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100 Days to Seduce the Devil

Chapter 752 He is Insane
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Chapter 752  He is Insane

Day Seventy-Eight…


"Godfather… Can I ask you a question?" Tatsumi couldn't hold his curiosity. "What does he want from you and Jane?" He was suspicious of Vincent, thinking he had a bad intent for revealing Mia after all these years.

"Last night, he toldthat he wanted to marry my daughter, Jane…declaring he was the father of Jane's child." Mr. Hiroshi answered him truthfully.

"Eh? Will you allow him… if Mia is indeed Jane's daughter? Will I be disregarded and will no longer be her fiancé?" Tatsumi inquired, putting on a pitiful look.

Mr. Hiroshi immediately halted on his steps, facing Tatsumi. He held his shoulders and looked straight into his eyes.

"You are the only person I can trust to protect my daughter. I will not marry her off to someone dangerous as the leader of the King Stallion Mafia." Mr. Hiroshi reassured Tatsumi.

Tatsumi felt touched when he heard those words from Mr. Hiroshi. However, his expression turned somber when he remembered that Jane only loved Nathan. He couldn't replace him in her heart even if Mr. Hiroshi chose him for his daughter.

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'Sigh. I can never be Jane's husband. Nathan Sparks is already occupying her heart. I have to accept this.'

Tatsumi was lost in his own thoughts when Mr. Hiroshi spoke again. Read Web s Online Free - Fire Fire -

"I will get to the bottom of this. If Mia is Jane's daughter with Vincent, then I have to find out what happened between them. Whenever I observe my daughter gaze at Vincent, I don't discern love in her eyes; rather, I sense only a deep-seated resentment brewing beneath the surface."

Tatsumi nodded his head in agreement. "I will help you. I'll investigate." He volunteered. "If I have to torture the King, I'll do it to get sanswers."

Mr. Hiroshi just chuckled due to Tatsumi's boldness. He was a bit reckless and hot-headed, resorting to violence.

"Calm down. We don't need to be aggressive. We should be more cautious when dealing with our enemies. We need a plan." Mr. Hiroshi tapped Tatsumi's shoulder.

"Okay, Godfather. I understand."

"Good. Now, I have to see Mia and spend twith her. The little girl is so cute. She remindsof Jane's childhood." Mr. Hiroshi's eyes sparkled with delight. He wanted to get close to Mia. Part of him believed that Mia was Jane's daughter because of their resemblance.


Meanwhile, Jane and Vincent were left in the room. Mr. Hiroshi urged the two to talk. Jane decided to confront him. She charged towards him, grabbing his collar. Follow current s on ɴovᴇl_Firᴇ.ɴet

"Why are you doing this, Vincent? Why do you keep meddling with my life? Why do you have to involve an innocent child in your schemes? Feedingagain with another lie?" Jane seethed, her hands clenched tightly around his collar in her fury.

Vincent didn't remove her hands. He just allowed her to express her anger and hatred.

"If she's my daughter, why did you take her away from me? Why did you makebelieve that my baby died? What is your goal for doing this? You mademiserable… You and Monica."

Upon hearing Jane's words, Vincent's composed facade faltered, complicated emotions etched across his face.

"Do you remember everything now?" he asked her, looking at her intently.

"Yes! I do remember everything! The way you lied to me… I recalled them all. You pretended to be Sizzling August… you even used Nathan's face. You deceivedover and over again. You are my greatest demon, Vincent. I resent you!" Jane could no longer hold her emotions. She wanted to kill this man. But part of her was stopping her. Mia was the reason she couldn't kill Vincent for now.

As she lashed out at Vincent, suddenly Vincent made a move. He wrapped her arms around Jane, pulling her into a tight embrace. Jane was taken aback when Vincent suddenly apologized.

"I'm sorry, Jane, for causing you too much pain in the past. I didn't mean to hurt you. I failed to protect you from Monica. Believeor not, I don't have any intention to make you miserable. I didn't have control over things back then."

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"But now… I want to make things right… for you and for our daughter, Mia."

Jane pushed him hard. But Vincent held her body tight, not letting her go.

"Do you expectto believe that? You and Monica are already together!" she snarled at him, still trying to struggle against his embrace.

"Letmarry you, Jane. Letprove–"

Pak! Vincent's words were abruptly silenced by a forceful slap across his face. Jane watched him in disbelief, gritting her teeth.

"Don't makelaugh, Vincent. Marry you??? Do you think I'm crazy enough to marry the guy who ruined my life? Am I a joke to you?" Jane let out a sarcastic laugh. "How can you say that? Just marry Monica and go to hell! Both of you!"

"I love you, Jane! Can't you see that? Everything I'm doing is because of my feelings for you! I want to marry you and create a family together. Let's live together with Mia. Monica means nothing to me. Please, just accept me... and I'll end all ties with her," Vincent confessed, his desperation palpable.

Jane was at a loss for words. She couldn't believe what she was hearing out of Vincent's mouth. This was so ridiculous.

"You are shameless, Vincent. You think so highly of you." Jane sneered at him with a feeling of disgust. "You are unbelievable. A selfish jerk!"

"If I can't have you then… you'll never see Mia again. She's my daughter." Vincent threatened her using Mia.

"What do you mean by that? Are you trying to makehate you more?" Jane asked him in disbelief.

Vincent just smiled at her faintly. "I am forcing you to accept me. Givea chance, Jane. I'll prove to you that I'm worthy of you… worthy of loving you."

Jane shook her head vehemently as she stepped back. feeling a shiver run down her spine under Vincent's intense stare. 'This conceited guy... he's insane!'