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After divorce, Ex-wife Revealed Identities

Chapter 814
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Chapter 814 After stepping off the stage, Sylvia calmly changed back into the dress she had worn before. Sitting back down in her seat, she felt like the dazzling woman on stage just moments ago was not really her. People around her continued to praise her performance.

"Miss Andrews, your performance was amazing!" "Your rendition of ‘Soul was so beautiful!" "I almost cried from how good it sounded.” "How did you play the keyboard so well?" As Sylvia made her way from backstage to her seat, nearly everyone praised and complimented her. Brayden was busy messaging his mother on Facebook.

"Mama! Did you see that? My aunt is so cool!" "Well of course she is. Your aunt is the best in the world!" replied Mrs. Wright.

Sylvia sat back down next to Franklin who handed her a bottle of water with its cap already unscrewed. She glanced at him and smiled; he always looked out for her.

Taking a few sips of water, Sylvia turned back towards the stage where they were now presenting awards for composition. Jenna went up to receive an award as a dual champion - another moment that caused excitement among those present.

Meanwhile online, people were going crazy over this year's Graley Piano Competition - even more than when Ashlyn performed under "Wynter". The same song but different styles of interpretation created quite a stir; especially when Sylvia took center stage with an unexpected twist that left everyone excited and thrilled! Whether it was fans in attendance or those watching live online, everyone agreed that Sylvia alone brought an audio-visual feast comparable to that of an entire band! Her keyboard skills were simply amazing and left people feeling exhilarated! Her performance became one of this year's most talked-about events at Graley Piano Competition! Other performers behind Sylvia found themselves struggling because compared to what they had seen earlier - their performances seemed lackluster by comparison! Some audience members even found themselves bored or disinterested during other performances after seeing what Sylvia could do! Even their previously favorite performers seemed dull by comparison! At each Graley Piano Competition event there would be voting for most popular performer which would then receive recognition as "Most Popular Performance Award".

The voting channel for the Graley Piano Competition closes at the very last moment of the competition, making it one of the most fiercely contested events every year. It's a reward for performers, but this year there was no doubt in anyone's mind that Sylvia's Soul would win. She not only played well but sang beautifully too. So when the host announced Sylvia's Soul as the winner of Most Popular Program at Graley Piano Competition, thunderous applause erupted from the audience.

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Then, on a large screen behind him, came all of the program rankings. Sylvia's Soul was way ahead with fans from all over the world going crazy to vote for her. The voting channels included online platforms and live fan voting machines.

Sylvia won an astonishing 355 million votes! Other programs didn't even come close to getting millions or billions of votes like she did; she single-handedly beat them all.

Mr. Guzman had a complicated expression on his face; he wanted to congratulate Sylvia but couldn't find his voice. This feeling...

it was really uncomfortable.

He also wanted to make friends with her, but he couldn't bring himself to do it before now because he used to hate Louis and Sylvia both - however after seeing what she just pulled off so skillfully - Mr. Guzman had no choice but admit that he respected her talent greatly! He could play piano well enough himself... but compared with playing instruments or singing songs like Sylvia did? He knew deep down inside that he couldn't hold a candle against her! Why shouldn't she be President of The Piano Association? Now Mr. Guzman felt that nobody else could do it besides her! After receiving her award onstage and stepping back down again, host announced that this year's Graley Piano Competition had come to an end successfully.

Each winner received not only prize money but also opportunities for official cooperation with Graley Piano Competition in future projects.

Sylvia walked out from under everyone's congratulations and praise surrounded by people who were congratulating and complimenting her performance while Mr. Guzman followed along behind them finally summoning up courage. "Miss Andrews," he said as they walked out together "Congratulations! We should work together sometime." Mrs. Ritter and Ashlyn also walked out after them just in time see this scene unfold before their eyes; their faces turned sour like they'd eaten something terrible.

Ashlyn walked quickly to Mr. Guzman's side, "Mr. Guzman, it's late. How about we go get some late-night snacks together?" At the moment, Mr. Guzman was trying to please Sylvia and seeing Ashlyn made him annoyed.

But then he suddenly thought of the rumor that had surfaced on the internet tonight - that Ashlyn was Wynter herself.

