately lifted Kylah and rushed towards the hotel exit.

Blood continued oozing out between Kylah's legs as drops fell onto the floor leaving behind a trail of bloodstains throughout the hotel lobby - it was truly shocking! A perfectly good wedding banquet had been ruined! Mrs. Lee lost face but when she thought about all those payments received over these past two days, her mood improved significantly, pretending nothing had happened. "Just a small incident folks... let us continue with our celebration!" "Ahem... everyone, forget about what just happened.” "That woman should not come here again." Kinley followed the Ritter family members out while Mrs. Lee hesitated for a moment, then hurried after them, saying, "Miss Ritter, I'm sorry about what just occurred.” She wanted to call Mrs. Mcguire but changed course mid-sentence...

Kinley looked at Mrs. Lee intently wondering whether or not inviting Kinley here today was intentional or not? Was this really just coincidence? But Kinley couldn't sort out all these thoughts inside herself right now, so without saying anything else, she got into Abdullah's car instead.

Abdullah's scandalous behavior caused quite an uproar.

One journalist who was present during his wedding reception even took pictures which he posted on Twitter, causing Abdullah's disgraceful actions becoming known by higher-ups almost immediately! This kind of behavior is unacceptable, especially when not only did he keep a mistress, but also got her pregnant.

The official Twitter account announced that Abdullah had been fired that day. He was completely finished. He lost his job and his wife, and all the wealth he accumulated was given to him by the Ritter family. When they got married, he even signed a prenuptial agreement for a clean break. Now, he's left with nothing but poverty.

To make matters worse, Kylah lost her baby too. After finding out that Abdullah had lost his job as well, she gave up on him completely. She became the other woman in the first place because of his money; now that he's broke and has nothing to offer her anymore, would she just sit around waiting for death with him? When Sylvia saw Abdullah's downfall on Twitter, she smirked and immediately called Logan. "Well done! You did it quickly and beautifully.” She didn't hold back expressing her satisfaction about what happened.

Logan sounded like he won the lottery when Sylvia praised him. "Boss... can | take some time off?" "What? Where do you want to go?" Sylvia raised an eyebrow with a hint of amusement on her pretty face.

"Uh... it's Darlene again," Logan said sheepishly while trying to avoid eye contact.

"Alright then," Sylvia approved without hesitation while looking bored at this point in their conversation. "Take one week off." "Thanks so much! I'm going to France!" Logan changed topics immediately after getting what he wanted from Sylvia.

However, while still talking absentmindedly over the phone with Logan who wouldn't stop talking yet again; Sylvia sent Darlene a message on Facebook, saying simply, "France." Darlene replied quickly, "Thank you so much! Kisses!" Sylvia smiled wickedly as she read Darlene's reply before telling Logan impatiently over the phone, "I have something else going on now; gotta go." "Aww... wait..." But before Logan could finish speaking...

He looked at his phone in frustration as it hung up abruptly wondering why lately things seemed like they weren't going well for him? Sylvia hung up without another word and turned towards Jasper who walked into the room, holding an invitation card in hand, which Adriel had sent over through someone else.

"Miss Andrews," Jasper said respectfully as he handed over the invitation card swiftly before continuing, "Adriel sent this." Sylvia nodded, once taking hold of it briefly, before saying, "I'm ready to head down to red-light district now; let's leave." Jasper was taken aback. He didn't expect Sylvia to leave so soon. Wasn't this too hasty? "I'll go get Master Franklin," Jasper quickly walked towards the study and pushed open the door, only to see Franklin sitting behind his desk dealing with business affairs.

Hearing the noise, he looked up and asked, "What's wrong?" Jasper relayed Sylvia's message to him and the man raised an eyebrow, "Why go to the red-light district?" "I don't know, Miss Andrews didn't tell me the reason." "Let's go then, pack your bags quickly," Franklin put away his documents and stood up tall giving orders.

Afterwards, he walked outside but did not see Sylvia in the living room. He frowned slightly and walked towards their bedroom where he saw her packing her bags.

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As she turned around after finishing packing her things, she saw him gazing at her affectionately which made her blush a little bit.

"What are you looking at me like that for?" She asked.

Franklin's sexy lips curved into a perfect arc as he approached her with long arms wrapped around her slender waist, pushing against the wall, until their bodies were completely pressed together in perfect harmony.

His clean breath lingered around her nose as Sylvia felt like skipping a beat from his strong heartbeat causing dizziness in head.

"Why are you doing this? We have to leave soon!" Her voice sounded angry but it was also very seductive.

Franklin suddenly lowered his head and accurately bit on her lip, making him feel dizzy from its sweet taste for quite some time before finally letting go of it again, while staring intently at that perfect face of hers along with those rosy lips and watery almond eyes which seemed to be teasing him alluringly as if they were trying to seduce him even more than before...

"If we weren't leaving soon, | would..." Franklin didn't finish what he wanted to say, but his reddened eyes along with tight abs perfectly revealed what was going on inside of him right now...

Sylvia blushed even more deeply when she heard what he said while staring angrily at him, saying, "Let me go!" What is wrong with this man? Doesn't he realize what time it is? "I've prepared a helicopter; we'll depart immediately." As soon as Sylvia finished speaking, the sound of helicopter blades whirring could be heard.

Immediately after, her phone rang.

Franklin reluctantly released her wrist and she answered the call as soon as she regained her freedom. "Okay, park on the rooftop and we'll be right there.” Jasper and their luggage followed them straight to the rooftop where they saw a red helicopter parked steadily.

The rotor blades kicked up a fierce whirlwind that rustled their clothes and lifted Sylvia's long hair. She squinted slightly.

Franklin reached out to protect her in his embrace. "Let's go."