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After divorce, Ex-wife Revealed Identities

Chapter 855
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Chapter 855 After searching around, he couldn't find her. It seemed like she really wasn't here.

He breathed a sigh of relief and softened his attitude towards Kylah. "I'm here to find someone, you go ahead and eat." Kylah felt a little depressed and disappointed. "Don't leave yet, let me introduce you to everyone." Abdullah patiently looked at the other relatives sitting at the table.

His attention had been on another table all along until now when he finally looked over.

"What introduction? Mr. Mcguire, why don't you introduce this pregnant beauty next to you?" A familiar voice suddenly sounded calm but startling.

The breath Abdullah had just let out was immediately caught in his throat again.

He felt like he had been struck by lightning as his gaze slowly turned towards the source of the voice only to see Kinley sitting next to Kylah.

Kinley was wearing a dark red dress and sat there with grace and elegance while staring calmly at him which made him feel uneasy all over.

What was she doing here? How was it possible? Why is she still sitting with Kylah? Kylah had blocked her so solidly earlier that he hadn't even seen her! Abdullah's mind went blank. He never thought that he would be faced with such an awkward situation where both mistress and wife were present together at once in front of him! But soon enough, he reacted quickly - first by coaxing Kinley into being happy no matter what it takes because after all, she is his mistress! He stiffly forced out a smile,"She... she's my friend." Kylah pouted unhappily, "What friend? We are clearly in love!" She held onto Abdullah's arm unwillingly, "Mr. Mcguire, what are you talking about? Do you know this lady?" Abdullah wanted nothing more than to strangle this silly woman who couldn't read between lines or understand any subtlety whatsoever! Can't she see that Kinley is his wife?! The people around them were quiet as they watched their exchange intently.

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The seven or eight women on the table could tell from their years of experience dealing with family affairs that something wasn't right here - namely that this elegant lady beside Mr. Mcguire must be his wife! Unfortunately for Kylah who was still trapped inside her own thoughts didn't realize it yet...

this scene was simply too shocking for words...

even those relatives couldn't help but sweat profusely for poor Kylah's sake..

It wasn't until Kinley elegantly picked up a napkin to wipe her lips did Abdullah think maybe things might turn out okay after all..."Honey, listen, | can explain..." A slap landed hard on Abdullah's face. "Abdullah, you've gone too far!" Kylah was stunned. "What are you doing? Why did you hit Mr. Mcguire?" "Your Mr. Mcguire? It's no wonder he calls me ferocious when he has a mistress like you," Kinley sneered at Kylah before turning to Abdullah. "You know what they say, ‘when beauty fades, love flees.’ This woman is uneducated and only knows how to use her looks to seduce men." Kinley raised her head proudly as if she were looking down on trash.

Abdullah was furious, especially since his wife was yelling at his beloved mistress Kylah in front of everyone. He looked at Kylah with pity and disgust.

He forgot that he had just been slapped in the face and reached out to pull Kinley away from the scene.

"What are you doing? Afraid of being laughed at by others?" Kinley retorted angrily. "When you cheated on me, were you afraid of being laughed at? When this woman got pregnant with your child, were you afraid of being laughed at?" Abdullah had no response as Kinley continued berating him for his infidelity and lack of shame.

She couldn't believe how low this man could sink or how twisted reality had become where he was seen as a model husband by everyone in the Ritter family despite betraying her for years.

If only he had been cold or indifferent towards her instead... but no, he always showed affection towards her even when she failed to give him children.

It made her sick just thinking about it.

Turned out he had an affair.

She really feels like her life has been a joke all these years.

A joke that was kept in the dark.

"Honey, it's not what you think... all of this was an accident," Abdullah didn't expect that everything would be exposed, and the situation has developed to an irreversible point.” He can't bear to leave either side. Without the Ritter family, he is nothing. Without Kylah, what will happen to his son? He is not willing to leave himself with nothing in the end! The family line has been cut off! "Accident?" Kinley's eyes flashed with a hint of sarcasm. "Do you really think I'm a three-year-old child? Will you deceive me as you please? Are you still planning to continue deceiving me now? If you admit it openly and honestly, | will still have some respect for you and think that you are a man. But now, using your old tricks to try to deceive me again, I'm sorry... | won't listen!" Her maternal family, the Ritter family, is not easy to deal with.

