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After divorce, Ex-wife Revealed Identities

Chapter 854
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Chapter 854 The pregnant woman glanced at Kinley without any reaction, continuing to chat with a few of Mrs. Lee's relatives. They didn't know Kinley's identity and just assumed she was a friend of Mrs. Lee's.

"Kylah, how many months pregnant are you?" asked one of the middle-aged women while munching on some cold dishes.

"It's been almost five months old," replied Kylah Lee with a happy smile, gently rubbing her protruding belly.

"When are you getting married? We're all waiting for the wedding banquet!" joked another woman. "Don't just be a baby-making machine; someone needs to marry you!" Kylah had hooked up with a rich man, which was known by almost everyone in the Lee family. However, they didn't know who this wealthy man was.

Kylah had always been beautiful and talented in singing and dancing since she was young. She used to be part of the city dance troupe as well before becoming her lover's canary full-time.

Many people in the Lee family felt ashamed and thought that she lacked self-respect for doing so. However, since her parents divorced early on and no one cared about her well-being, they couldn't educate or criticize her directly but could only talk behind her back or make snide remarks like now during Mrs. Lee's daughter's wedding day where their attention wasn't even focused on the bride but rather on Kylah herself.

One plump woman took a glance at Kylah and said, "Kylah! You're already pregnant; you need to hurry up! Otherwise your child will be born out of wedlock.” Kylah looked slightly impatient; these people were too nosy about other people's business! What if she found someone rich? They were too jealous.

Ha! However, she didn't show it on her face but raised her finger, "This is the ring Mr. Mcguire gave me a few days ago; it has three carats!" Everyone looked over at the dazzling diamond ring under the light shining brightly, making those aunties feel bitter again mixed with envy.

Kinley sat next to pregnant lady, Kylah, and also took a look at her ring.

She recognized it as being designed by Designer X.

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It wasn't cheap since it had three carats.

When she heard "Mr. Mcguire", she paused for moment though...

She suspected that she had misheard or it was just a coincidence. Her heart was pounding so hard that she almost couldn't hold back and blurted out, "Mr. Mcguire?" Kylah slowly turned her gaze to Kinley's face and looked her up and down. Although Kinley was over forty years old, she had taken good care of herself and still looked like a charming young woman.

Kylah thought that Kinley envied her, so she deliberately pointed at the ring on her finger and said, "Yes, this ring was also given to me by Mr. Mcguire, but it was designed by Designer X!" Kinley couldn't sit still anymore.

No way! It must be just a coincidence that he has the same given name as Abdullah. How could he possibly be having an affair or getting another woman pregnant? Although she comforted herself with these thoughts, Kinley's eyelids began to twitch uncontrollably.

It made her uneasy.

With a stiff expression on her face, she said," It seems like Mr. Mcguire is really rich." "That's right! The house I'm living in now was also bought for me by Mr. Mcguire himself! And after the baby is born, he promised to buy another house for my child." Kylah boasted happily as if showing off to those women who were envious of her life.

She continued even more excitedly,” When Mr. Mcguire divorces his wife later on, | will become Mrs. Mcguire!" "Being someone's mistress while being so shameless about it, there really isn't anyone else quite like you." Although Kinley usually acted arrogantly at home, she still held onto some moral principles deep down inside.

Things other people wouldn't dare say out loud, she would directly confront them about it.

How could someone who wasn't even worthy enough to be acknowledged as anything other than a mistress act so proud? Kylah suddenly felt attacked when confronted with such harsh words from Kinley.

She became visibly upset. "What do you know? His wife is infertile and ferocious. He loves gentle and beautiful women like me." She sneered at Kinley before continuing, "You're probably one of those women who no man wants or cares for. That's why you talk so bitterly. I'm saving the unhappy marriage between him and Mrs. Mcguire!" Kinley was shocked. "You're being someone else's mistress, yet you have the nerve to make yourself sound heroic?" Forget it, she didn't want anything more to do with this trashy person. Poor Mrs. Mcguire...

As soon as this thought crossed through, Kinley realized something wasn't quite right. The infertile and ferocious wife...

It wasn't just her overthinking things, but it was real coincidental. Her face grew darker and more unpleasant by the minute. She had to get to the bottom of this today.

Once the seed of doubt took root, it would immediately sprout and grow into a towering tree. Kinley became increasingly suspicious and uneasy.

