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After divorce, Ex-wife Revealed Identities

Chapter 850
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Chapter 850 The coffee shop was quiet, with the gentle melody of music floating in the air. Occasionally, Brock's voice could be heard filled with indignation. The server approached them and asked, "What can | get for you?" Sylvia lifted her gaze, her beautiful eyes slightly arched at the corners. Her dark pupils matched her fair complexion and left the server stunned by her beauty.

"Il have a glass of lemon water," Sylvia said in a clear and cold voice.

The server snapped out of it and replied quickly, "Sure thing. I'll be right back." As the server walked away, Sylvia turned to Brock and said confidently, "If we modify it according to their demands, there will be some inconsistencies in the plot. But don't worry; I'll add new content to make everything coherent. We can also ask Poppy and Eden to reshoot some scenes along with Simeon - tell him that he's getting more screen time." Brock was taken aback by Sylvia's words as he asked hesitantly. "Miss Andrews... are you saying that we should follow their demands?" "We will modify it according to their demands," Sylvia replied coolly while emanating a faint chill from her eyes like stars on a winter night sky. "It doesn't matter if they're doing this intentionally or not; we just need to focus on our own tasks." "But if we have to reshoot scenes again for additional screen time," Brock interjected worriedly while expressing his concerns about investors’ reactions.

"Even though you are our biggest investor,” he continued cautiously as he feared any backlash from smaller investors who might feel cheated or misled due to delays caused by reshooting scenes again for additional screen time.

Sylvia took a sip of lemon water before responding calmly. "We can always offer them 0. 2% interest on their investment money if needed - after all problems that money can solve aren't really problems at all.” She emphasized to him that these small investors were primarily interested in establishing connections through their investments rather than solely focusing on earning profits from the movie project. The project had already secured significant funding from Sylvia's and Ward's investments, followed closely by Maskelyne Group, with other minor investors joining later on.

"They invested because they saw the potential for both networking and profit sharing opportunities,” she confidently added, explaining why these small-scale investors had chosen this particular movie project over other options available at the time.

"Now that censorship has become a concern for us regarding 'The Beggarly Girl Is A Noble Lady," | share your frustration.

However, it's important to remember that there is always room for improvement, even in challenging circumstances.” "I've heard that the leader of the review team, Abdullah, has some kind of family relationship with the Ritter family," Brock informed Sylvia about what he had learned over the past two days. "Do you think it could be a factor...?" "Mrs. Ritter is just too much,” Sylvia sneered. "I'll investigate this matter. You focus on filming, I'll send you the revised script tomorrow and I'll make changes tonight." "Okay, okay." Brock nodded repeatedly. Without Sylvia, he wouldn't be where he is today, so he followed her orders obediently.

"I'm waiting for your message." Sylvia took two sips of lemon water from her glass before straightening her coat and scarf and standing up. "Let's go." The two walked out of the coffee shop one after another and Sylvia got into a car where Jasper was waiting for her.

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"Miss Andrews, are we going back now?" Jasper asked curiously as they drove smoothly down the road.

"We're going to Crown Techs Group," Sylvia said as she looked at the snow-covered street outside.

"Why are we going there?" Jasper asked again.

"You'll see when we get there." Sylvia focused on thinking about how to revise the script and didn't put much effort into talking to Jasper.

She took out her phone while thinking and sent Adriel a message on Facebook.

In Crown Techs Group CEO's office...

Adriel listened with a dark face as his executives reported their work to him; but every time they spoke his expression became more unpleasant.

"What's wrong with you guys? Sales have been declining every week in Evodroupo and Aettosa lately - why? Have you found out why yet?" "Our chip technology isn't good enough? Or maybe Jess' computers aren't working well together?" "Our sales were so good before!" Adriel was shaking with anger; sales couldn't just suddenly drop like this without reason! There must be a reason behind it all...

"Calm down, sir; we... we will look into it right away." One executive spoke up nervously while wiping sweat off his forehead with his sleeve.

The CEO's strong aura was something they couldn't bear at all.

It was such an uncomfortable feeling...

They really wished someone could come save them right now - preferably Jess himself! They heard that Jess was really close with the chairman, and whenever he saw him, the chairman lights up with joy.

