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After divorce, Ex-wife Revealed Identities

Chapter 808
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Chapter 808 "This contract... all the conditions written on it are in favor of our Hipps Group!" Skyla's voice was trembling, her throat hoarse as she exclaimed, "The wig factory building was given to us for free! And that piece of land too. It allows us to do whatever we want onit" "Skyla, do you really think there could be such a good thing in this world? Is Clark stupid?" Clare gave Skyla a cold glance.

"What... what do you mean?" Skyla stared at Clare with shock, her heart sinking.

Tammy rushed towards Skyla on the ground and quickly opened the contract. "This... this contract clearly states that it is given to us." Her beautiful eyes were tinged with red. "Uncle and Grandpa, did you make a mistake about something?" "Hehe..." Clare had lost all patience with these two foolish women.

"Take a good look at the additional agreement behind it." "Additional agreement? How could there still be an additional agreement?" Skyla's mind went blank. She quickly snatched the contract from Tammy's hand and flipped to the back.

There was an additional agreement on the last page: "The ownership of the factory building still belongs to Clark, and Clark can use it anytime he wants." "Do you know what is inside that factory building right now?" Clare was so angry that her face turned white. "Three tons of acetone explosives! Do you know that? And your signed contract says Hipps Group has usage rights for one year. Now H Rovirsa thinks those explosives belong to Hipps Group!" "What? Acetone explosives? How could they appear in our factory building?" Skyla kept shaking her head; her face turned pale with fear. "No, no! Brother, listen to me explain..." "You go explain yourself to the police!" Clare trembled all over with anger.

"Dad, Mom, | really don't know anything," Sklya shuddered; chills ran down her spine.

Acetone explosives have always been banned internationally; no matter which country they are found in will cause alarm bells ringing everywhere.

But now...

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Three tons were found inside Hipps family's factory building which meant only one thing - smuggling.

Hipps Family cannot wash their hands clean from this incident.

Especially since they were placed inside H Rovirsa's property — concrete evidence against them.

Furthermore, H Rovirsa and Aettosa were currently negotiating. They either had to hand over the Hipps family or turn this into an international case.

If they hand over the Hipps Family, H Rovirsa will comply with punishment and they will still maintain friendly relations with Aettosa.

If they don't... it will become an international criminal case, and it won't be as simple as just handing over the Hipps Family like now.

Old Mr. Hipps is no longer in charge of anything. Although Clare has not officially inherited the title, he manages almost everything for the Hipps Group.

He is going to be held accountable first.

Old Mr. Hipps sighed heavily. "The Hipps family are finished." Tammy and Skyla heard Old Mr. Hipps' words and collapsed on the ground with pale faces while their minds were buzzing.

Why did things turn out like this? Clark didn't say it would end up like this at all! "You two foolish women signed that contract yourselves; you can take responsibility for my son," The old Mrs. Hipps said while her chest heaved up and down." should have kicked you both out long ago but unfortunately your actions have brought shame upon our family name." "Mom, I'm your biological daughter; how could you make me take responsibility?" Skyla panicked when she heard that the old Mrs. Hipps was going to make her take responsibility, "Mom, | only cooperated with Clark because | followed your orders!" "You're not my daughter at all! Do you think I'll believe your lies?" The old Mrs. Hipps took out Clare's paternity test results which proved that Skyla wasn't related by blood," Look at this carefully! You are not my daughter! How did you bribe those doctors in order to get a fake report? My son has got his hands on a real one!" Skyla trembled all over her body, "No... that's not true. Clare!" She pointed angrily at Clare's handsome face.” Why did you do this to me? | know that you've never liked me as an older sister but... | am still your biological sister! How could you show Mother a fake report?" She crawled on her knees towards the old Mrs. Hipps begging, "Mom, don't listen to what Clare says. They're all lies. | really am your daughter!" "If you really are my daughter, then it'll be my misery," the old Mrs. Hipps sneered. "If | don't believe my son, should | believe a woman like you who has ruined the entire Hipps family?" She couldn't take it anymore. "Someone come! Take the mother and daughter to the police station!" The old Mrs. Hipps raised her chin, tears rolling in her eyes as she choked up. "Take Clare with them too!" "Honey!" Old Mr. Hipps cried out in anguish. "Our son did nothing wrong..." "He is the heir of the Hipps family and this is what he should endure," said the old Mrs. Hipps turning away without looking at her own son.