She took out her phone and sent Abdullah a Facebook message. "I'm at Mrs. Lee's daughter's wedding banquet here. You should come too. | only know Mrs. Lee, so I'm a bit bored." Although Abdullah was impatient, he still agreed to Kinley's request. "Okay, wait for me for twenty minutes." He happened to be nearby on business and headed straight for the hotel after finishing up.

After sending the message, Kinley looked back at Kylah again. "Your Mr. Mcguire is so good to you; why don't you bring him over so we can meet him? Besides, aren't you trying to save his unhappy marriage? How can you save it if you don't even eat together? " She suspected that Mr. Mcguire in Kylah's mouth was Abdullah but she also felt that it shouldn't be him.

Abdullah treated her well at home; he doted on her almost obediently following everything she said.

How could such a man cheat? Moreover, the Ritter family supported him entirely; he wouldn't dare betray them or the Ritter family would abandon him completely.

Thinking about this made Kinley feel much better in herself again - what did she have with some trashy mistress anyway? It was really beneath her dignity as they weren't even from the same class of people as each other! Kylah felt pressured by Kinley's words - she couldn't come up with anything else now...

The middle-aged women around them were all watching eagerly. "Yes! Kylah! He loves spoiling you like crazy! He'll definitely come!" "Yeah! Didn't he buy all sorts of things for you? And yet he won't even accompany you for dinner? Let us help keep an eye on him." "Let's see if his love is genuine." "If he's only using your pregnancy without intending on marrying, then aborting your child early might be better.” Their words made Kylah paler than ever before...

Abdullah was everything to her. She'd always follow obediently whatever he told her to do.

Could disobeying work out well when this man held all financial power over her life? Feeling overwhelmed by pressure from everyone around them right now, she pretended picking up her phone, sending the text messages and asking "Can you join me for dinner?" Abdullah was on his way to the hotel, thinking she was just being playful again, so he replied, "I'm busy right now and don't have time. I'll be with you later tonight." When Kylah saw that he wasn't coming, she breathed a sigh of relief. After all... he held a high position and if they were seen together by someone familiar, it wouldn't look good for her.

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If it affected Abdullah's career status, what future did she have? She adjusted her posture and elegantly flicked her hair. "Mr. Mcguire said he had something to do at noon and couldn't come today. We'll invite everyone out for dinner another day." "Is he just trying to fool you? Did he purposely not show up?" "Well... he hasn't divorced yet so it wouldn't be appropriate for him to appear in public with you. It would be embarrassing if someone recognized him." "That's why being a mistress is really not good news! Kylah, your parents didn't teach you well when you were young; this is really wrong." "Forget about it; let's not talk about this anymore. I'm already pregnant; what else can | do?" These people openly or secretly criticized her lack of education and Kylah trembled with anger.

"Mr. Mcguire said that he will divorce! He and | are true love!" Kinley glanced at her while continuing to eat vegetables - does this woman have some kind of mental illness? Just then the glass door of the lobby was pushed open by a middle-aged man wearing an all-black suit who walked in gracefully despite his age.

Kylah felt depressed but then looked up accidentally only to see Abdullah walking towards them which made her happy again.

‘Mr. Mcguire didn't want me disappointed, so he came here after all? Giving me a surprise?" She quickly stood up waving at Abdullah who was looking around inside the lobby trying to find someone.

"Mr. Mcguire! Over here!" As soon as she spoke, everyone in the lively hall turned their heads towards Kylah and Abdullah.

Kinley also raised her head, looking over there too.

Her face turned pale as thunder struck! She stared intently at Abdullah who was getting closer by the second.

Her heart almost stopped beating as she watched him approach them both closely.

Her facial muscles were trembling, Abdullah! He really is shameless! A scumbag who hooked up with a cheap woman behind her back and even plans to have a child with her! And he insulted her so harshly! When Abdullah saw Kylah, his face changed instantly. He walked quickly towards her while complaining about why she was here.

"Did Kinley give me the wrong address?" he thought.

At that moment, he had no idea that his wife and mistress were eating at the same place, sitting at the same table and sitting closely together.

He approached Kylah and she smiled brightly. "Mr. Mcguire, did you come here just to accompany me?" Abdullah impatiently replied, "Accompany what? I'm here on business! What are you doing here?" As he spoke, he scanned other tables, looking for Kinley's figure.