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After divorce, Ex-wife Revealed Identities

Chapter 823
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Chapter 823 "Wow, it's Wynter's Soul!" Madam Gisselle's expression changed as she knew how famous Wynter was. Especially in the recent Graley Piano Competition, Wynter had been stealing the show and had become a national idol. Even June would play Soul to entertain her family members when she had nothing else to do. Almost everyone was familiar with this song, but it was difficult to play. How could a five-year-old child play it so well? And from Middle Evroya - a place that could produce such a genius child? Bethany played with ease and confidence. Maybe her version wasn't as good as the original or even Ashlyn and her mother's performance, but for a five-year-old child, reaching this level was already impressive.

After playing the piano piece flawlessly, Bethany gracefully got off the chair without any fussiness and walked towards Isabelle.

She looked at the Foster family in shock and said, "This piano isn't working properly; Aunt Sylvia gave me one that is much better.” "What did you say?" June screamed out loud in disbelief. How could an ignorant little girl like Bethany criticize her beloved piano, which was limited edition of world-renowned brand worth millions of dollars? "Aunt Sylvia told me that what matters most about playing piano is not its appearance or price tag," Bethany said seriously while looking at June."Your piano looks beautiful and expensive but doesn't feel comfortable to play." Madam Karina felt extremely satisfied inside; no one should underestimate her granddaughter or daughter-in-law anymore! Look how talented they were! Of course, she wanted Darius to find someone who came from an influential family with good character traits and looks too.

But who knew he would fall for Isabelle? Although Isabelle looked pretty decent on the outside, there were things happening around her that made Madam Karina both sympathetic yet uncomfortable.

However, now seeing how excellent their granddaughter performed on stage today made Madam Karina incredibly happy! Immediately she instructed one of their servants to bring over a gift box from her room.

"Miss Deleon, this is a small gift from me. | hope you will accept it," Madam Karina said as she presented the gift box to Isabelle.

Isabelle opened the box and was slightly surprised to find two sets of neatly arranged jewelry inside — one large and one small.

"The larger set is clearly for adults, while the smaller one is obviously for children. | don't know if this is a tradition in Middle Evroya, but it's very popular here in H Rovirsa. When a child is born, they are given a set of jewelry. These are made of pure gold and were specially crafted by artisans,” Madam Karina explained with a smile.

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"Although I have only just met your daughter, these things are still necessary. Gold may not be worth much money-wise, but its significance cannot be overstated," she added before taking out another card from her purse.

"This card is for your daughter — feel free to use it whenever you want to buy something for her,” Madam Karina said as she handed over the bank card.

Madam Gisselle couldn't help but frown at this gesture. "Karina, that's your living expenses card! How can you give it away like that? Letting her swipe it so casually?" Each lady in the Foster family had its own living expenses card — similar to how monthly salaries were distributed among different households in ancient times. Every month Darius would arrange some funds into those accounts so they could cover their daily expenses.

"Just because Miss Deleon gave birth to such an adorable daughter for Darius doesn't mean you should just hand out those gifts!" Camille sneered sarcastically at Madam Karina's generosity towards Isabelle.

She was especially unhappy about how Isabelle had been given access to some jewelry pieces while she herself hadn't received anything yet from this "cheap woman." "Do you think I'm stupid or naive enough to let others take advantage of me?" Darius coldly interjected before throwing his paternity test results with Bethany onto Camille's lap.

"| suggest my dear aunt takes a good look at these documents!" he added sternly before turning back towards his mother who was sitting next to him on the couch.

"What does it say?" The old Mrs. Foster asked curiously when she saw everyone looking intently at some papers on the table beside them.

Madame Gisselle leaned over Camille's shoulder and read through all pages carefully until finally reaching Bethany's paternity test result.

It turned out that Bethany really was Darius' biological daughter after all! She suppressed her horror and looked somewhat embarrassed, "Mom, this paternity test report says that they have a father- daughter relationship." Old Mrs. Foster also had doubts before, suspecting that Isabelle had deceived Darius. However, when the paternity test came out, she suddenly had to turn her attention back to Bethany.