Just then, Adriel's phone beeped.

Adriel's face turned dark. He impatiently picked up his phone and suddenly his expression visibly brightened.

He spoke a sentence into his phone. You couldn't tell at all that he had just been angry moments ago.

"You're coming over? Okay, okay. Let's have lunch together at noon. What do you want to eat?" His gentle tone made it sound like he was talking to his daughter! Could it be Jess? But they heard he's a guy - a tech geek at that.

How could the chairman treat him so gently? It was clearly an attitude reserved for little girls! Could it be because the chairman's daughter came back from abroad? they heard he has a daughter and son who are both overseas all year round.

Who knows if it's true or not...

As everyone thought this way, Adriel finished typing on Facebook and put down his phone before unleashing a storm of anger towards them again. It was like that person who had just been laughing so happily wasn't him at all - such polarizing attitudes! Such double standards! It was truly shameful! Just as Adriel was scolding them, someone knocked on their office door.

"Come in," Adriel replied in a deep voice.

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The office door opened from outside and in walked an elegant woman with long legs exuding coolness about her. She wore a cashmere coat wrapped around her neck with scarf while her eyes were clear like ice outside windows.

She hesitated slightly when she saw so many executives present but before she could speak up, Adriel stood up to greet her warmly. "Sylvia, you're here already? Is it cold outside? Do you want some hot milk to drink? My heater is on!" His string of warm words were delivered with such gentleness; they couldn't have been any softer or lower pitched than they already were.

Sylvia nodded faintly. "No need; I'll get straight to business." Aviana also happened to be among these high-ranking officials; upon seeing Sylvia though she visibly lit up. "Miss Andrews - long time no see." "Adriel - how have you been?" Sylvia nodded towards Aviana after greeting her briefly too.

Upon seeing this, Adriel seemed to have just realized that his group of executives were still here. He furrowed his brow and said displeasedly, "Why are you still here? You're in the way!" The group replied with silence.

"You didn't let us leave, so we didn't dare to go!" Only then did they start to leave one by one while speculating on Sylvia's identity.

"Adriel, who was that beauty just now?" "We thought it was the chairman's daughter coming back!" "No, it's Jess the genius." Aviana had a proud expression on her face. "Do you remember when there was an MI6 incident? Isla invited me over but couldn't solve it. In the end, Jess came forward and solved it. She is Jess." "Hmph! What a joke,” one manager said incredulously. "Jess is a handsome man and my idol! | can't believe he would be such a beautiful woman." He simply couldn't believe that Jess could be such an attractive woman.

"If you don't believe me then forget it!" Aviana rolled her eyes and ignored these self-important old men as she went back to her own office.

When she first became an executive member of the technical department, she was also questioned by a group of old men who thought women had no right to become high-level managers in technology departments. But what happened? She still managed to outshine them all effortlessly.

Ha ha...

Meanwhile in Chairman's office, Adriel sat down in front of Sylvia and asked curiously. "Sylvia, why did you think about finding me?" This girl always made him beg for her attention or help before; why did she come looking for him this time? It wasn't like her usual style at all.

"Well..." Sylvia hesitated for no moment at all before answering directly. "I need an invitation letter from red-light district recently because | want to attend black market's anniversary ceremony." "You mean..." Adriel looked shocked as he interrupted. "You're going into black market? That place is extremely dangerous; what are you doing there?" "At the anniversary ceremony of black market," Sylvia explained calmly without any hesitation or fear visible on her face whatsoever, "there will be an un-man grass up for auction which | want to buy back myself." "| see," Adriel nodded slowly while staring intently at Sylvia's eyes trying hard not show any emotion or reaction whatsoever, "how do you know about my son..." "I don't need to explain how | know," Sylvia chuckled. "aunt Adriel, can't you help me with our relationship? It's not that | can't handle it myself, but everyone who enters the black market has to provide detailed personal information and go through many complicated procedures. | don't want anyone to know that I've been to the black market.” Without waiting for Adriel's response, she continued, "Adriel, the Hipps family has been in the spotlight for a hundred years now and is in danger. Don't you have any ideas? No family or power will exist forever."