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After divorce, Ex-wife Revealed Identities

Chapter 815
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Chapter 815 He raised his glass and gulped the wine down, "I have to leave." The relationship between the Fox family and the Hipps family was good. With the Hipps family in trouble, he should hurry back to Aettosa.

It was already late at night. Seeing Louis leave, everyone didn't feel like staying together anymore, so they chatted for a while before dispersing.

"There will be a farewell banquet tomorrow. Will you still attend?" Fashion Mogul looked at Sylvia expectantly. "I also want to discuss new design inspiration with you again, Sylvia. You are my source of inspiration.” Sylvia nodded her head and said, "Okay, we will leave after attending the farewell banquet tomorrow.” Fashion Mogul smiled slightly upon hearing this and glanced at Franklin's expression before not daring to hug Sylvia but instead shook her hand firmly. "See you tomorrow." Mrs. Ritter and Ashlyn felt like they had finally won one over their opponents.

They were having supper in an upscale restaurant when suddenly Mrs. Ritter's phone rang.

She picked up her phone and frowned when she saw who it was from; she wondered why her uncle would call so late? "Uncle, why haven't you slept yet?" Ramiro's voice was extremely serious. "Is Ashlyn really Wynter?" Mrs. Ritter's eyes darkened slightly as she lifted up her hand holding the phone; there was a hint of displeasure in her voice as she asked: "Uncle, are you unhappy about it?" On the other end of the line, Ramiro held his forehead feeling somewhat frustrated. "You and | both know that Ashlyn doesn't have that talent at all! So what do you mean by this? Sylvia has done me a favor; my body is slowly recovering because of her help! Do you really need to use Wynter's reputation on social media to suppress Sylvia?" Ramiro had always wanted to pass on his priceless instrument to someone who truly deserved it but unfortunately until now he hadn't found anyone suitable yet.

The last time he met with MI6, Sylvia gave him RL 133 pills which helped him recover from his illness gradually.

He had been undergoing chemotherapy lately which had been effective making him more confident about life again. He felt grateful towards Sylvia. However, his niece made things difficult for Sylvia.

As a big shot in the music industry, he also paid attention to the Graley Piano Competition. He didn't expect Mrs. Ritter and Ashlyn to cause so much trouble, especially targeting Sylvia.

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He involuntarily sat up straight and impatiently said to Mrs. Ritter, "Can you stop targeting Sylvia? What did she do to you?" Upon hearing her own uncle speak up for Sylvia and knowing his intention for making this call, Mrs. Ritter's voice turned cold as she said, "Uncle, I'm busy here discussing important matters with some international music masters. I'll call you back later." "You..." However, Mrs. Ritter on the other end of the phone didn't give Ramiro a chance at all. "Uncle, | have to go now," she said before hanging up.

Ramiro heard the busy tone from his phone and was so angry that flames of anger seemed to be shooting out of his eyes.

His apprentice was by his side watching him rub his forehead in anger and feeling upset himself as he asked, "What does she want? Why is she targeting Miss Andrews? Miss Andrews is such a good person." Ramiro was getting old; he used to dominate the music scene but now he felt powerless.

Especially two years ago when Mrs. Ritter wanted him to hand over his instrument but he refused.

Since then their once close relationship had become distant. Now all Ramiro felt was anger mixed with helplessness.

Meanwhile at Vienna restaurant, Mrs. Ritter smiled as she looked at Mr. Guzman. "My uncle is Ramiro; you must have heard of him." "Ramiro? The one with a priceless instrument? | heard that he's not very well these days," Mr. Guzman replied surprised that both Mrs. Ritter and Ashlyn came from such famous musical families.

"I can introduce you sometime if you like," suggested Mrs. Ritter eagerly hoping for another opportunity.

"He's been looking for someone who deserves it; someone who can inherit it," continued Mr. Guzman impressed by what he'd just learned about Ramiro.

"If only we could connect Mr. Guzman with my uncle..." thought Mrs. Ritter excitedly imagining how much more stable they would be in international musical circles if they could make this happen.

Mr. Guzman brightened up even more. "I'd love that! And please put in a good word for me." "Of course," replied Ms. Riter happily satisfied with herself.

After returning to the hotel, she called Ramiro back. "Uncle, Mr. Guzman wants to see you," she said.