A sense of unreality arose in her heart.

Isabelle ignored them and said to Madam Karina, "Thank you, madam. This gift is very valuable, but | cannot accept it. And as for this bank card, | definitely cannot take it." The gold jewelry specially crafted by skilled artisans is incomparable to the ordinary gold jewelry found in regular shopping malls.

Darius said, "This is a gift from my mother to you and our granddaughter. If you don't accept it, does that mean you don't want to be with me?" Isabelle’s heart trembled.

Her relationship with Darius...

Hesitating for a moment, Darius actually helped her collect the bank card and jewelry.

Isabelle: "..." She could clearly feel Darius's desire to protect her... It was a strange feeling.

Especially, she has never received the love and care of her elders in her entire life.

Madam Karina's warmth and kindness towards her made her feel a little overwhelmed and unsure of how to respond.

Bethany politely said to Madam Karina, "Thank you, Grandma." Madam Karina was touched. "What a good child," she said.

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She couldn't help but hold Bethany in her arms. The thought of the hardships the child had endured with Isabelle over the past few years made her heart ache.

"In the future, | will take care of you, send you to school, and..." "No, thank you. Aunt Sylvia will teach me well and | have a dedicated teacher. They are all very responsible and excellent,” Bethany shook her head and declined directly.

Camille only regarded it as childish talk and pouted, "What do you know? Can the education level of Middle Evroya be compared to that of H Rovirsa? Who is your Aunt Sylvia? Can the teacher she appointed match the education level of all the aristocratic kindergartens?" Camille only took Aunt Sylvia mentioned by Bethany as a maid.

Bethany's face turned red with anger, she had never been so furious even when others insulted her or Isabelle. But now, she yelled at Camille in anger, "My Aunt Sylvia is the best teacher in the world! You can't make fun of her!" Camille was taken aback and said, "You... you bastard! How can you be so rude?" Darius spoke up again to defend his daughter. "I just told you to show some respect to my wife and child or else..." "Or else what? Are you going to kick me out of the Foster family?" Camille shouted loudly. "Don't forget that | took care of you when you were a kid!" "Forget it," Isabelle interrupted by pulling Darius aside and presenting the gifts she brought for everyone. "As this is our first meeting, | wasn't sure what to bring but | hope everyone will like these jewelry pieces." The servants immediately distributed all the beautifully wrapped gift boxes among several ladies from the Foster family.

When June saw X-designed logos on gift boxes along with their packaging design, she felt a slight shock as her intuition told her that all those jewelry pieces were fake.

How could a woman from Middle Evroya afford X-designed jewelry? Moreover, this packaging was different from what June usually saw while buying X-designed jewelry, although it looked more upscale and stylish than usual packaging designs.

It was clear that they were fake.

So without even opening them up, June said directly to Darius. "Darius, I'm not mocking Miss Deleon, but these jewels are clearly not real. Don't be insincere like this; we know how hard it is to get genuine X-designed jewels." Just then, the butler came over, saying, "Mr. Darius, Mr. Maskelyne and Miss Andrews have arrived." Darius nodded, immediately saying, "Please let them in." He contacted Franklin and Sylvia as soon as he got off his plane asking them to attend the Foster family's dinner party since no one knew Isabelle here yet.

If Sylvia was there then at least someone would accompany her.

Luckily, Franklin and Sylvia were also in Urgford right now too.

The butler briskly walked out of the hall, and just then the assistant who had been waiting outside rushed in to Isabelle. "Prime Minister Isabelle, regarding your visit to H Rovirsa, Prime Minister and President of H Rovirsa have been informed. Their staff contacted me just now, inviting you to meet at the Presidential Palace tomorrow and also inviting Mr. Foster." Isabelle nodded calmly. "Please reply to the President and Prime Minister that | will attend the meeting on time tomorrow." The entire Foster family stared at Isabelle in shock, with June being the first one to react. "What kind of game are you playing? Are you pretending to be a Prime Minister? What's going on?" She pointed at Isabelle and burst into laughter. "Darius, look at what kind of wife you've found! Why do you always like playing these role-playing games?"