Although Ashlyn didn't have much talent in playing the piano, but... if she really was Wynter, then having her as his apprentice would be quite prestigious.

With this thought in mind, Mr. Guzman put on a more amiable face and said: "Sure! Why don't you tell me about your inspiration and methods when composing?” Upon hearing Mr. Guzman's words, Ashlyn was overjoyed and said: "This way please." She deliberately looked at Sylvia with arrogance - as long as | speak up, Mr. Guzman will still follow me? Who do you think you are? Sylvia: "..." Is this woman crazy? Why did she suddenly look at me so triumphantly? Mrs. Ritter wasn't optimistic like Ashlyn.

Her face turned black and she had to pinch her palm to restrain herself from rushing up and strangling Sylvia.

This bitch! How dare she be good at everything?! She can even play keyboard so well and sing with such a great voice! She trembled with anger; just now when Mr. Guzman knelt down before Sylvia it deeply stimulated Mrs. Ritter even more.

Her head buzzed loudly; her heart almost burst from anger.

She only felt that what she performed on stage with her daughter was a joke.

She stared hatefully at Sylvia's beautiful yet unreal face under moonlight which seemed perfect like a goddess in Greek mythology.

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Why? Why did they work so hard for so long just to be overshadowed by her? Why were all fame and reputation they wanted for themselves achieved by her instead? Her own daughter is obviously excellent but always beaten by Jenna or crushed by Sylvia every time! Sylvia, wherever she stands, becomes the spotlight! At this moment, Mr. Guzman and Ashlyn had walked over. Mr. Guzman spoke in a lofty tone, "I am very picky about late-night snacks..." Mrs. Ritter felt embarrassed, especially in front of the middle-aged man who had groveled before Sylvia.

However, she didn't dare to offend this man in front of her.

She was still counting on him to introduce her daughter into the international music circle.

So she forced herself to calm down and said with white-knuckled fingers, "Mr. Guzman can go wherever he wants to go; you can choose any place.” As she spoke, her fingers involuntarily tightened again, and the anger inside her couldn't be suppressed.

After the three got into the Ritter family's car, Mrs. Ritter sat with Ashlyn.

She took out her phone to check online news and found that Sylvia was indeed very popular with many fans.

Many media outlets were publishing videos of her showing off their skills.

But there was also another voice: "What's going on? Wynter herself doesn't perform as well as Sylvia?" "Are these media outlets crazy? They're everywhere talking down about my Wynter!" "Ashlyn performs best; she is my Wynter in my heart." "Beautiful and gentle; elegant atmosphere: Wynter!" Wynter has many fans who became famous early on - especially many Eden's fans are also Wynter's fans because they are grateful for how Wynter helped make Eden famous.

Now online rumors suggest that Ashlyn is actually Wynter - so these original fans of Wynters are all standing up for Ashlyn now! "I think Miss Ritter, Wyner's program should be the most popular!" "Yes! Are those voting viewers brain-dead? " "| think Graley Piano Competition must have falsified data-how could there be more than 300 million votes? It's too scary!" These fans of Winters on social platforms were crazy stirring things up by creating public opinion! Mrs. Ritter felt extremely pleased watching all this unfold before them She gently tapped Ashlyn indicating that she should look at her phone Ashlynn took a look at it finally feeling some relief from all that anger inside.

Mrs. Ritter breathed a sigh of relief- no one knows who Winter really is This kind development trend was exactly what Mrs. Ritter wanted With proper utilization they could definitely turn things around In a restaurant at this moment, Sylvia and Franklin were sitting in a private room with Louis and Fashion Mogul. Lena and Gracie, two beautiful women, also joined them. Jasper Brayden and Jenna were all seated together, creating a harmonious atmosphere.

The group was chatting excitedly about the Graley Piano Competition that evening while Sylvia ate pastries in front of her and listened to their conversation. Suddenly, Louis received a phone call.

"Why is someone calling so late?" he muttered under his breath before answering the call. "What's up with Hipps family? Oh my god! Okay, | got it." Sylvia overheard the mention of Hipps family and looked up at Louis curiously. "Is it about their case?" "Their house has been sealed off! | have to rush back to Aettosa," said Louis regretfully as he put down his utensils.