Ramiro was not interested in hearing about Mr. Guzman and got straight to the point. "Wynter's fans on the internet keep insulting Sylvia, and it's having a very negative impact on her. You should have Ashlyn explain that she is not Wynter at all. At least don't let Wynter's fans continue to insult Sylvia." "Uncle, | didn't call you to discuss Sylvia," Mrs. Ritter rejected Ramiro's suggestion outright after listening to him speak.

"Do you even know who Mr. Guzman is? Do you care about Ashlyn at all? She calls you granduncle! Besides, how can Ashlyn explain it? It wasn't her who claimed herself as Wynter; it was those fans’ speculation and doubt.” "If she goes out now saying ‘Oh no, I'm not Wynter; everything is just a misunderstanding,’ those netizens will think that Ashlyn is a hypocrite." "How can you always consider Sylvia but never think of your own granddaughter?” "Uncle, you disappoint me so much." Her words were very intense.

Ramiro was so angry that his temples throbbed with veins popping out of them as he exclaimed, "What are you doing? You're over forty years old and still confusing right and wrong like this?" "I'l say it again: Sylvia saved my life and has been kind to me! As for Ashlyn - she used to be smart when young but has been raised crooked by her mother!" "Don't think | don't know what scheme your mind is hatching - letting Ashlyn pretend she's Wynter and profiting from it!" "Let me go make friends with Mr. Guzman while benefiting yourself!" "I know too well what kind of person you are." Mrs. Ritter turned pale with anger; She knew her uncle was an old stubborn man.

"Uncle, please consider for Ashlyn too since we're family! If you've thought things through clearly, then give me a call back; we'll bring Mr. Guzman over for a meeting." Her voice trembled with anger as her tone rose sharply: "Don't mix up things! Who really counts as your family?" Ramiro almost fainted from anger himself before shouting into the phone, "I won't meet him! Give up!" He hung up furiously after speaking.

Mrs. Ritter smashed everything on the table in frustration while Ashlynn tried comforting her mother.

"That old man is really stubborn!" She was so angry that she couldn't catch her breath. "How can he even compare you to Sylvia? You're his family, but he sides with Sylvia instead of you!" She wanted nothing more than to rush back home and have a big fight with Ramiro.

Ramiro looked at the disconnected phone and said to his apprentice next to him, "Go on Twitter!" The apprentice was startled. "Master, what's wrong?" "Don't think | don't know what she's thinking. She definitely wants me to pass my instrument to Mr. Guzman." Ramiro sneered.

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"Since she can't get it herself, she wants me to use this instrument as a stepping stone for her own benefit. | won't fulfill her wish." "Master, what do you want me to do?" The apprentice nervously clenched his fists.

"You registered a Twitter account for me before and got it verified, right?" Sometimes Ramiro participated in official music events and used Twitter for official reposts or likes.

"Yes," the apprentice nodded.

"Help me send out a message!" There was a hint of determination in Ramiro's cloudy eyes.

He seemed determined! In the middle of the night, Twitter exploded! The rumored music master Ramiro had been searching for someone worthy enough for years now - someone whom he could pass down his instrument onto.

But apparently no one had been found yet... until just now when Ramiro sent out a tweet from his verified account: "I am willing to pass my thousand-year-old instrument down only Miss Sylvia Andrews. When Miss Sylvia returns home, we will hold an extravagant banquet where | will personally hand over my legacy while live streaming it online as well. Whether it is Miss Sylvia's musical talent or her excellent character traits in dealing with people that make her most suitable recipient of my inheritance!" As soon as this message went out, there were immediate responses: "I heard Ashlyn is his grandniece.” "I heard Mrs. Ritter calls him Uncle." "Why didn't Wynter receive it instead?" "What's going on here? | think Wynter is more suitable!" Netizens were going crazy replying under this tweet - they even started mentioned Ashlyn, Mrs. Ritter and Sylvia's twitter accounts.

Some netizens even mentioned Franklin: "Do you know your wife has received an antique instrument?" "Becoming the heir of the old instrument! Will you still be responsible for carrying on its tradition in the future?" "Unbelievable! Wynter, Wynter, | sympathize with you." The most painful one was Eden.

He firmly believed that a woman with Ashlyn's character was definitely not Wynter.

So... without hesitation, he tweeted to support Sylvia.

"| believe that truth will prevail. | stand by Sylvia! Ashlyn is not great or selfless enough to make me famous. What do you think? If you're going to spread rumors, use your brain and stay rational about being a fan!" Maskelyne Group also tweeted immediately: "We are contacting the real Wynter and will have him come forward to confirm who is truly Wynter!"