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A Beauty With Multiple Masks

Chapter 1811
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With that thought in mind, Abigail quickly had a subordinate sneak into Anna’s mansion before dinner ended. Of

course, she couldn’t do the same to Gaspar, especially since she knew how vigilant he was. Sending someone to tail

him would only risk exposing her sooner rather than later.

“Gaspar!” Anna shouted when she saw the man walking back to his room.

As it turned out, Gaspar had already anticipated that and instantly stopped in his tracks with a smirk. “What’s the


“If I hadn’t insisted on following you, would you have left me here?”

Seeing how Anna was pouting her lips in annoyance, Gaspar knew it’d be fun to tease her.

“This is your home, though. Isn’t it normal for you to stay here?”

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“But…” Anna said before her words trailed off.

No matter how open-minded people in her country were, what she wanted to say was still a little embarrassing.

Gaspar inched closer, his gaze never once leaving her. “But what?”

“I’m already your woman. How could you ditch me?” Anna mumbled before another thought crossed her mind and

made her frown.

“Hmph! What if I’m pregnant? Wouldn’t you be leaving your child behind too?”

Gaspar’s smirk immediately faded as he stared intently at Anna. “Are you really pregnant with my child?”

Although I’ve slept with many women, none of them are qualified to carry my child.

Anna, however, is an exception. I’ll gladly marry her if she’s pregnant and wants to keep the baby. That way, we’ll

be able to raise our child together.

Anna hurriedly shook her head when she felt the man‘s intense gaze. “How would I know? It’s only been a few


It’d take at least a month before I know if I’m pregnant, wouldn’t it?

Then again, why is he staring at me like that? Does he not like kids?

The next second, she stared back into Gaspar’s eyes. “Do you not like kids?”

Anna’s question came so suddenly that for a moment, Gaspar was tongue-tied.

Do I like kids?

After recalling everything he had experienced as a child, he wanted to nod and say he didn’t like children. However,

when he saw how hopeful Anna was, he decided to shake his head instead.

“I don’t like other people‘s children, but that won’t apply to my own,” he replied.

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When he saw Anna’s eyes lighting up, he smiled and lightly pinched her chin. “So, will you give me a child?”

To his surprise, Anna harrumphed and slapped his hand away. After taking a few steps, she suddenly turned around

and stuck her tongue out at Gaspar.

“Do you think you can impregnate me in just one try? Are you even that capable?”

With that, she hightailed it back to her mansion, knowing her words would undoubtedly bruise any man’s ego.

As expected, Gaspar was stunned momentarily before giving chase and pinning Anna against her room door.

“Oh, I‘ll let you know just how capable I am,” he said as he swiftly picked her up and threw her onto the bed.


Meanwhile, an hour ago in Chanaea, Oswald had ended his call with Gaspar and promptly sent a text to his chat


Let’s attend the meeting at Nightshire Group. Don’t worry. Just stay alert and act accordingly…

Later, Oswald arrived at the office and went straight to the conference room. Alas, when he saw the documents

that Rayson had given out, his face instantly turned ashen.