She glanced at Kylah, who had already become silly, and said, "Being young is really good. You can be a silly and sweet girl." Her gaze fell on the bulging belly of Kylah, "Do you really think that being able to conceive means being able to give birth?" Abdullah's face turned pale, knowing that Kinley was already furious! At the peak of his anger, he instinctively protected Kylah behind him. "What do you want to do? | warn you, if you can't give birth yourself, you have no right to envy others who can!" His instinctive protection of Kylah deeply wounded Kinley.

She felt her heart, which was already full of wounds, being hurt again and bleeding profusely.

She was extremely cold-hearted and angry, wanting to cry but unable to shed a tear. It turns out that when a person is in extreme pain, they cannot cry at all.

She laughed in anger, "Abdullah, after being married for so many years, you actually underestimate me like this. Even if | despise someone, | wouldn't take it out on an unborn child. But since you're so guarded against me, | might as well just do what you want and show you." She spoke on the phone while saying, "Sister-in-law, come to the hotel. I'll send you the address and you bring some people over." She hung up the phone and calmly looked at Abdullah's darkened face. "What's wrong? Are you afraid that I'll get rid of your child? Then | might as well do it right in front of you!" Abdullah was infuriated and pointed at her, cursing loudly, "You bitch, shameless woman! You can't give birth to my child, and you won't allow others to have children either! You wicked woman! If you dare to get rid of my child, I'll divorce you tomorrow!" "Do you think I'm going to wait until tomorrow?" Kinley glanced at Abdullah, who was furious, as if he was looking at garbage.

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After speaking, she made another phone call. "Mr. Portman, help me get the divorce agreement. Abdullah and | drafted it before and now it finally comes in handy." Abdullah had signed an agreement that if they divorced, he would leave with nothing. At that time, in order to gain the trust of the Ritter family, he could do anything even signing such an agreement without changing his expression just to express his love for Kinley.

He never thought that there would be a day when this agreement would come true.

He was shocked and panicked. "Honey, are you divorcing me?" Although he wanted Kylah to have his child, he really didn't want a divorce. If they divorced, he would lose everything.

What he said just now was out of anger; now his heart is in chaos like a cat scratching itself.

"Honey," He spoke again trying to calm her down, "I'm just angry, so | spoke too harshly. Please don't divorce me." As soon as these words came out of his mouth, Kylah's face turned pale white instantly; all her previous boasting about how much Mr. Mcguire loved and pampered her became a sarcastic joke.

Mr. Mcguire slapped her repeatedly, making her face swollen.

Al their relatives and friends were shocked by the public battle between Abdullah and Kinley.

Not only them but everyone in the hotel stared at this couple who were openly fighting each other.

Mrs. Lee shrank into the crowd, not daring to say anything.

Things had gone beyond what she imagined; she only took money from someone, asking her to invite Kinley for their wedding banquet, but never expected something like this could happen.

Suddenly several men wearing black clothes rushed into the hotel through its glass door, pushing people aside as they headed straight towards Kylah.

The strong men directly controlled Kylah while Abdullah's face turned black with anger,"What are you doing? She is just a woman! She is pregnant! Are you going to bully a pregnant woman openly?" Mrs. Ritter and Donovan appeared at the hotel, and Mrs. Ritter walked over quickly, delivering a slap to Abdullah's face as soon as she reached him. "You scumbag! How dare you bully my sister! Don't you want to live anymore?" Abdullah was left dizzy from the blow. "How... how could you hit people?" "I hit you because of what you did! Come with me to the Mcguire family!" Donovan kicked him in the leg. "Are you even a man if you bully my sister?" He glanced at the men in black clothing, and two of them immediately grabbed Abdullah and dragged him out.