Her greatest pain was that Clare would go to jail without leaving any bloodline for their family.

She didn't know if she would ever see him again in this lifetime.

Three tons! Not three thousand grams; he wasn't sentenced for ten or eight years... at least twenty to thirty years would be his punishment.

Tears streamed down from the old Mrs. Hipps' eyes."My Hipps Family is finished..." "My family's hundred-year glory has been destroyed by you two foolish women with snake-like hearts,” Mr. Hipps fumed as he kicked Skyla hard. "How could we have been so blind to accept you back?" "Dad, listen to me... listen to me!" Skyla hugged Mr. Hipps' leg tightly."Dad, | don't want to go to jail, don't send me there!" "Grandpa, I'm still young. If I go to jail, how will | get married?" Tammy burst into tears.

But they didn't evoke any sympathy whatsoever from anyone present there.

The old Mrs. Hippss hated them both now. She wished she could kill them both! "How could we have been so blind? You've ruined our entire family." "Mom... there's no need for words anymore. I'm going out and when | come back, I'll go myself." Clare stood up."It's just a pity that | couldn't find my sister. If she were here, maybe she could comfort you." He hesitated for a moment but ultimately did not voice his suspicions about Sylvia.

"Clare! Where are you going? Are you trying to escape?" The old Mrs. Hippss looked at him worriedly.

If he fled, the crime would be even worse than before...

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"Don't worry, Mom. | won't escape. | just want to see someone," said Clare as he walked briskly towards outside door .

The night was dark, and his figure quickly disappeared into the darkness.

Inside a dormitory for female pilots, a woman sat anxiously. She looked out the window from time to time, her heart pounding.

Suddenly, her phone rang. She rushed over and grabbed it. "Hello, Grandpa.” "Mollie!" old Mr. Gibson's voice sounded tired. "I went to plead with the president, but this is not an easy matter." "Grandpa, | believe in him. He would never do anything that harms the people's interests. He must be innocent and someone is framing him." Mollie's voice was hoarse with a hint of tears. "Grandpa, please beg the president... let him spare Hipps Family..." "The crime committed by Hipps Family is an international criminal case which can land anyone in jail even if they have just one kilogram of it on them." old Mr. Gibson sighed heavily. "This matter should not involve our Gibson family." "Grandpa..." Mollie's eyes turned red with tears as she pleaded again.

"I'am old now and have no face left to ask for favors from the president,” said old Mr. Gibson as he frowned slightly. "If you really want to save Hipps family, then try finding Miss Andrews; she might be able to help you." "Miss Andrews?" Mollie suddenly felt hopeful again as she exclaimed excitedly: "Okay! I'll call her right away!" Sylvia was working on some design sketches on her laptop when her phone rang.

She picked it up and raised an eyebrow after seeing who was calling: "Miss Gibson? Is there something urgent at this late hour?" Mollie heard Sylvia's cold tone but still felt relieved hearing her voice: "I need your help with something." Ten minutes later Sylvia hung up the phone.

She stared at her computer screen thoughtfully; Hipps Family had gotten into trouble? No wonder Clare had left immediately after receiving that call during Graley Piano Competition instead of staying for other events like everyone else did.

She never expected such a big incident could happen so suddenly! Franklin noticed how serious Sylvia looked after taking that call; he came over curiously and gently massaged her shoulders while asking: "What happened?” Sylvia briefly recounted what had transpired over their conversation earlier on regarding Hipps family's predicament .

Franklin frowned. "It looks like Clark is framing someone. It's obvious that it's a trap set by Clark. | just didn't expect him to be so restless after escaping from prison. But what does he have against the Hipps family? Why would he plot against them like this?" "I'm not sure," Sylvia replied, her clear eyes flickering slightly. "But | didn't expect Mollie to have a good relationship with Clare." She had a good impression of both Clare and the Hipps family.

"What are you going to do about this?" Franklin asked softly.

"Since it has come to me, | can't let Clark get away with it," Sylvia said, her eyes flashing with determination. "He was my enemy from the beginning!"