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After divorce, Ex-wife Revealed Identities

Chapter 834
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Chapter 834 The woman blinked her eyes. "Internet celebrity?" Suddenly, she remembered the recent trending topic on Sylvia and Master Keturah and Wynter. The entertainment industry's explosive events were known worldwide, even by those who didn't pay attention to the entertainment industry.

She never thought that this so-called "internet celebrity” who constantly appeared on trending topices would appear in front of her.

"Oh my god! This is too cool. | actually met someone who's always on the trending topic list? Amazing, really amazing." "Hey, wait a minute!" The woman was stunned. "You're someone from the entertainment industry. What are you doing here with our boss? What do you want?" Alby raised his hand and tapped her head lightly. "I just told you earlier that this is Zero. Why are you still talking nonsense here?" Sylvia raised an eyebrow. "Do you have any water?" Alby turned around and walked into the kitchen towards the refrigerator where he took out several bottles of water - one for Sylvia, one for Ward and one for himself.

"Zero, let me introduce Ward to you." "Ward?" Sylvia opened up a bottle of water and took two sips before nodding her head in agreement with Alby's introduction statement.

"So, she's also a girl." Ward was still a little confused; she was still in a daze about how Zero could be such an internet sensation? She couldn't believe that Zero was only an internet celebrity.

Upon hearing news of Sylvia's sudden $100 million donation, Ward pondered the boundless potential that lay ahead for the enigmatic figure.

As the realization dawned on Ward that the woman standing before her was, in fact, Zero herself, she awkwardly brushed imaginary dirt from her clothing before offering her hand to Sylvia. "Hello, I'm Ward, but my real name is Leanna Kerr." "Hello," Sylvia responded with a slight smile as they shook hands, their eyes twinkling mischievously, as if sharing a secret jest.

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Leanna gazed at Sylvia's beauty in awe before blurting out, "You're so pretty." "You're pretty too," Sylvia reciprocated before taking a seat on the sofa and turning her attention to Alby, inquiring about his progress in analyzing the painting.

"Ward is a history major and currently works at the Urgford Museum. She's very knowledgeable about artifacts and can uncover their details and mysteries. So | asked her to help us out," Alby said before turning to Ward. "Why don't you explain it?" "This painting has a map on it, which is likely located at the South of the Border region in Aettosa,” Leanna pointed to a location on the painting. "The terrain there is very complex, with dense forests that are home to many wild beasts, including rumors of wild men." "Not only that, but this half of the painting depicts a secret passage,” Ward added.

"A secret passage?" Sylvia was already an expert painter herself and had noticed the map earlier but hadn't realized there was also a hidden passage.

"Yes, this part shows a secret passage. And not only that, there are three letters on this painting as well." "What letters?" Sylvia felt her heart skip for some reason.

"SOS." Alby was surprised by this revelation. "She's calling for help? Phoenix is so famous yet no one has ever seen her true face; she always wears a veil when appearing in public - she's quite mysterious! Why would such an esteemed master need help? Could she have been murdered?" "Is this what she painted before being killed? But why did she express herself so cryptically? Only someone extremely clever could decipher her plea for help,” Ward added thoughtfully.

Sylvia furrowed her brows tightly at Alby's words while feeling her heart pounding rapidly inside her chest. Her mother must have been in danger when creating that artwork! But why did she use such an obscure way of asking for assistance? The image of her mother being threatened flashed through Sylvia's mind like needles pricking into flesh repeatedly.

She took a deep breath and made a decision in an instant. "I want to investigate Phoenix's whereabouts. So, | want to send my people on a trip to South of the Border." "You want to investigate Phoenix?" Alby looked at her in surprise. "This painting has been around for so many years, if she really was in danger, she would have disappeared long ago. It's impossible for her to still exist in this world. Even if you investigate, you can't save her." "As long as there is a glimmer of hope, | want to try." Sylvia's eyes turned red at the thought of the danger her mother might be facing.

"She is just a weak woman who may be suffering from unimaginable torture. What if she isn't dead? What if she has been waiting for us all this time?" "Since we got this painting, we are destined to find out more about it." Sylvia looked at Alby and Ward. "So this matter is urgent and cannot be delayed." Alby had some objections but eventually sighed after hearing Sylvia's sincere words.

Ward also felt empathy,"Zero is right; it would be great if Phoenix were still alive!" She then looked towards Sylvia,"If you need me anywhere just let me know." Sylvia smiled,"You've already helped by deciphering the painting." Alby thought for a while before saying,"Wind is the boss of red-light district; he knows many people from different backgrounds over there including some influential figures . You know he has his own mine over there too, so if you need any help, contact him; he will definitely help you out.” Sylvia nodded ,"I understand. Today I will go back first , rescuing someone from South of the Border requires careful consideration." After saying goodbye and leaving them behind, Ward watched Sylvia's back with suspicion," Alby why do | feel like Zero seems especially nervous and concerned about Phoenix?" "Phoenix was also an art master like Zero with exceptional talent in drawing maybe they share something common?" Alby guessed casually but couldn't come up with anything reasonable.

After leaving Alby's villa , Sylvia immediately took out her phone and made a call .

Vaild's lazy voice sounded, "Miss Andrews, what's up?" Sylvia shared her thoughts with Vaild, saying, "You and Mark need to go to the South of the Border quickly and see if there are any suspicious presences there." Vaild was taken aback. "Are you saying... your mom is likely still alive? And she's hiding in some mysterious location in the South of the Border?" "Yes," Sylvia's eyes emitted a brilliance. "So we must make this trip. Bring more men with you." "When necessary, Logan can also be called upon. No matter the cost, we must find that mysterious location.” After hanging up the phone, she let out a long breath and looked at the sky above her head as her chest beat violently.

"Mother, wait for me! You have to wait for me!" Inside the hotel, Franklin slowly opened his eyes but found that his bed was cold and empty.

Sylvia should have gotten up early; he hesitated before calling out. "Sylvia?" The man's magnetic voice echoed through the empty room but received no response.

He got out of bed and walked towards the bathroom. He opened its tightly closed door but found no one inside.

Where did she go? His heart tightened inexplicably. Suddenly realizing that he couldn't feel her presence by his side made him nervous.

He quickly grabbed his phone, ready to call Sylvia, when he heard a drip sound from outside followed by someone opening the door from outside.

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Sylvia walked in.

She was icy-cold all over with an indescribable loneliness emanating from her face.

Seeing her like this made Franklin unable to help himself as he stepped forward towards her, asking. "Where did you go? What happened?" His voice came out both anxious and angry sounding like rapid gunfire.

Sylvia lowered her gaze but saw Franklin's bare feet which showed just how worried he was since he had forgotten even wearing slippers.

She didn't speak; instead she went over to pick up his slippers by the bedside table, then handed them over, saying. "Put your shoes on first." "It wasn't until then that Franklin realized how cold his feet were.

"Don't change topics," He urged impatiently, while looking at Sylvia.

He really cared about her.

She bit her lip, unsure of how to bring it up. But keeping it hidden from him, she felt like she couldn't bring herself to do that kind of thing. After all, there were just too many things she had kept from him before.

"My mother might still be alive,” she said in a hoarse voice.

"What did you say? Our mom is still alive? Where is she now?" he asked urgently, even more so than before.