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After Transmigrating, The Fat Wife Made A Comeback!

Chapter 2047 - 2047: Grow Seasonal Fruits
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Chapter 2047: Grow Seasonal Fruits

Translator: Atlas Studios    Editor: Atlas Studios

Qiao Mei brought along her entire family to have sfun there. In Country

M, the children lived on the farm and they could run around freely every day. Although their house in the capital was also very big, it was small compared with the farm in Country M.

The country had given these warehouses and land to Qiao Mei as a reward. In the past two years, Li Gui had purchased the various plots of land in the vicinity. The total land area now was about the ssize as the farm in Country M.

“Mom, have the watermelons sold well in the past two years? How much did we produce?” Qiao Mei asked.

“In the first year, it was not too bad. Sometimes we could harvest 8,000 pounds per mu, sometimes 4,000 pounds per mu. The price was different depending on the variety, but the sales had always been very good. In the second year, there was more rain and we harvested less watermelons, but it was still alright,” Li Gui said.

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She had noted down all these details earnestly and documented all the information of every field in each area. She knew that Qiao Mei often did research on seeds and had heard from others that it was important to record the details of the seeds’ growth. Li Gui did not go far from this piece of land in the past two years. She wanted to make sure that she had all the information for Qiao Mei when Qiao Mei returned.

Li Gui had realized that Qiao Mei t s seeds would grow quite well in the first year, but the quality would deteriorate as they continued planting. The later harvests would never be as good as the first year.

However, this was not really a big problem. Qiao Mei was a top student who had returned from studying overseas! She could definitely solve the problem easily!

Qiao Mei took smeasurements in the field and decided to construct greenhouses on the 50 mu of land in front of her. She wanted to cultivate different kinds of seeds here.

Now that the economy had opened up, there was no shortage of food. However, there was still a shortage of certain types of fruits and seasonal vegetables. Many varieties of fruit could not survive in winter, so there was a very limited supply of fruits during the winter season. Qiao Mei wanted to solve this problem and improve everyone’s lives.

“It must cost a lot of money to build so many greenhouses. I have saved up all the money we made from selling the watermelons in the past two years. I’ll give it all to you when we get home,” Li Gui said.

“Sure!” Qiao Mei agreed.

Each matter must be dealt with on its own merits. Li Gui had made this money from selling the produce, so Qiao Mei definitely had a share in it. If Qiao Mei wanted to give the money to Li Gui, then that was her act of filial piety and was a separate matter altogether. Li Gui could not just assthat the money was hers.

Qiao Mei tasked many people to work on the construction. The greenhouses on the 50 mu of land were completed after three days. Following this, Qiao Mei could plant strawberries, watermelons, pineapples and melons as much as she wanted!

Given that there was so much land, it was naturally impossible for Qiao Mei to do everything herself. She spent two days training her staff and teaching them all the planting techniques and requirements.

All of them had to sign confidentiality agreements. They could not tell or teach other people these skills, or they would need to pay huge amounts of compensation.

After all, she had studied hard overseas for a period of time. She must make use of all the best practices she learned in Country M.

At the stime, all the machine parts had reached Shen City. They were just waiting for Qiao Mei to cover and give them spointers. It was tfor her to pack her things and set off.

Before Qiao Mei left, Gao Lin cto look for her and asked, “Are you going to the factory in Shen City?”

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“That’s right. Granduncle, do you want to invest in it too?” Qiao Mei asked.

“l still have to think carefully before acquiring assets here. Most of the Gao familys assets are still overseas now, so it will take stto male preparations if we intend to do any business here. Moreover, the Gao family’s assets were all distributed to other relatives back then, so it will take a lot of tto deal with this as well,” Gao Lin explained.

“It’s alright, take your time,” Qiao Mei said.

“I’m thinking of going with you to take a look at how much the place has changed in the face of progress,” Gao Lin said.

Qiao Mei thought for a long tbefore she said, “Granduncle, are you thinking of going back to Hu City to take a look?”

“I’ve been gone for so many years. It’s tto go back and take a look. Besides, the Gao family still has many properties there that we left behind back then. I’m going this tto prepare to take back the Gao family’s things. We probably still own one street there,” Gao Lin said.

At that time, the tycoons in Hu City liked to divide up the districts among themselves and each person would own one street or one district. The Gao family used to own all the assets in one district. When they left in a hurry, they gave most of the companies and shops to their relatives. In the end, only the assets on one street were still in Gao Lin’s possession.

“How long is the street?” Qiao Mei asked..

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