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A Beauty With Multiple Masks

Chapter 119
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Chapter 119,A Beauty with Multiple Masks

“Are you alright?” Vinson looked back and asked. Arielle shook her head. “I’m okay. Please do not rough

up the patient, Mr. Jupiter. Sufferers of trauma tend to be more sensitive toward external stimuli, so he

didn’t mean to.” “Okay…” Only then did Harvey withdraw the hand that Carter held onto, but he remained

where he was and kept a vigilant eye on the man in the bed. Carter winced and massaged his own


“Hey, Harvey. How about you hit the fella harder next time and kill him outright so we don’t have to go

through all this trouble of trying to fix his kooky head?” Harvey cleared his throat sheepishly in response,

and found it inexplicably vexing to see Vinson and Arielle stand in close proximity.

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Even though he understood that Vinson did it to save her, that did not stop him from feeling sore about it.

Klaus returned with a box shortly after, only to see the patient completely out cold with a bloodied nose

and with fate uncertain. “What… what’s going on here?” All eyes then fell upon Harvey, who felt the

pressure from that a little overwhelming. “I’m going to head outside for a breather.” With that, he turned

around and stepped away.

The confounded Klaus went on to examine the patient alongside Arielle. “Is he alright?” Carter asked

with a frown. Klaus waved his hand. “It’s nothing serious, but he can’t sustain any more of these injuries,

as it would only compound upon his condition. Sufferers of PTSD are emotionally fragile, so I’m not sure

if he would be able to take it should this happen again.” “Yeah. I’m going to test it out,” Arielle said while

she opened up the box Klaus brought in. Inspecting its contents, all the various acupuncture needles

were there as she requested. “Are these the ones?”

Klaus asked. “Yes.” Arielle replied in the affirmative. “I’m going to get started, so it’s just as well that he’s

unconscious. It would be impossible for me to work if he stayed alert, considering his unpredictability.”

“Please go ahead.” Klaus spoke diffidently without realizing it. Before Arielle began, she took the time to

remind Carter. “Please help me get the DNA testing done. As for the issue over here, I’ll do my best to

deliver a satisfactory outcome.”

“Got it.” Carter replied. He then started for the door with the two strands of hair, but not before issuing

Klaus another reminder. “Watch her. Have fun, but don’t overdo it.” Klaus bowed in response. “Don’t

worry, we won’t.” Carter then exited and closed the door to the ward behind him. Arielle retrieved a

copper-plated needle and approached the patient. “Are you going for the head?” Klaus said, seemingly a

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little unsure.

“It’ll be incredibly risky. Are you sure you can handle this?” Arielle blinked. Steadying the needles in her

hand, she proceeded to jab them into the Baihui, Sishencong, Shenting, and Fengchi acupuncture points

on the head with pinpoint precision. Jordan’s eyes were riveted as he watched on at the side, positively

certain that Carter would have lost his marbles if he were there because he himself could not help but

worry for the patient.

He could not hold himself back from approaching Vinson. “Would poking this thing into his head kill him?”

Vinson shot Jordan a look and communicated with his eyes for the latter to be quiet before turning back

to observe Arielle at work. With the needling completed, Arielle’s forehead started to bead with sweat.

Most acupuncture services available on the market do not get to the root of the ailments, and its effects

were not felt by the practitioners themselves. While that of true traditional Chanaean medicine from

antiquity, though quick and effective, often took its toll on the practitioner’s own energies. After the

placement of the four needles, Arielle’s face appeared to be drained of color.